Gail (9 March 2011)
"Seven Year Covenant connection with Israel's Megafields."

 Branson warns that oil crunch is coming within five years- Feb 7th 2010
Sir Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin group, whose rail, airline and travel companies are sensitive to energy prices,  say that the ­coming crisis could be even more serious than the credit crunch.
Boy, he was off on timing.
Energy help in Israel  
ATP Oil To Explore Near New Israeli Megafields  Mar 01 2011

“It’s nice to be working with a government that understands the importance of domestic energy security,” says T. Paul Bulmahn, chief executive of ATP Oil & Gas. He’s referring to Israel, where ATG is ironing out the terms of a deal to explore offshore in one of the world’s hottest new natural gas regions

That expertise has proved a perfect match for Israel, where in late February Bulmahn announced a deal for ATP to explore near the recent offshore discoveries Leviathan and Tamar, which appear to hold enough natural gas to grant Israel decades of energy independence. ATP is currently in the running for as many as five licenses to explore and develop an area believed to have as much as 25 trillion cubic feet of natural gas (see: Leviathan Field Could Sustain Israel For Decades).

Remember Israel is part of  -
The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP)-  it's a foreign relations instrument of the European Union (EU)
According to the European Union's official site, the objective of the ENP is to share the benefits of the EU’s 2004 enlargement with neighboring countries.
The countries covered include all of the Mediterranean shores of Africa and Asia.
See if you recognize them in today's headlines.
 And many others.
The ENP is the seven year treaty spoken of in the Book of Daniel.
and currently on hold :
Although the EU’s foreign ministers agreed to upgrade its ties with Israel in June 2008, by redrafting the plan and enhancing political contacts, it has yet to do so.

As a result, no new action plan has been developed. Instead, the 2005 plan has been extended twice and is likely to be extended for a third time next month.

“No one ever declared that the upgrade is frozen,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said on Wednesday. “But we all know that it has lingered on and been postponed ."


The upgrade as it has been envisioned so far would increase the level and frequency of political contacts between Israel and the EU, he said.

The existing action plan provides for a wealth of positive interaction in a wide range of fields such as telecommunications, transportation, energy, environment, education and the fight against terrorism and anti-Semitism, Standley said.(May 15 2010)

That's why there is a need to "confirm" the covenant with Israel(because it's been on hold).  And guess who just happens to have a huge energy surplus - Israel.
Who will fill Mideast Envoy need for EU? 
 EU's Ashton mulls scrapping Mideast envoy job Mar 4 2011
EU chief diplomat Catherine Ashton has left the job of special envoy to the Middle East vacant while she decides whether to scrap the post, a decision that disappointed the Palestinians on Friday.

A diplomat said it will probably be several months before Ashton decides whether to name a new envoy.

"A final decision will be taken at a later time, probably in the fall," the diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Ashton, who heads the new EU diplomatic corps, is reviewing the bloc's network of special envoys and representatives in order to determine their usefulness.

The EU's foreign and security policy chief has made her personal involvement in the diplomatic efforts in the Middle East a priority.


"We need a special EU independent representative for the peace process and we need the EU's own peace project," Nabil Shaath said.
Prince Charles seems like forgotten man at wedding

Close to many people's retirement age, he's still waiting for the job he was groomed for: King of England. And he's preparing for the wedding that will make his eldest son William and Kate Middleton the fresh new faces of a monarchy sorely in need of renewal.

That leaves Charles,himself, something of a forgotten man.

He is sandwiched between his mother Queen Elizabeth II, treasured for her steadfast dignity and devotion to duty since her coronation in 1953, and Prince William, who carries a hint of the late Princess Diana's glamour wherever he goes.


Now he is viewed by some people as slightly potty — a stooping man who talks to his plants and goes on about the virtues of organic food while relying on a retinue of loyal aides to handle life's more tedious tasks, like putting toothpaste on his toothbrush.

This view, reflected in polls that consistently show most Britons would prefer that Prince William become the next king.


Don't be a meddling monarch, Charles

Nov 2008


If the Prince of Wales wants political influence and power, he should relinquish the throne. 

Reports over the weekend reveal Charles's true intentions. Not content with meddling in political debates and haranguing ministers as heir to the throne, he craves power and influence at the highest level, but wants to be spared the inconvenience of an election.
P.Charles is the A/C, he does abdicate the throne in favor of EU, (for) probably the post that Baroness(English title of nobility) Ashton is looking to fill. 
I have always posted P.Charles - Antichrist
King Abdullah II (Jordan) - False Prophet
Barack Obama on Monday(march 7th) said that NATO is considering taking military action in Libya, USA Today reported. 
God Bless,
