Dave Molina (9 March 2011)
"Obama Administration is officially on record pressuring chaplains to quit the service if they cannot 'reconcile' with homosexual sin"

This guy just never quits does he. You name the area of morality, freedom or liberty and he is the constant destroyer

An excerpt
....."'Now the Obama Administration is officially on record pressuring chaplains to quit the service if they cannot 'reconcile' with homosexual sin that violates their Christian conscience,' said a petition on its website........

HOT PETITION!  Defend military Chaplains and Christian troops from LGBT persecution. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress.

Military Chaplains charged with "Hate Speech?"  Even liberals predict.

The Pray In Jesus Name Project was featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week, with YOUR fax petition campaign to Congress getting noticed.  Reporter Ann Rogers interviewed military chaplains who fear persecution by the Obama Administration, especially now that open homosexual service is being fast-tracked in violation of the rights of many Christian troops.

"The majority of 3,000 chaplains are theologically conservative Christians, many of whom worry that they will be accused of hate speech if they preach that same-sex relationships are sinful," the paper reports.  

"The Pray in Jesus Name Project, which supports conservative chaplains, has called the Pentagon guidelines the 'plan to purge Christians' from chaplaincy.

"'Now the Obama Administration is officially on record pressuring chaplains to quit the service if they cannot 'reconcile' with homosexual sin that violates their Christian conscience,' said a petition on its website.

"The 'purge' is a clause that says chaplains have an option to leave the military that isn't open to others who object to serving with gay troops. They can ask their faith group to withdraw its endorsement, which would trigger a discharge.

"Retired Brig. Gen. Douglas E. Lee, a former Army chaplain who endorses for six conservative Presbyterian bodies, is less alarmist, but shares the concern that protection of religious freedom may erode.

"The fundamental issue for us is morality, but the debate is being purposely framed as a civil rights or a discrimination issue," he said.

"Homosexuality is 'just another sin that affects soldiers, airmen, guardians and Marines. However no other category that we would declare as sin is ... claiming civil rights to be a serial adulterer.'

"Any charges of hate speech will 'depend on how the chaplains handle themselves,' said the Rev. John Gundlach, a retired Navy chaplain and endorser for the United Church of Christ, which affirms gay sexuality."

Charges of hate speech against military chaplains?  Even the pro-homosexual liberals admit the charges are coming.  The full article may be read here.  But suffice it to say we need to petition Congress to protect our Christian troops and Chaplains right to open religious expression, the same way the Obama Administration is now flaunting open homosexual expression.   

SELECT HERE to sign NEW PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS, TROOPS, AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION, and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly, (saving you much time!)  TAKE A STAND! 

The Obama Administration has now begun writing policies that will result in discharge of Christian Chaplains and troops who cannot "reconcile" with homosexual sin.  Below are four shocking proof examples revealing how the purge has already begun, and why we must fight back NOW by demanding Congress investigate and pass strong laws defending our troops right to religious freedom starting with H.R. 268 which has not yet passed in 6 years, clearly defending military chaplains' right to pray publicly "in Jesus name."  

1.  Report: Chaplains who can't "reconcile" with homosexual sin will be separated. 

The newly released Pentagon plan to purge Christians entitled "DADT Report: Support Plan for Implementation" specifically requires Christian chaplains to "reconcile" with homosexual sin or face administrative discharge. It repeats twice on pages 30 and 57: "If a chaplain is unable to reconcile serving with or caring for gay and lesbian Service members with his or her faith, the chaplain may request that the relevant endorsing agency withdraw its ecclesiastical endorsement for him or her. This would trigger an administrative separation under DoDI 1304.28."  Wow.  Now the Obama Administration is officially on record pressuring Chaplains to quit the service if they cannot "reconcile" with homosexual sin that violates their Christian conscience.  This "plan" alone should alarm the new conservative Congress to the need for bold protection of Chaplains' rights.  Let's help... 

SELECT HERE to sign NEW PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS, TROOPS, AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION, and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly, (saving you much time!)  TAKE A STAND! 

2.  Chaplains will have religious "freedom" only in context of Sunday chapel. 

The Pentagon report dubiously promises to protect Chaplains' freedoms, "in the context of their religious ministry," claiming they won't need to change their sermons, counseling, prayers, or worship.  But speaking from personal experience as a former Navy chaplain, I can decode the secret word "context" to mean chaplains clearly WON'T have religious freedom outside of that "context."  As proof, in my case the Navy twice declared the only safe religious "context" was ONLY inside a Sunday chapel.  As a chaplain I was punished in writing three times for quoting the Bible EVEN inside chapel, but since the optionally-attended worship service was held on a Saturday, not a Sunday, Navy investigators sided with the Commander who punished my sermons.  Later a Navy judge ruled that my Thursday prayers outside the White House were "not public worship" which was only safe in the context of Sunday chapel, instead finding me guilty of the misdemeanor crime of "worshipping in public" in uniform which he said was NOT protected by federal law, so my commander could order me to stop "worshipping in public" in uniform.  Say what?   Because my prayers in Jesus name were not said in the proper "context," they were properly punished, the Navy judge ruled to punish the chaplain.  

SELECT HERE to sign NEW PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS, TROOPS, AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION, and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly, (saving you much time!)  TAKE A STAND! 

3.  Battalion Commander relieved of duty for refusing to "endorse" open sin. 

One Senior Officer in the Army National Guard has already been relieved of his battalion-level commanding officer job after stating his conscience would not allow him to participate in "re-education" training that will soon force young Christians to learn how to respect homosexual sin.  "Today is my last day in command," the career Army officer told WND.com, anonymously for fear of losing his retirement.  "From now on I'll be a staff officer without a bunch of people working under me, so I won't have the moral conflict with having to enforce this new policy on them...When I retire I will speak on the record. I don't know how much I can do before that. Sooner or later I'm going to get told to shut up. If I continue to make statements, it might become a witch hunt. I don't want to lose my retirement unless it comes to the point they tell me I have to attend the [pro-'gay'] training."  

SELECT HERE to sign NEW PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS, TROOPS, AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION, and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly, (saving you much time!)  TAKE A STAND! 

4.  Left demands punishment of Christian Colonel who is taking a stand. 

Atheist bloggers and anti-Christian complainers are demanding punishment for one heroic career Army officer, Lt. Col. Stacy L. Maxey, who said he will exercise his legal right to take a stand for Jesus against homosexual sin by publicly expressing his Christian beliefs.  

In a letter to Stars and Stripes entitled "Won't Choose To Deal With It," Lt. Col. Maxey took a stand, and wrote:  

"So let me see if I understand this: The Defense Department is proposing to let people who choose to live a homosexual lifestyle serve 'openly' in the armed forces, but won’t allow Christians such as myself the freedom to 'openly' share the good news of Christ with our co-workers — as the faith we’ve chosen requires? 

"DOD officials plan to tell servicemembers who have a problem with those living a homosexual lifestyle to 'learn to deal with it,' but they are prepared to counsel and/or slap Christians with paperwork if someone feels “offended” by our witness? Wearing sexual lifestyle choices on your sleeve is OK, but not your faith? 

"Military chaplains who teach that homosexuality is antithetical to and incompatible with Christianity (which it is) can either muzzle their objections or 'leave,' but gays will be permitted to parade their lifestyle choices in front of all? 

"Bottom line: So I’m free to express myself if I’m a homosexual, but not if I’m a Christian? What disgraceful hypocrisy.

"Here’s the truth: I will continue to witness to who I want, when I want and where I want. My commitment to my God supersedes my commitment to the DOD and, if officials are upset about that, then I guess they can 'learn to deal with it.' 

"Department of Defense? More like the Department of Double Standards." 

                                                              --Lt. Col. Stacy L. Maxey, Afghanistan 

This officer deserves a bronze star for his courage.  But do you think he's being hailed as a hero by the pro-homosexual community?  No, the atheist complainers have demanded this Christian be punished.  Let's take a stand for Jesus, for our troops, for freedom, and demand Congress protect our chaplains and troops free speech and religion...

SELECT HERE to sign NEW PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS, TROOPS, AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION, and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly, (saving you much time!)  TAKE A STAND!

Friends, our Christian chaplains and troops are under fire, now more than ever, unless Congress passes strong laws to protect their free religious expression.  Let's take a stand today, and demand Congress pass laws protecting their religious rights.   

God Bless you, in Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt

(For media interviews, contact here.) 

P.S. Time is urgent!  We must make a bold statement to the new Congress before they get distracted with less important issues.  Religious freedom for our troops is my #1 legislative priority this year 2011.  Will you make it yours?  Please sign our petition today!  Prefer to donate by mail?  Please mail paper check or money orders to:  The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO  80970.

SELECT HERE to sign NEW PETITION to PROTECT CHAPLAINS, TROOPS, AND FREE RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION in the face of PERSECUTION, and we will fax 535 Members of the House and Senate instantly, (saving you much time!)  TAKE A STAND!

Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform, (but was later vindicated by Congress), are his own personal views, not the views of any political party, government, or organization.