Chris (11 March 2011)


The Lord told me this moring. Peace be still when the quickness comes we well be able to hear what the Lord has to say. But now it is so nosey all around us we can not hear him. When the quick comes we well not know how to handle the quickness. Some well freck out. We well be able to hear the birds sing there songs of praise. We well hear the wind blow to hear the birds talk to us. But we can not hear them for the nosey world we live in we have blocked them out. Try going outside now and listen to the birds what they are saying,they are speaking a heavenly song. If only we could here them . The church has become silent and to scared to speck out the true word. The churchs our falling at the wayside. Jesue  says in the light & darkness I well out shine them all. When I return everyone well know it, everyone,everyone. The rewards well be giving at the time of the arising , some rewards well be greater then others. Stand tall your redemption draws near.