BG Ellis (29 March 2011)
"Compelling evidence that THE RAPTURE occurs on Gerry Almond’s dates of: April 4th-5th, 2011! (Part 5)"


John, Gerry, and All Doves,


Here is Part 1:

Compelling evidence that THE RAPTURE occurs on Gerry Almond’s dates of: April 4th-5th, 2011! (Part 1)


Here is Part 2:

Compelling evidence that THE RAPTURE occurs on Gerry Almond’s dates of: April 4th-5th, 2011! (Part 2)


Here is Part 3:

Compelling evidence that THE RAPTURE occurs on Gerry Almond’s dates of: April 4th-5th, 2011! (Part 3)


Here is Part 3b:

Re: Nicole and The Rapture & LA earthquake on 4/4/2011!


Here is Part 4:

Compelling evidence that THE RAPTURE occurs on Gerry Almond’s dates of: April 4th-5th, 2011! (Part 4)





HERE ARE THE REASONS for THE RAPTURE OCCURRING April 4/5, 2011 (continued): 


9. This date is interconnected with the exact date of Jesus’ return to earth on September 23, 2015!  The final Jubilee will begin on the Day of Atonement in 2015 (September 23, 2015 – Yom Kippur).  This date is the lynch pin or corner stone date for all the future prophecies in the latter day layout of time.  This date is when The War of Armageddon occurs, the destruction of The Antichrist and all forces opposing the return of Jesus.  It is very interesting how The Lord’s past prophecies have worked.  In the past, He has said that when a key “lynch pin” date has occurred, then after so many EXACT number of days, the prophesied event would occur.  To get a better idea of how prophecy works, watch the following videos, notice how the event occurs on the exact prophesied day:


In the first 3 videos, Grant Jeffery shows how the exact day was predicted when Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey.









In the next 3 videos, Grant Jeffery shows how the exact day was predicted when Israel would once again become a nation.










It is very important that you know how our “lynch pin” date of: September 23, 2015 was determined.  Without a firm “lynch pin” date established, it becomes a guessing game; always asking whither Jesus will come back in 2015, 2016 or 2018?  Please read the following articles:






The Final Jubilee Starts in 2015!

The final Jubilee will begin on the Day of Atonement in 2015. (September 23, 2015 - Yom Kippur).  There will have been 40 complete Jubilee cycles following Christ’s death. Isn’t that interesting? There are so many 40’s in the Bible and 40 is a significant number to God. The 40 Jubilees after Christ’s death bring us to the end of probationary time. After 2015 there will be no more opportunities for people to repent and receive eternal life.

 “Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people” is a dual prophecy. Daniel 9:24. It has two fulfillments:


First, the 70 "sevens" are 70 sabbatical cycles. They are 490 years, pointing to the first coming of Jesus as our Savior from sin.


Second, the 70 "sevens" are 70 Jubilee cycles. They are 3,430 years, pointing to the second coming of Jesus when His people will be permanently freed from sin.


In the fall of 2015 the 6,000 years of sin on earth will come to an end! 


Between 2008 and 2015 the great tribulation will occur and many other Bible prophecies will be fulfilled!

What are the dates of the 70 Jubilees?

The Jubilees clock began ticking in 1416 BC when the children of Israel entered Canaan. The first Jubilee was 49 years later in 1367 BC. Every 49 years another Jubilee has occurred.


Dates of the 70 Jubilees


Year - BC


Year - BC


Year - AD


Year - AD


Year - AD














































































































































Jesus is King for 40 ½ Jubilees

Jesus died in 31 AD in the middle of the 30th Jubilee cycle. There were 40 ½ Jubilee cycles yet to occur to complete the total of 70.

When Jesus was resurrected He was taken to heaven to reign as king with God on His throne. Jesus ascended to heaven in 31AD and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2.

When Jesus comes the second time to get His people He will have reigned in heaven as king for 40 ½ Jubilee cycles. He will have reigned from 31 AD – 55 AD (1/2 Jubilee cycle) and from 55AD – 2015 AD (40 Jubilee cycles) for a total of 40 ½ Jubilee cycles.

David reigned over the children of Israel as their king. Notice how long David reigned as king:

“And they anointed David king over Israel. David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years. In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years over all Israel and Judah.” 2 Samuel 5:3-5.

David reigned in Hebron 7 ½ years and in Jerusalem 33 years for a total of 40 ½ years. David was a type of Jesus and David’s throne was given to Jesus after His resurrection.

“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Luke 1:31-33.

David reigned as king on earth for 40 ½ years.
Jesus will reign as king in heaven for 40 ½ Jubilees.

From Canaan to Canaan

The 70 Jubilees clock began when the children of Israel entered Canaan, the land God had promised them. The 70 Jubilees clock will end when God’s people enter heavenly Canaan, the land God has promised them. From earthly Canaan to heavenly Canaan is 70 Jubilees.

What will happen at the final Jubilee in 2015?

The final Jubilee will begin on the Day of Atonement in the year 2015. Here are some of the many things that will happen:

  • The prophecy in Daniel 9:24 will meet its final and complete fulfillment.
  • Everlasting righteousness will be brought in for God's people
  • Sin will be brought to an end for God's people.
  • Transgression will be finished for God's people.
  • Vision and prophecy will be sealed up.
  • The earth will be returned to God - its rightful owner.
  • Anoint the Most Holy.

God will have permanently taken care of the disease of sin for His people. Daniel’s prayer will have received a complete answer. Within days, Jesus will come to earth the second time to take His people back to heaven with Him and the earth will begin its 1,000 years of rest.

What do I need to do right now, in 2011?

God has been patient and merciful to the human race for almost 6,000 years since we first sinned. Yet we continue to become more sinful and more rebellious. We are very near the time when the wrath of God will be poured out on all of us who refuse to repent and worship Him.

God has given each of us the power of choice and a period of time on earth as probation. This probationary period is an opportunity to repent and to have faith in Christ. My probation and your probation will end sometime between now and the end of 2015 and it may well be sooner rather than later. The most important thing we can do right now is to give ourselves completely to God in humility and repentance and by faith to receive Jesus as our personal Savior.

Now is the time to seek God, while He may be found. Now is the time to repent. Today is the day for salvation.


“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

“Seek the LORD while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the LORD,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:6,7.

“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7.


I invite you to accept Jesus as your personal Savior, right now! Ask Him to forgive your sins and thank Him for dying for you. Ask Jesus to teach you more of the truth from the Bible. I invite you to ask God for a humble, teachable, repentant spirit. God is urgently calling you to repentance and wholehearted service for Him. Probationary time will end first for those who already “have the truth”, for those who are of the “house of God”.

“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17.

Dear reader, God loves you very much. He wants to live with you forever. I appeal to you to carefully consider your priorities and to choose today whom you will serve.

Now is the important time for each of us. We cannot wait until the fall of 2015 to get ready for Jesus to come. During the next few years Jesus Christ will judge every person on earth. For some of us, our probation will end today, for others it will be a few years. But everyone will make his final choice before the second coming of Jesus.

Choose now to serve the Lord with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength.

What will happen between 2011 and 2015?

The great tribulation will soon take place! People will be forced to decide whether or not they will worship God!  There are many prophetic events that will take place in the next seven years. During this time the gospel will be clearly presented to every living person on earth. Each person will decide either to worship and serve God or to worship and serve Satan. Jesus will judge each person on earth. Those who choose Jesus will be completely delivered from the power of sin.

Many of us are used to living halfway to God. We profess to worship Him but we only do it half-heartedly. Our affections are partly with the world and partly with God. The time is upon us when we must make a whole-hearted decision one way or the other. Our affections can no longer be divided. God desires our whole heart.

Will we know in advance the year of Jesus' Second Coming?

Yes, we should. The prophecies in Daniel 9 first of all pointed to the first coming of Christ. The people who lived 2,000 years ago were supposed to know the time the Messiah would come.

Unfortunately, most of the Jewish leaders did not know or understand the prophecies. But many of the common people were in expectation because they had knowledge of when the Messiah would come.

“Now as the people were in expectation, and all reasoned in their hearts about John, whether he was the Christ or not.” Luke 3:15.

But more importantly for us, the prophecies in Daniel 9 point to the second coming of Christ. Those of us who are alive now are supposed to know when Jesus will come again. As the apostle Paul says, “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:4.

What about not knowing the day and the hour?

This is a traditional phrase that many people know. It comes from Matthew 24:

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:36-39.

There are several points to notice:

1. The people in Noah’s day knew that they had 120 years to enter the ark. They knew when the 120 years was drawing to an end. But they did not know the hour or the day that the door to the ark would be closed. They did not know when their last opportunity would come to enter the ark.

Some of the people may have thought that if it started to rain then they would go into the ark. But by the time the rain started it was too late. The door to the ark had already been shut and no one else could go in.

In the same way, we will not know ahead of time when the last possible moment is for us to accept salvation and enter into Jesus, our ark of salvation. It will be by the fall of 2015, but it could be as soon as today. This is why it is so important to choose today to repent toward God and to believe in Jesus Christ. The important time for us is not 2015, but now.

“Testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Acts 20:21.

2. Daniel 9:24 does not predict the day or the hour when the Son of man will come. It only predicts the year and the season.

Did the sabbaticals and the Jubilees end at the cross?

No, because Jesus died in the middle of the "seven". He died in the middle of a sabbatical cycle and He died in the middle of a Jubilee cycle. He could not die in the middle of something that ended when He died.

The specific things that ended when Jesus died on the cross were the offerings and the animal sacrifices. But the sabbatical clock and the Jubilee clock did not stop at the cross.

Is the Jubilee cycle 49 years or 50 years?

The Jubilee cycle is 49 years. Here are some of the reasons why:

1. The seventh-day Sabbath occurs on the seventh day of every week. It is not possible for some weeks to be eight days long. There are no weeks that have extra days added to them. Each week is exactly seven days long.

The seventh year sabbath occurs every seventh year. It is not possible for some sabbatical cycles to be eight years long. There are no sabbatical cycles that have extra years added to them. Each sabbatical cycle is exactly seven years long. So the 50th year Jubilee comes after the 7th year of a sabbatical cycle and is the 1st year of the next seven-year sabbatical cycle.

2. “Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people”. Daniel 9:24. Each of the 70 seven-year periods of time was exactly seven years long. If Jubilee cycles were 50 years long, then every seventh sabbatical cycle would be eight years long instead of seven.

If Jubilee cycles were 50 years long Daniel 9:24 would have said: “Sixty ‘sevens’ and ten ‘eights’ are decreed for your people.” This prophecy would have been 500 years long instead of 490 years long. The Messiah would have come 10 years later.

3. If the Jubilee cycles were 50 years long then there would only have been 68 sabbath years during the 430 years of rebellion by God’s people. They would only have been sent into captivity for 68 years instead of 70 years.


Today is the day to choose to receive Christ fully and to abide in Him forever!



The Tribulation Period:

The reason for looking at this time period is that we are given a number of clues that can help us to at least estimate the arrival of the tribulation period. Therefore, enabling us to do the same for the rapture (since it will precede the start of the Tribulation).


There are a number of time references relating to the tribulation. Some of those are: 1260 days, 1290 days, 42 months, 7 years, and 3.5 years.


For purposes of this discussion I will use the 7 years, 1260 days and the 1290 days. I only use these three to make it easier to explain and to understand. It took me some time to put all the pieces together for this one myself. The rest of the time references above all fit with these perfectly. I say that so that anyone who reads this will know that (unlike some) I do not pick and choose just what will fit my view of things. For me they all must fit or my view is wrong and must be re-evaluated. I encourage everyone to never take mine or anyone else's opinion and accept it as being the truth. Always study it for yourself. If it cannot be proven by God's word then it is wrong!


We know that the antichrist will be in control for 7 years.


Daniel 9:27... And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


We also know that the two witnesses will be on the job for the first half of the tribulation, which will be 1260 days.


Revelation 11:3... And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.


From the time of the Abomination that makes Desolate" until the end will be 1290 days.


Daniel 12:11... And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.


If we add these two together (1260 days + 1290 days) we have a total of 2550 days.


Now we must refer back to the Jewish feasts. Again, the next 2 to be fulfilled are the Feast of Trumpets (rapture) and the Day of Atonement (Day of Judgment). Using the numbers above, in order for these feasts to be fulfilled on the assigned (by God) times then from the first day of the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement 7 years later would have to be an interval of exactly 2550 days.


Believe it or not this does actually occur! However, the 7 year cycles containing exactly 2550 days does not occur/begin every year. This (cycle) only starts/occurs about every 3 years. The years in between have one more moon thereby having a different number of days in the 7 year cycle.


The next cycle that has exactly 2550 days in them start as follows:



The following chart demonstrates the 7-year cycles for the recent past and the near future:

 Number of moons in
7 Years beginning on
Rosh Hashanah 2007

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

87 moons
(Fails to qualify
for 70th week)


Number of moons in
7 Years beginning on
Rosh Hashanah

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

86 moons
for 70th week)


Number of moons in
7 Years beginning on
Rosh Hashanah

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

13 moons

87 moons
(Fails to qualify
for 70th week)


Number of moons in
7 Years beginning on
Rosh Hashanah

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

87 moons
(Fails to qualify
for 70th week)



Number of moons in
7 Years beginning on
Rosh Hashanah

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

87 moons
(Fails to qualify
for 70th week)


Number of moons in
7 Years beginning on
Rosh Hashanah

13 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

12 moons

13 moons

12 moons

87 moons
(Fails to qualify
for 70th week)



Simply put, this method is quite sound and shows at least 2 things.


First, it is entirely possible, if not probable, that the rapture will take place in the fall of a coming year.


Secondly, with the current conditions in the world and (especially) keeping the 67-year generation in mind; it is entirely probable that the rapture will occur in 2011.


Before we go on, I would like to add some observations of my own here. Daniel 12:12 mentions a time span of 1335 days. This is 75 days longer than the 1260 days of Daniel 12:7. The 1260 days is marked by the Day of Atonement. If you count 75 days from that date (on the Jewish calendar), you come up with (exactly) the first day of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a celebration of the rededication of the Temple 3 years after Antiochus IV ("Epiphanes") desecrated the temple in 167 B.C.


All this would seem to point to a rededication of the temple after the "Abomination that maketh Desolate" by the antichrist, and on the first day of Hanukkah - December 7, 2015 - (REMEMBER THIS DATE!) at the start of Jesus' millennial reign.


One more interesting observation is the chapter and verse numbers. They are both the number 12. The number 12 is the number that represents completion. Since there are two twelve’s here - could it represent the completion of the fulfillment of the prophecies and secondly, the completion and rededication of the final Temple? Only time will tell.


Solar Cycles:

This item doesn't require as lengthy an explanation.

The simple facts are as follows:

1.Solar activity (solar flares on the sun) have been found to follow 7 year cycles; reaching their peak of activity at the mid-way point (31/2 years).

2.Scientists have also found that solar activity has a direct effect on earthquake activity here on earth. This is because each soloar flare causes the release of a storm of geo-magnetic particles. Many of these are aimed at and bombard the earth. Since magnetic fields and currents have a direct effect on the occurrence of earthquakes, then the more the earth is bombarded with geo-magnetic particles the more frequent and stronger the earthquakes are that occur around the world.


The next solar cycle begins 2008 and will peak by 2012. I find the timing here very interesting. Does anyone besides me see a pattern here?





I am 99.9% sure that the Rapture will take place in 2011! 


Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known Jeremiah 33:3


… Drew


Jewish Holidays, 2001–2015

Here are the dates of Jewish holidays, including Purim, Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Hanukkah, from 2001 to 2015.



1st day

1st day

1st day


1st day


1st day


March 9

April 8

May 28

Sept. 18

Sept. 27

Oct. 2

Oct. 9

Dec. 10


Feb. 26

March 28

May 17

Sept. 7

Sept. 16

Sept. 21

Sept. 28

Nov. 30


March 18

April 17

June 6

Sept. 27

Oct. 6

Oct. 11

Oct. 18

Dec. 20


March 7

April 6

May 26

Sept. 16

Sept. 25

Sept. 30

Oct. 7

Dec. 8


March 25

April 24

June 13

Oct. 4

Oct. 13

Oct. 18

Oct. 25

Dec. 26


March 14

April 13

June 2

Sept. 23

Oct. 2

Oct. 7

Oct. 14

Dec. 16


March 4

April 3

May 23

Sept. 13

Sept. 22

Sept. 27

Oct. 4

Dec. 5


March 21

April 20

June 9

Sept. 30

Oct. 9

Oct. 14

Oct. 21

Dec. 22


March 10

April 9

May 29

Sept. 19

Sept. 28

Oct. 3

Oct. 10

Dec. 12


Feb. 28

March 30

May 19

Sept. 9

Sept. 18

Sept. 23

Sept. 30

Dec. 2


March 20

April 19

June 8

Sept. 29

Oct. 8

Oct. 13

Oct. 20

Dec. 21


March 8

April 7

May 27

Sept. 17

Sept. 26

Oct. 1

Oct. 8

Dec. 9


Feb. 24

March 26

May 15

Sept. 5

Sept. 14

Sept. 19

Sept. 26

Nov. 28


March 16

April 15

June 4

Sept. 25

Oct. 4

Oct. 9

Oct. 16

Dec. 17


March 5

April 4

May 24

Sept. 14

Sept. 23

Sept. 28

Oct. 5

Dec. 7

1. Feast of Lots.

2. Feast of Unleavened Bread.

3. Hebrew Pentecost; or Feast of Weeks, or of Harvest, or of First Fruits.

4. Jewish New Year.

5. Day of Atonement.

6. Feast of Tabernacles, or of the Ingathering.

7. Assembly of the Eighth Day.

8. Festival of Lights.

NOTE: All holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the date given. 




 Jesus Christ Comes Back In A Sabbatical Year!


A number of Christians have emailed me wondering whether we are now living in the last year before the tribulation period could begin. The reasoning behind this is, this year in Israel is a ' shmita' year - the sabbatical year in which the Jews are commanded by God to let the land rest from producing fruit.

In the Autumn of 2008, the Feast of Trumpets will mark the beginning of another cycle of seven years for the Jewish people. The covenant between Israel and the surrounding nations is also strengthened by the Antichrist for a period of seven years (Daniel 9:27), so the thought is that this agreement could fall into one of these seven-year cycles on the Jewish calendar. The fact that the international community is aiming for a peace agreement by the end of 2008 is therefore quite significant.  The book of Daniel states that the actual time of Jacob's trouble will begin after the agreement is broken by the Antichrist, and will run for a period of three and a half years (Daniel 12:7), or 42 months (Revelation 11:2), or 1260 days. Daniel also mentions another figure, 1335 days (Daniel 12:12).     


Revelation 11:2
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.


Daniel 7:25
And he (Antichrist) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time (3.5 years).


For a moment let's say that the tribulation period does begin at the end of this year. There are two or three Jewish feast days that have not yet found their fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. They are Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and possibly Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). The Bible seems to indicate that the Day of Atonement will find its fulfillment upon the return of Christ to this earth. The Day of Atonement is a day of national repentance for Israel, the holiest day of the year, in which Jews are commanded by God to afflict their souls for the sins of the past year (Leviticus 23:27).

The prophecy of Zechariah indicates that the Jewish nation will be in mourning for the One they crucified after He returns to defeat the Antichrist and his armies (Zechariah 12:10). So let's say that this is the day on which Christ returns to earth at the end of the tribulation period. From the prophecy of Daniel we know that the Great Tribulation period will last exactly 1260 days, or three and a half years.

If we count back 1260 days from the 23rd of September 2015 (Day of Atonement), we reach the 11th of April 2012 (April 11, 2012 - REMEMBER THIS DATE). This date happens to fall right in the middle of the Feast of Passover, which was fulfilled at Christ's first coming to earth. This date is also in the middle of the seven-year tribulation period, and would be the day on which the Antichrist turns his back on the peace agreement, and begins his persecution of the Jewish people. It is interesting to note that many Christians feel that the Antichrist will counterfeit some of the events in the life of Jesus Christ.

According to Zechariah 11:17 and Revelation 13:3, the Antichrist will receive a deadly wound, but he will be miraculously healed, and this 'resurrection' will cause the whole world to worship him as God. The fact that this date falls on Passover is most intriguing, considering this was the time of year when Jesus Christ was crucified and was miraculously raised from the dead (John 13:1).




Remember that other figure of 1335 days? If we count 1335 days from 11th of April 2012 (the middle of the seven year period), we reach December 7, 2015- (REMEMBER THIS DATE). According to the prophecy of Daniel, all who live to see this date will be blessed (Daniel 12:12). This date happens to fall on Hanukkah, the celebration of the Maccabbees victory over Antiochus Epiphanes and the subsequent rededication of the Temple. 


As we can see, the prophecy of Daniel is 100% accurate. With current events pointing towards the division of the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, which will occur in the middle of the seven year period, there is no doubt we are nearing the time when this prophecy will be fulfilled. The question is not if these events will occur, but when they will occur. We still can't be certain whether this coming seven years will see the fulfillment of these prophecies, or whether the prophecy is for another seven years yet to come.



If Christ came today, would you be caught up to meet Him in the air, or would you be caught out, still in your sins, having no hope and without God in the world (Ephesians 2:12)? Come to Christ for salvation today. He will not turn you away (John 6:37).   



Here are the past Sabbatical Years:


69/70 AC was a Sabbatical Year:

EVENT:  Destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans!


1966/67 was a Sabbatical Year:

EVENT:  Six-Day war, Israel gains control of Jerusalem after 2,000 years!


2001/02 was the last Sabbatical Year:

EVENT:  Destruction of the World Trade Center (9/11)


2008/09 is the next Sabbatical Year:



If it is not 2008/09, the next window for Jesus return is for:  2015/16 (The next Sabbatical Year)!




Signs In The Heavens--What Does It Mean?

The Timing of the Christian 'Rapture'?


Following is an interesting email from a reader that I am passing on to you; I will let you make your own conclusions:


Open Letter, - Alan Clark -

If you have a hard time comprehending this email save it. Try it again later. It covers something truly incredible. It should affect your daily living.


If December 25th 2011 rolls around and nothing happens. Then email me telling me it was nothing. However, it could be of extreme importance to YOU! A time for you to get right with God or to reach out to loved ones who are not saved!


In the past months there has been a new and exciting discovery. It has to do with facts from the calendar lining up with historical days. As I watched and saw a man disclose an amazing new insight, something else hit me with equal intensity. If this had been discovered five years ago there would be a thousand books about it in print today. The year 2015 and more so 2008 would have been discussed in never ending anticipation on every type of media. What came to mind was this verse.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter...

As I heard the Pastor being interviewed about this new thing he discovered it was clearly to be seen that he did something that thousands of Bible students could have found at any time in the last two hundred years. This wasn't just a new Bible interpretation but a simple idea he looked into. God put this search on his mind at the appointed time. Many brilliant men have spent their lives searching the Bible for this kind of thing. Yet this was left buried until the year it may come to pass. If 2008 as it is linked to 2015 is truly a significant year in God's unfolding plan for the End Times or Last Days then God withheld it up to the last minute for His purposes.

This is about eclipses on the Jewish feast days or holidays as God set them up in the Bible. More so something I found even more amassing to do with 49 years (Jubilee), June 7, 1967 (The day Jerusalem first came under Jewish control in the Six Day War), Daniel 9:25 and Isaac Newton. Most of this has to do with easily obtainable facts and statistics that no one put together before now and something else I have no idea who came up with I heard on a DVD.


Blood Red Moon

 (Total lunar eclipse over Jerusalem!)

This occurs at the ending of the 7-Year Tribulation!


         It started for me with an April 30, 2008 World Net Daily story on Blood Moons which linked to an interview on a show called Prophecy in the News. As I listened to the interview with Mark Biltz on the Internet I took up their offer to buy a DVD. It was recorded of Mark teaching at his church three days after his discovery about eclipses on the Jewish holidays in 2015. At three days he had not yet seen how amazing and compelling these eclipses would later prove to be. Sets of lunar eclipses falling on Jewish holidays spanning 600 years from 1493 to past 2100 happened only three times. They are: in 1948 (The year of the birth of Israel as a nation again), in 1967 (When Jerusalem was captured), and they will be in 2015.  (SEE THE CHARTS BELOW:)



Heavenly signs: Sabbatical Year 2014-2015

(September 25, 2014 - September 13, 2015)

Four Lunar Eclipses: NASA table of Lunar eclipses (2011-2020) | Jewish Holidays (1998-2017)


The blood-red moon signifies trouble for Israel:

Four total blood-red moons back-to-back are rare, the only time it happens on four Biblical holidays is in 2014/2015. The only times last century these occurred together was in 1967/1968 when Jerusalem was recaptured. Hebcal used to determine older Jewish holidays.

Four total lunar eclipses also happened before these listed above just after Israel became a nation in 1949/1950 as well. Hebcal used to determine older Jewish holidays.

The next previous time this happened again was in 1493/1494 just after the Jews were kicked out of Spain on the 9th of Av, 1492.


Solar Eclipses: NASA table of Solar eclipses (2011-2020) | Jewish Holidays (1998-2017)


The solar eclipse signals judgment for the nations:


When Mark Biltz first went looking for eclipses on NASA's website, which lists them, it seems he ONLY went to see if there were any in 2015. The reason blew my mind. It was something as amazing as the eclipses. You can hear the audio of this DVD on his church's web site from 3-1-08,

I've been doing some hunting around to see if any other Messianic believers have taken note of the 4 upcoming eclipses that Pastor Mark has outlined for us. A gentleman, Greg Killian, who knows a lot about astronomy and the Bible with a vast web site with all kinds of very detailed Biblical studies has recently posted something very interesting on the eclipses and the possible Jubilee year, 2015. The article I am quoting from can be found here.

Regarding the Jubilee (Yovel) year, Greg Killian says:

"One of the most interesting Yovel calculations comes from those who combine the opinion of the Rabbanan and Hakham Yehoshua. This novel idea[9] suggests that we count fifty years for the Yovel up until the destruction of the Temple. After the destruction of the Temple we revert to counting forty-nine years with the first year of the next cycle being the Yovel year. By combining Rabannan’s count and R. Yehuda’s count:

  • We find that the last Yovel (Jubilee) year was 5727 (1967), the year of the 6-Day War.
  • This was the 48th Yovel year starting from the time of Ezra in 3416.
  • The Yovel year which is 49 years later is 5776 (2015)

"This novel calculation shows the following Jubilees and their significance:

Yovel Year 46 - 5678 (1917)

Shortly after the beginning of the 46th Yovel, the Balfour Declaration was ratified. Dated November 2, 1917 (17th Marcheshvan 5678), the Balfour Declaration is one of the biggest steps towards gaining international recognition for the Return to eretz Israel."

Yovel Year 47 - 5727(1967)

"The next Yovel year, according to this calculation, was in 5727. In Iyar 5727 (June of 1967), Yerushalayim, Yehuda, Shomron, the Golan, and Gaza came under Jewish control for the first time in centuries, and the move back to these areas, of eretz Israel, began."

Yovel Year 48 - 5776 ( 2015)

"This coming Yovel, and its events, are yet to be seen. Never the less, we can learn what kinds of events to expect. Perhaps the year following would be a fitting time for the Sanhedrin to assume or rather to resume its role in counting of Shmita and Yovel and to assume its role of leadership of Am Israel.

This next Yovel would start the 49th Yovel period. Rather fitting that the Sanhedrin would count the last Yovel before the 50th Yovel, a Yovel of Yovels. Remember that only the Sanhedrin can count and sanctify the Yovel year."

From Pastor Mark's notes:


June 7th 1967 Jerusalem was restored to Israel and began to be built up in troublous times! 49 prophetic years x 360 days = 17,640 days. So, let’s count from June 7th 1967 forward, to the day, 17,640 days and see where it takes us! It puts you on Sep 23rd 2015, which is YOM KIPPUR!!!


Why 2015?

Is it because of Isaac Newton?

Newton wrote over a million words of commentary on the books of Daniel and Revelation. They were released in reprint only in the past few years. He thought God had given us a way to see His "End Time" timetable. Newton thought the Second Coming of Jesus would be the start of a Jubilee year. The keeping of when these fifty year cycles called Jubilee years is to take place has been lost in time. They start after a count of 49 years on a Jewish Holiday, the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur. That 50th year called a Jubilee Year would be a time of returning land to the original owners and freeing of slaves.


Leviticus 25:8-10

8 The Year of Jubilee

And you shall count seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years; and the time of the seven sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine years. 9 Then you shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement you shall make the trumpet to sound throughout all your land. 10 And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.



Hears where it gets exciting, Mark Biltz wanted to see if there were any eclipses in 2015 because he had heard about some other person’s calculations. Here is a link I found when I Google searched June 7, 1967 and Daniel 9:25 it seems to follow along with what Marl Biltz was saying. I know nothing else about this site but I will put some quotes from it below. First Daniel 9:24,25, & 26 then "Newton's Riddle":


Dan 9:24-26

24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.



"Newton's Riddle" - Jim Bramlett - Feb 27, 2008


Newton was a devout believer in Christ and Bible scholar, fluent in ancient languages, and who translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek. He was unusually drawn to the prophet Daniel, which he began studying at age 12 and continued until he died at age 85. In fact, The Columbia History of the World, a secular history book, remarks, "At the end of his days he spent more time studying and writing about the prophecies in the Book of Daniel than he did in charting the heavens." Apparently, God Himself put in Newton's heart this burning desire to study Daniel, then gave him the key to the timing of Christ's return.

Could this be the final profound secret the Lord revealed to this godly genius near the end of his life -- a secret "accidentally" discovered in the Library of Congress and republished just in the last few years -- a secret so simple that most have missed it?

If Newton was correct in his interpretation of Daniel, the prophet to whom God gave specific timing, then the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be very, very soon, indeed!

Newton's understanding of one key passage in Daniel chapter 9 is fundamentally different from that of most common interpretations. In about 550 B.C., God gave the prophet Daniel a view of history to the end. From Daniel 9:25, scholars usually add the "seven weeks (of years, or 49 years) and 62 weeks (434 years)" to get 483 years and calculate the time of Messiah's First Coming. However, Newton says there is no linguistic basis for adding those two numbers (49 and 434), and to do so is "doing violence to the language of Daniel." Newton says the two numbers separately speak of both the First and Second Coming, both being counted from the "going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem." Some commentators agree.

Newton says the "62 weeks," or 434-year part was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the "seven weeks," or 49-year part will apply to the Second Coming. And three centuries ago he saw in the Scriptures and wrote about the rebirth of Israel at a time when such a thought was preposterous. Amazingly by faith and understanding of the Scriptures, he foresaw a "friendly kingdom" someday again issuing the "commandment to restore and build Jerusalem." Now, centuries later, that "friendly kingdom" may have been the United Nations, which decreed Israel's rebirth in November, 1947, causing Israel to be reborn in May, 1948.


The Lord revealed to Newton, that Jesus would return 49 years from the date that Israel once again has control of Jerusalem (This occurred on June 7, 1967 when the Temple Mount was recaptured).  Newton was also shown that the Second Coming of Jesus would be at the start of a Jubilee year on the Day of Atonement!


...if you use exactly 49 Jewish (360-day, prophetic) years from the day Israel captured the Temple Mount on June 7, 1967, you get 49 X 360 = 17640 days, which amazingly takes one exactly to September 23, 2015, The Day of Atonement 2015 and is the start of a new Jubilee year!



In the Old Testament, the prophet Joel states, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come." (Joel 2:31)

In the New Testament, Jesus is quoted as saying, "
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light ... And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:29-30)


(End of Article)

Now back to this email. Remember Newton thought the second coming would start a Jubilee year, which starts on a Day of Atonement. Adding a 49 biblical 360-day years to one of the most significant dates in Bible prophecy and coming up to a Day of Atonement are 17,640 to 1 odds (360 days x 49 years)! Yet there it is 49 Jewish (360-day, prophetic) years from the day Israel captured the Temple Mount on June 7, 1967, you get 49 X 360 = 17640 days, which amazingly takes one exactly to September 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement 2015!

Now you know why Mark Biltz looked to see if there were any eclipses in 2015 and as he said it blew his mind. By going to the NASA's website, you can look into the eclipses on your own.

The reason to subtract seven years from 2015 is to account for the time named the Tribulation, the events in the book of Revelation. Most of us think the Rapture, the taking away of Believers happens just before the Tribulation starts.  Another Newton site:



What the studies of Mark Biltz, and the newly discovered writings of Isaac Newton did was to determine the exact date of Jesus’ return to earth on September 23, 2015!  The final Jubilee will begin on the Day of Atonement in 2015 (September 23, 2015 – Yom Kippur).  This date is the lynch pin or corner stone date for all the future prophecies in the latter day layout of time.  This date is when The War of Armageddon occurs, the destruction of The Antichrist and all forces opposing the return of Jesus.


How everything fits together!


         In viewing the videos we learned that The Lord establishes a key date or trigger date and then the fulfillment of the prophecy will come so many days or years after the key or trigger date. In our case:


The Lord revealed to Isaac Newton, that Jesus would return 49 years from the date that Israel once again has control of Jerusalem (This occurred on June 7, 1967 when the Temple Mount was recaptured).  Newton was also shown that the Second Coming of Jesus would be at the start of a Jubilee year on the Day of Atonement!


...if you use exactly 49 Jewish (360-day, prophetic) years from the day Israel captured the Temple Mount on June 7, 1967, you get 49 X 360 = 17640 days, which amazingly takes one exactly to September 23, 2015, The Day of Atonement 2015 and is the start of a new Jubilee year!


As a point of reference, I have enclosed a Jewish Calendar with the Jewish feast dates listed below:


Jewish Holidays, 2001–2015

Here are the dates of Jewish holidays, including Purim, Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Hanukkah, from 2001 to 2015.



1st day

1st day

1st day


1st day


1st day


March 9

April 8

May 28

Sept. 18

Sept. 27

Oct. 2

Oct. 9

Dec. 10


Feb. 26

March 28

May 17

Sept. 7

Sept. 16

Sept. 21

Sept. 28

Nov. 30


March 18

April 17

June 6

Sept. 27

Oct. 6

Oct. 11

Oct. 18

Dec. 20


March 7

April 6

May 26

Sept. 16

Sept. 25

Sept. 30

Oct. 7

Dec. 8


March 25

April 24

June 13

Oct. 4

Oct. 13

Oct. 18

Oct. 25

Dec. 26


March 14

April 13

June 2

Sept. 23

Oct. 2

Oct. 7

Oct. 14

Dec. 16


March 4

April 3

May 23

Sept. 13

Sept. 22

Sept. 27

Oct. 4

Dec. 5


March 21

April 20

June 9

Sept. 30

Oct. 9

Oct. 14

Oct. 21

Dec. 22


March 10

April 9

May 29

Sept. 19

Sept. 28

Oct. 3

Oct. 10

Dec. 12


Feb. 28

March 30

May 19

Sept. 9

Sept. 18

Sept. 23

Sept. 30

Dec. 2


March 20

April 19

June 8

Sept. 29

Oct. 8

Oct. 13

Oct. 20

Dec. 21


March 8

April 7

May 27

Sept. 17

Sept. 26

Oct. 1

Oct. 8

Dec. 9


Feb. 24

March 26

May 15

Sept. 5

Sept. 14

Sept. 19

Sept. 26

Nov. 28


March 16

April 15

June 4

Sept. 25

Oct. 4

Oct. 9

Oct. 16

Dec. 17


March 5

April 4

May 24

Sept. 14

Sept. 23

Sept. 28

Oct. 5

Dec. 7

1. Feast of Lots.

2. Feast of Unleavened Bread.

3. Hebrew Pentecost; or Feast of Weeks, or of Harvest, or of First Fruits.

4. Jewish New Year.

5. Day of Atonement.

6. Feast of Tabernacles, or of the Ingathering.

7. Assembly of the Eighth Day.

8. Festival of Lights.

NOTE: All holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the date given. 


OK, we have found our key date of September 23, 2015, Yom Kippur, when Jesus returns to earth.  This date marks the end of a 49-year cycle and starts the 50th year of Jubilee!  The Bible says that the 70th week of Daniel will last 2550 days:


We know that the antichrist will be in control for 7 years.


Daniel 9:27... And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


We also know that the two witnesses will be on the job for the last half of the tribulation, which will be 1260 days.


Revelation 11:3... And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.


From the time of the Abomination that makes Desolate" until the end will be 1290 days.


Daniel 12:11... And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.


If we add these two together (1260 days + 1290 days) we have a total of 2550 days.


This time period is rare, usually it has 2520 days in the 7-Jewish year period (360 x 7). Now watch how all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place:


On September 29th 2008 Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets) marked the beginning of another cycle of seven years for the Jewish people. If you add 2,550 days to this date, you come exactly to September 23, 2015!  SEE CALCULATION Were there any signs on this date?  Yes, there were two:  First, the USA stock market closed down the largest one day drop in history in the amount of “777” points on the DOW and was the start of the greatest financial collapse in world history!  The number “777” means completion.  Second, a huge sun flare was seen on this date. 


The book of Daniel states that the actual time of Jacob's trouble will begin after the agreement is broken by the Antichrist, and will run for a period of three and a half years (Daniel 12:7), or 42 months (Revelation 11:2), or 1260 days. Daniel also mentions another figure, 1335 days (Daniel 12:12).     



Revelation 11:2
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.


Daniel 7:25
And he (Antichrist) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time (3.5 years).


The Bible seems to indicate that the Day of Atonement will find its fulfillment upon the return of Christ to this earth. The Day of Atonement is a day of national repentance for Israel, the holiest day of the year, in which Jews are commanded by God to afflict their souls for the sins of the past year (Leviticus 23:27).

The prophecy of Zechariah indicates that the Jewish nation will be in mourning for the One they crucified after He returns to defeat the Antichrist and his armies (Zechariah 12:10). So let's say that this is the day on which Christ returns to earth at the end of the tribulation period. From the prophecy of Daniel we know that the Great Tribulation period will last exactly 1260 days, or three and a half years.

If we count back 1260 days from the 23rd of September 2015 (Day of Atonement), we reach the 11th of April 2012. (NOTE: THIS MEANS THAT THE RAPTURE OCCURS between NOW and April 11, 2012)!  This date happens to fall right in the middle of the Feast of Passover, which was fulfilled at Christ's first coming to earth. This date is also in the middle of the seven-year tribulation period, and would be the day on which the Antichrist turns his back on the peace agreement, and begins his persecution of the Jewish people. It is interesting to note that many Christians feel that the Antichrist will counterfeit some of the events in the life of Jesus Christ.

According to Zechariah 11:17 and Revelation 13:3, the Antichrist will receive a deadly wound, but he will be miraculously healed, and this 'resurrection' will cause the whole world to worship him as God. The fact that this date falls on Passover is most intriguing, considering this was the time of year when Jesus Christ was crucified and was miraculously raised from the dead (John 13:1).




Remember that other figure of 1335 days? If we count 1335 days from 11th of April 2012 (the middle of the seven year period), we reach December 7, 2015 - (REMEMBER THIS DATE!). According to the prophecy of Daniel, all who live to see this date will be blessed (Daniel 12:12). This date happens to fall on Hanukkah, the celebration of the Maccabbees victory over Antiochus Epiphanes and the subsequent rededication of the Temple.


         When the Mark Biltz released his information last spring, everyone thought that this was easy!  If you subtract 7 years from 2015 that meant that the rapture would be on September 29th to 31st 2008 (Rosh Hashanah - The Feast of Trumpets) and the 7-year tribulation would start around Yum Kippur October 9, 2008. We were all dismayed when those dates came and went.  However, if you look at the bible, the time period of the antichrist is the only time where an exact 7-Jewish Period of 2520 (7 x 360) days is given.  For we read:


         Daniel 9:27... And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


If we subtract 2520 days from September 23, 2015 we come to: October 29, 2008 – REMEMBER THIS DATE.  SEE CALCULATION In Revelation 8:1 it talks about a silence in heaven for 30 minutes, and in the scripture above in Daniel 9:27, it could be read: “he shall reaffirm his campaign promises with his many followers for one week”. (SEE: The Final 7 Years Are Here Now!)  As you probably remember, Obama’s 30-minute info-commercial occurred on October 29, 2008!  Never before in the world’s history has anyone given a 30-minute info-commercial “confirming his campaign promises with many and that if he is elected he would change the world”.  What are the odds that this event occurs exactly 2520 days from September 23, 2015?   Why 30 minutes?  Why not 15 minutes?  Could the 30-minute silence in heaven (which only occurs this one time in the bible) be referring to Obama’s 30-minute info-commercial?  You see, nothing happens by chance!  God controls history! 

I love studying the laws of probability, in other words what are the odds of some event happening.  To get a full appreciation of The Lord’s detail precision in prophecy, watch the following videos:









Ok Doves, we have established our key “lynch pin” date of September 23rd 2015.  Now let’s see how everything fits together like a working clock.

First, we have learned that there are 49-Jewish years in a Jewish Jubilee period of time. If we go back 49 prophetic years x 360 days = 17,640 days from September 23rd 2015, we come to June 7th 1967.  Did anything happen on that day?  Yes, that is the exact day that Israel for the first time in almost 2,000 years regained control of Jerusalem!

Second, the Tribulation period is for 7 Jewish years.  If we go back 7 Jewish years from September 23rd 2015 we come to October 29th 2008.  Did anything happen?  Yes, that is when Obama: “reaffirmed his campaign promises with his many followers for one week (7 Jewish Years)” Daniel 9:27

Third, If we count forward 1260 days (1/2 of the 7 Year Tribulation), we reach April 11th 2012.  It is interesting that Obama will be running for reelection for his second term and this date is also the middle of the seven-year tribulation period.  On this date, this event will occur:  SEE: 


Fourth, if we count 1335 days from 11th of April 2012 (the middle of the seven year period), we reach December 7, 2015 - (REMEMBER THIS DATE!). According to the prophecy of Daniel, all who live to see this date will be blessed (Daniel 12:12). This date happens to fall on Hanukkah, the celebration of the Maccabbees victory over Antiochus Epiphanes and the subsequent rededication of the Temple.


NOTE:  This date of:


   December 7, 2015 (Hanukkah, 2015)





1.  This is the beginning date of Jesus’ reign on earth.

2.  Jesus is anointed King of Kings in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem on this date!

3.  Jesus’ Bride (His Church) will be back from Heaven to witness this event.

4.  This date marks the end and fulfillment of Daniel’s “70 weeks vision” (Daniel 9:24). The final 70th week started on Rosh Hashanah 2008 and ended on this date. 

5.  The Antichrist has been destroyed by this date.  NOTE: He was destroyed on Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015 when Jesus first returned to earth.  The Antichrist was also given a 7-year time period (SEE Daniel 9:27).

6.   This date completes 7- Jewish years (or 2520 days) the end of The Tribulation period. 


Fifth, God gave Noah 120 years to prepare and board the ark.  >From December 7th 2015 and subtracting 120 years takes us to: 8/31/1897.  Did anything happen on this day?  Yes, that is the very exact day that Theodor Herzel "founded the Jewish presence" after centuries of disconnect.  Coincidence?  I do not think so.  What are the odds?  SEE Gerry’s Article:





By:  Gerry Almond



The gospel of Matthew was written to present Jesus as the KING OF THE JEWS.

The gospel of Mark was written to present Jesus as the humble SERVANT

The gospel of Luke was written to present Jesus as the human SON OF MAN

The gospel of John was written to present Jesus as the divine SON OF GOD.


Bible prophecy buffs need to keep in mind these truths when handling the Word of God as it applies to prophecy and their understanding thereof.  In the Gospel of Matthew, which was addressed to the Jews, Jesus is seen warning them in chapter 24 that “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of coming of the Son of Man”.  While meditating on this verse, it occurred to me that it might be advantageous to take a look at the 120 years of warning of coming world destruction as it might apply to MODERN ISRAEL TODAY.  The world at the time of Noah was still close to its pristine condition with a 360 day perfect year rotation causing the almost perfect climate conditions of creation week.  Therefore, 120 years was 120 x 360 = 43,200 days.  Applying this to the current times, would the end of 43,200 days from some start point give us the climax of the Jewish experience with the return of their King Jesus to them?  IN 2015 HAS THEIR KING NOT ONLY COME BUT HAS HE MOVED THEM INTO THE KINGDOM??


I researched and found the following:


The first Zionist Congress was held on 8/31/1897 at Basel Switzerland.  Theodor Herzel, a Jew, and considered the founder of modern Israel, wrote on 9/3/1897 of that event that, “In Basel, I have FOUNDED THE JEWISH STATE”.  Herzel later obtained an appointment with Ottoman Sultan Abdul Haniel, in which he offered to buy up the Turkish national debt in exchange for Jewish rights in “the promised land” of Palestine.  He didn’t have the money to do so, of course, but felt “led” to make the offer just the same.  Nothing immediately came of the offer.


On 11/2/1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, in a letter to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a British Jewry leader, promised in his declaration the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine (that would not disturb non-Jews living there).  In exchange, the Jews were to SUPPORT Britain’s World War I efforts against the Ottoman Empire.  The declaration was incorporated into the LEAGUE OF NATIONS, backed by both greater Europe and the British.


On December 9, 1917, General Edmund Alllenby of Great Britain crossed the bridge from Jordan into Palestine, which would later, in 1948 be called Israel.  He went on to enter Jerusalem December 11.


The third reich of Nazi Germany orchestrated World War 2.  Hitler’s final solution for the Jews was extermination by whatever means available.  His utter defeat came in 1945.  In that same year, on the Black Fast, August 6th  the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan effectively ending the war.


UFO’s began to appear in earnest in 1946 with the notable UFO crash in Roswell, N. Mex. 


The first glimmer of Israel’s (re)birth came November 29, 1947 with a recommendation for a homeland for the survivors of the holocaust plagued Jews of WW II.  This became a world cause of the newly established United Nations and it paved the way for the UNITED NATIONS to (re)birth the modern State of Israel on May 14, 1948.  The chief supporter and vocal backer of this was the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by way of its President, Harry S. Truman.


THUS CAME ABOUT THE MIRACULOUS (RE)BIRTH OF THE MODERN STATE OF ISRAEL, while called a State, but we all know her as the nation.


Now, remember that God told Noah to prepare an ark for the saving of his household.  He had 120 years in which to do the job until destruction of the world.  Using this in application to modern Israel, the 120 years works out like this:


From 8/31/1897 through 12/9/1917 there are             7,406 days  Gen Allenby

From 12/10/1917 through 11/29/1947 there are       10,948 days  First resolution

From 11/30/1947 through 5/14/1948 there are              166 days  (Re)birth of Israel

From 5/15/1948 through 6/6/1967 there are               6,965 days  Jerusalem capture

From 6/7/1967 through 11/25/1973 there are             2,316 days  Yom Kippur war

From 11/25/1973 through 4/12/2012 there are         14,064 days  Midpoint 70th week

From 4/13/2012 through 09/25/2015 there are           1,260 days  Great tribulation

From 9/26/2015 through 12/8/2015 there are                  75 days  Extended days


Grand Total                                                                 43,200 days  (120 yrs x 360 days)


The work of Seattle Pastor Mark Biltz identified tetrads of eclipses indicating the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy ending on 09/25/2015.  The angel of Daniel 12 extended the second 1,260 period of Daniel’s 70th week by 75 days additionally making the total time 2,595 days, consisting of 1,260 in the first half, 1,260 in the second half, 30 days and 45 days additional.  And from 8/31/1897 there are 43,200 days through 12/8/2015.  This date is the end of the whole age matter for Israel.  It is way beyond mere coincidence that this works out this way.




Thus, when Jesus said “as it was in the days of Noah” He was referring to ISRAEL.  This means that Matthew 24/25 was addressed, not to the Church, but to Israel in the last days.  Using this as fact, there are 1,782 days remaining after the date of 1/21/2011.  This means that there must be the rapture/sudden destruction within the next  447 days at the very latest since the center of the 2,520 period is 4/12//2012.  From there 1,260 days arrives at 9/25/2015 and 75 more days is 12/8/2015.  It all fits like a hand in a glove based on the findings of the tetrads of eclipses signifying the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy for Israel.  The 30 minutes of silence in heaven when the antichrist made his speech to millions October 29, 2008 started the final 2,595 days.  The only question for the Church is where in the remaining 447 days of the first half of the period do we go home?  I think that ANY day now is an excellent candidate for the event. 


1/21//2011…447….4/12/13/2012…1260..… 09/24/25/2015…75….12/08/09/2015

      Now                     Abomination                                                            End


I am satisfied that this is proof positive that we are 813 days into the first half of the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy normally called the tribulation days of the first half and are approaching the second half, the GREAT tribulation.  It also verifies the signs in the heavens as being accurate in their value to us, to show us the lateness of the hour.  It also verifies the work of Ron Reese who identified October 29, 2008 as the beginning of the time.   I personally think this is the verification of what we all have been looking for.


I repeat, if right now is not the rapture date, it will occur no later than 447 days hence.  We will soon see.


Even so, come Lord Jesus!


Ok Doves, we have established our key “lynch pin” date of September 23rd 2015 and the resulting prophetic dates established.  Where does our dates of April 4th-5th fit in?

FIRST, 888” is the number associated with Jesus and the coming for His Bride.  Also, it is fascinating that the Hebrew and Greek gematria value of Jesus is 888 and means the completion.  When we add 888 to October 29th 2008 (the beginning of the 7 Jewish Year Tribulation Period) we come exactly to April 4th – 5th.  WOW, WHAT ARE THE ODDS?   SEE THESE ARTICLES:


Donna Danna (4 March 2011)

Actually the Greek gematria 888 stands for Jesus in the paragraph below that I copied and pasted from the bottom of the link at  For the Doves who are interested in numbers in the Bible, I would highly recommend reading the entire link or at least taking a look at it.

"Another type of encoded evidence is known as equidistant letter sequences, or ELS. God uses ELS and gematria together. For instance, adding every seventh Hebrew letter of Isaiah 9:6, a well-known Messianic prophecy, totals 888, the gematria of Messiah (30 + 50 + 400 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 90 + 1 + 300)."

-----Isaiah 9:6
"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."

"Adding every seventh Hebrew letter of Isaiah 11:1, another Messianic prophecy, also totals 888 (200 + 10 + 200 + 5 + 10 + 6 + 40 + 200 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 200). Some people question why God would encode such complication into His writing. Well, you and I write in ways reflecting our limited intelligence. God, with His writing, reflects His unlimited intelligence. It would be unusual if God did not write in such a way. Is such a feat too difficult for the Creator of the Universe? Think about it."


Elliot Hong (24 March 2011)
"A New Clue of Timing for the Blessed Hope"

Dear Doves:
As I mentioned in the previous letter, the Lord woke me up about 10 minutes before the 4.4
LA quake which occurred at 4:04AM of Nisan 1(3/16) last year.  So I knew it was the significant
sign, and later I found out the Resurrection(Firstfruits)day was also 4/4.
And I was surprised to find out this coming 4/4 is the last day of Adar II as well as the first day
of Nisan.  I thought this can't be a coincedence.
Then I'm amazed to find out it's 24 days(8+8+8) from the Japan quake to 4/3-4, and we all know
888 is the number of Jesus and the completion.

8 days from the Japan quake was the feast of Purim and the Supermoon, and we wished that the
Blessed Hope could come true on that day, but instead the attacking Libya happened.  I believe
this incident is a very significant sign because it could be a prelude of the WW III.
After I read the post of Mercer today, I confirmed through Google that the first day of attacking
Iraq, March 19 in 2003, was indeed the first day of Purim, and exactly 8 years later, the attacking
Libya occurred on March 19 in 2011, the first day of Purim.
And I believe it's the design of God that the 8.8 Concepcion quake occurred on the feast of Purim
and also Todd heard from the Lord to read "Esther chapter 3" 8 years ago.
There is no question God is applying the principle of the number 8 and 888 in this end time.
Therefore, it's natural to speculate that the next final catastrophe could happen 8 days from the
Purim and another 8 days later from it, the Blessed Hope could come true.
I know it's a common belief that the Departure will happen before or at the same time of the
Destruction, but even though the Catastrophe occurs before the Departure, I'm sure the Almighty
will protect the Brides supernaturally.
Let's assume that the Japan quake and the recent turmoil in the Arab countries including the Middle
East are the climax of the Birth Pang, and the final Catastrophe is the actual delivery, then as Jesus
was dedicated in the Temple on the 8th day from the the birth, the Brides should be dedicated in the
Temple of Heaven on the 8th day from the delivery.  It perfectly fits.
Again, I'm not setting a date, just presenting a possibility.
See you soon,



Gerry Almond (28 Feb 2011)

There is a direct correlation between two major events of history.  They are outlined in the following:

From 8/31/1897, the very day that Theodor Herzel "founded the Jewish presence" after centuries of disconnect until the calculated time of the end date of 12/7/2015 is exactly 43,200 days.  That is the exact same time as God gave to Noah in Genesis 6, 7, 8 to prepare and board the ark.  In mathematics it looks like this:

120 years times 360 days per year equals 43,200 days.

It is clear that God is repeating history in the end time Jewish experience giving the Jewish nation 120 years from it (re)founding on 8/31/1897 untill the Kingdom 12/8/2015.

According to the tetrads found by Pastor Mark Biltz and verified over and over, the end of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy is 9/23/2015.  But we must add 75 days found in the 12th chapter of Daniel to bring it to total completion.  In other words, the end date is extended from 9/23/2015 to 12/7/2015.  This means that the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy MUST RUN from 10/29/2008 through 12/7/2015, a total of 2,595 days, broken down as follows....first 1/2 is 1,260 days, second half is 1,260 days, and 75 more days makes the total 1,260 + 1,260 + 75 = 2,595.  Furthermore, the center of the 70th week, when the antichrist rises to call himself "God" is 4/12/2012, no sooner, no later.  FROM WHERE WE ARE TODAY UNTIL THEN IS 408 DAYS!!

I do not believe that God will require us to be here April 11, 2012, the day before the antichrist declares himself to be "God".  I think we will, rather, be favored just as Noah was, since we are given the sign of Noah for our instruction.  Back in Genesis 7, Noah and his family were aboard the ark for 1 period of 365 days.  Not only does scripture tell us this, but also gives great detail as to time counts within the ark experience.  For instance, we are told that it rained 40 days and nights, then the ark floated where there was no land for 110 more days.  Why tell us that?  Why not just say the ark was the home of Noah and family for 365 days?  There has to be significance.  I think the various count points in the year's experience will tell modern Israel major points of prophecy fulfillment during the year because the Bride will be gone by April 12, 2011.  Israel will need it.

It is obvious the SACRED rather than the CIVIL year is governing this.  Passover is always 14 days after the new sacred year which begins Nisan 1.  This year Passover is April 18/19.  That makes Nisan 1 to be April 4/5.  THAT WILL BE THE FIRST DAY OF THE 7 DAYS CALL INTO THE ARK, I believe.  Something should occur April 4/5 that will warn us of His return for the Bride????

Perhaps long blasts on the trumpet of heaven???  Or could it be the resurrection of the dead in Christ followed 7 days later by our own removal????  Or the breakout of major war on the earth, leading to Armageddon some 4 years later???  Whatever, if the sign of Noah in the ark holds, it will be something that will remind us of the breaking up of the fountains of the deep and massive rains that came in his day.  Could it be earthquakes????

I don't know the date of the rapture, nor does anyone else.  I do know, however, that the 120 years sign clearly tells those with ears to hear that WE ARE OVER 2 YEARS INTO THE FIRST 1,260 DAYS OF THE 70TH WEEK!!!

In closing, consider this as perhaps an indicator.  The gematria value of JESUS in both Greek and Hebrew word/numbering is 888.  The total days of the first 1/2 of the 70th week are, of course, 1,260 days.  The total days in the ark experience of Noah INCLUDING the 7 days warning to come into the ark are 372.  Now take 1,260 total days of the first 1/2 of the 70th week minus 372 days and you have 888!!!
I don't think this is coincidental!!

I rather think it is a clear message for us to get ready!!

Glory to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


Gerry Almond


 SECOND, Noah was in the Ark 372 days.  When we subtract 372 days from April 11th–12th 2012 we come to April 4th – 5th!  SEE THESE ARTICLES:

Gerry Almond (14 Feb 2011)
"Sign of Noah...2nd Post After Miracle of Israel"

The sign of Noah found in the gospel of Matthew must also somehow relate to the nation of Israel, I think.  Here is a possibility.


Gerry Almond

The flood of Noah and rapture.doc



January 30, 2011


As you know, the Gospel of Matthew was written to the JEWS to present Jesus as KING OF THE JEWS.  I keep everything in this gospel with Israel in mind.  It is in that gospel that Jesus said in chapter 24. ”as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of coming of the Son of Man”.  As far as I am concerned in my studies of prophecy when using Matthew, I try to think in terms of Israel in the latter days, not so much the Church.  I realize that there are multiple applications, however, in this case I think we need to separate our thinking. 


In seeking that which we are all watching for, I was “given in my mind” the message of the 120 years that I have written to you about.  Your response is appreciated and so, in answer to your own work identifying the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy including the “covenant with many” on October 29, 2008,  I have been taken with your work.  I, myself, have searched diligently since I was saved in 1953, after which I have spent much time and energy in the area of prophecy.  I love it.  It is my passion, if one can call it that (my wife thinks so).  I have searched very earnestly since 1988, as I believed Edgar Whisenant was onto something really big.  I know that he was used to give the world a wake up call.  I had hoped then for the rapture.  You can be sure that I have prayed about your email asking the Lord if I could provide further insight and well, this is what I am impressed to share with you.


It seems to me that if the “sign of Noah” for Israel in these days would be the same count of years, i. e. 120 that Noah experienced from God’s announcement to him to build an ark to worldwide destruction, then 120 years could be the sign for this generation also.  In other words, 120 years of 360 days each totals 43,200 days in both instances.  In our day, there are exactly 43,200 days from the founding of the Jewish state by Theodor Herzel until the end of the 1,335 days of Daniel’s prophecy.  This seems to be the so-called “smoking gun” count that proves where we are today.  This means that the Kingdom is near for THEM, NOT US.  The end date of December 7, 2015 which is preceded by the most awful tribulation period of 75 days plus 1,260 days, called in the scriptures “the GREAT TRIBULATION”, a time such as never has been before nor will ever be again.  (There were 75 more days added by the angel in Daniel 12).  The first destruction of the world of Noah was by water in a great flood.  The second time in this world of modern Israel, destruction will be by fire, probably nuclear fire.  God said it, therefore it will be so.


But, there is possibly another sign given in Genesis, and that is the time Noah spent in the ark.  YHWH spent a goodly amount of scripture space to inform us of the time Noah and his family was in the ark after He told them to enter it.  From that time until his feet once again touched terra firma was exactly 365 days, or one solar year.

The scripture is clear to divide that year into counts of time from one event to another. When Noah entered the ark, the solar year was 360 days.  The conditions on the earth were much better than today with our violent weather and hot and cold days and nights.  Further, the orbit of earth around the sun was circular, not elongated as it is now.  This gave ideal weather throughout.  But whatever happened to disturb the planet also changed the orbit to create a 365.24219 solar year in the year that the ark was afloat.  The change did not, however, affect the lunar cycle.  It remained 29 ½ days, just as now.


In calculating the time that Noah and his family were in the ark, the following footnote found in the Schofield Reference Bible and confirmed in John Whitcomb’s book “The Genesis Flood” and Henry Morris’ book “The Genesis Record” is reproduced below.  It is found on page 13 in his Bible and, of course, in Genesis chapter 7. 


“The flood began in the 600th year, 2nd month, 17th day of Noah’s life (7-11).  It rained 40 days and nights (7:12);

the waters continued to increase (7:18), reaching their highest point on the 150th day (7:24), which figure includes the 40 days of 7:12.  The ark rested somewhere in the mountain range known as Ararat (i.e. Armenia, 8:4) on the 7th month, 17th day (i. e. 74 more days).  There followed 40 days before Noah sent out the raven (8:6-7), and three periods of 7 days related to the the three releasings of the dove (8:8-12), compare v. 10 “yet other seven days”).  Thus far there are 285 days.  The period between the removal of the covering of the ark (601st year, 1st month, 1st day, v. 13) and the third sending forth of the dove is 29 days (deduced by comparing 8:13 with the date of entering into the ark, 7:11).  Finally, a comparison of 8:13 with vv. 14-16 indicates a further 57 days wait before Noah and his family went forth to the dry earth, or 371 days in all, which figure agrees when 7:11 is deducted from from 8:14….12 months of 30 days plus 11 days.  (The Jews count both the beginning and ending day of a sequence).  But the actual elapsed time was exactly a solar year.  This is established by multiplying the 12 months of 7:11 and 8:14 by the 29 ½ days which comprise a lunar month.  The total is 354 days.  Add 11 days (17th to 27th of the second month, 7:11 and 8:14)….a total of 365 days, one solar year.”


I believe that it is entirely reasonable to think that YHWH meant for us to lay this 365 day count over the final year leading up to the revealing of the man of sin, the abomination that makes desolate.   There is good reason for this, I believe.


As you know there are two Hebrew years.  These are the civil year and the sacred year.  The first of these occurs on the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashana called New Year.  The second occurs 14 days prior to the Feast of Passover (Pesach) each and every year.  The new year corresponding to 2011 in the civil count for Jewry began last September, but the sacred new year for 2011 has NOT YET BEGUN.  It actually starts April 5 at sundown this year.  But, Noah and his family ENTERED THE ARK 7 DAYS BEFORE THE 40 DAYS OF RAIN, i. e. 7 days before the 365 days began.  Therefore, including the first call into the ark, the total count is extended to 372 days, and appears in the table below:



Call into the ark…………………………………………………..7 days


Rain upon the earth……………………………………………..40 days   (sudden destruction 1st day)

Adrift on the waters ………………………...…………………110 days

Landing on Ararat………………………………………………74 days

Waiting for the recession of water raven sent out………..……40 days

3 doves sent 7 days apart………………………………………...21 days** (3 periods of 7 days)

Third dove returns with olive twig; 22 more days expire……..22 days**  

Final wait for dry land…………………………………………..57 days

Exit day…………………………………………………………….1 day


Total days……………………………………………………… 372 days  (7 plus 365)


Ron, I think that just as the 120 years works from Theodor Herzel’s founding to Israel’s Kingdom, this 372 days count may work in the year just before the man of sin arises as the abomination that makes desolate.  When applied, the timeline divided according to scripture record looks like this:


Apr  Apr        May                         Sep              Nov          Jan                  Jan         Feb                     Apr  Apr

   5/6   12/13     22/23                          9/10           22/23          1/2               22/23        13/14                  10/11 11/12



The year, 2012 is a leap year.  This may throw the count off 1 day all the way back to 2011 since only ¼ of a day is assigned to each of the 4 years leading up the the leap day.  This is just a convenience of the calendar. The Jewish calendar gives April 18/19 as the Feast of Passover (Pesach) this year.  This means that Nisan 1, which is 14 days prior to Pesach, or April 5/6 this year.  From this date to April 11/12, 2012 is, guess what?…372 days!


A perfect overlay of the timeframe of Noah’s year onto 2011-2012 yields a most interesting result.  I don’t know what occurs or may occur on the different dates based on the above time line, if anything.  I this that this is probably a major event schedule for Israel in 2011-12.  But I do believe the rapture may well be either April 5/6, or April 12/13, 2011. Also, I wonder if leap year in 2012, which affects this may be one reason that we won’t know the day or hour, let alone the 24 time zones and the 2 days on earth.





And, Lord bless your work.




Gerry Almond


Gerry Almond (22 March 2011)

March 21, 2011

March 14/15 is called the Ides of March
March 20/21 is commonly the Spring Equinox.  This year it also Super moon time.

From March 14/15, 2011 through April 4/5, 2011 there are 21 days.
From March 20/21, 2011 through April 11/12, 2011 there are 21 days.

In Daniel 10, a vision of both the resurrection and the rapture are seen in the Old Testament.  The heavenly messengers that came (Michael, the Archangel and the pre-incarnate Christ I believe), were DELAYED 21 FULL DAYS in their coming.  They were fiercely opposed by the satanic angel prince of Persia.

But, back to the days.  The sign of Noah includes a 7 day warning for him to enter the ark after which the rains were to begin.  Noah knew 7 days before the destruction that it was enroute.  We are told in Matthew 24 that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.  May we not also expect a warning time? I think that is perfectly reasonable.  

I do know that when you take the gematria value of JESUS, which is 888 and add 7 days of warning time plus a year of 365 days in the ark to it, (the exact time Noah spent from warning to exiting the ark) you come up with the first ½ of the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy, that is 1,260 days.  888 + 7 + 365 = 1,260.  As of now, the 888 days are almost over dating from October 29/30, 2008, so it is the 372 remaining days we need to look at now.

On a line they look like this:

M   T  W  T   F   S   S  M T  W  T    F   S  S   M  T  W   T  F S S MTWT F S  S  M  T



Time is clearly outlined here.  The day of the week is also correct for the Bride.  This has been discussed by others in posts on the website.

Noah’s time given by God was 120 years times 360 days per year for a total of 43,200 days from the call to build the ark, until the destruction.  

Modern Israel is God’s time clock.  I believe and have demonstrated that the days of Noah are being repeated in the day counts of modern Israel now!!

8/31/1897 Theodor Herzel’s opening of Palestine to 120 years later, i. e. 43,200 days is the start of the Kingdom Age according to the tetrads of eclipses and other data including Bible Codes.

8/31/1897 ----------43,200 days--------------12/7/2015 --- 1,000 year Kingdom Age
Herzel                                                           Last day            Millenial Kingdom

The ending date of the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy plus the 75 days more given in chapter 12 of Daniel yields 12/7/2015.  Take from that 75 days back to 9/23/2015 and then further back 1,260 days and it gives the center date of 4/12/2012.  That is when the antichrist declares himself to be God.  The temple WILL be set up in whatever form in the next 386 days from today.  

365 days plus 7 days of the Noah sign or 372 days back from 4/12/2012 is 4/5/2011.
Get ready, your and my redemption draweth nigh.  ALL signs point to April 4/5 as the start of the “sign of Noah”.

My advice is to get ready for our redemption draweth nigh.  ALL signs point to it!!!!


Gerry Almond


THIRD, WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN A “42 DAY WARNING”!  The number “42” is ALSO associated with the coming of Jesus for His Bride. 


SEE:  When is Jesus Returning?  “The Answer is 42!” AND 


When you add 42 days from The Christchurch’s 6.3-magnitude earthquake of February 22nd, 2011, you come to April 5th 2011!


FOURTH, WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN A “21 DAY WARNING”!  The number “21” is associated with the “21 days delayed factor” brought out in Daniel 10:13. (SEE: THIS).  On Monday, March 14, 2011 (On Sunday USA time) high levels of radiation was first detected leaking from the tsunami/earthquake damaged nuclear reactors at the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, Japan.  Fast forward 21 days brings us to April 4th-5th!


FIFTH, WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN a 1-YEAR WARNING”!  One year from April 4th 2011, there was a major earthquake in California.  SEE THESE ARTICLES:


Elliot Hong (26 March 2011)
"Purim, USA, 888 and the Departure"

 Dear Doves:
As it's previously mentioned, it was the feast of Purim when US began to attack Iraq on March 19 in 2003,
and exactly 8 years later, US and the Allies began to attack Libya on March 19 in 2011, the feast of Purim.
What is the message God tells us through this pattern?
We all know that Purim is the feast celebrating the victory from the Haman's plot to eliminate the Chosen
people.  And since the story of Esther happened in Persia, it's a common understanding that the mad leader
of Iran, Ahmadinejad is the modern Haman.  But in a broad picture, the ultimate force attempting to eliminate
the Chosen people is the New World Order system and A/C, and US will play a leading role to form the system.
I believe this is the lesson God tries to teach us through the pattern, and why the Lord told Todd to read "Esther
chapter 3" 8 years ago.
As the situation of the Japan nuclear plant is getting worse, there is no question that the Japan quake was the
final turning point, and 8 days from it, US and the Allies began to attack Libya on the feast of Purim.  I have no
doubt in my mind that this incident will lead to the WW III eventually, since Russia, China and some Arab countries
are furious about this attack.
Thus it's logical to assume that 8 days from the Purim, the Catastrophe will occur in the States, and another 8 days
from it, the Blessed Hope will come true, as the principle of 888 is applied.  I'm not sure whether there will be another
Destruction at the same time of the Departure, but it's very possible something might happen with the 44th Presidency.
Like I mentioned in the previous post, the 4.4 LA quake at 4:04AM of Nisan 1 and the Resuurection(Firstfruits) day  
on 4/4 last year are the significant signs, and perhaps the indication from the Almighty that the Resurrection and
the Transformation would happen on this coming Adar II 29/Nisan 1, 4/4.  As we know, it's the principle of God to
wait until the last moment.
Again, I have no intention to set a date, only presenting the evidences and a possibility.
See you soon,


Nicole (9 March 2011)
"To Raul D"


Thank you for your posts about still watching for 2010 based on the rabbinical calendar now.   It is VERY VERY cool how you showed that the end of the spiritual year ends on 4/4/2011.   And how the year started on 3/16/2010.  

I think it is a neat sign to me because on 3/16/2010 at 4:04 a.m. in Los Angeles a 4.4 earthquake occurred.   Then on 4/4/2010 there was another earthquake I felt that originated in Baja and it happened to be Resurrection Day (our Pastor won't let us say Easter.)

I know that Jesus always gives a one year warning to repent.   Remember Hurricane Katrina?   Well a year before there was I think a hurricane that came through that was supposed to be really bad, and it "passed over."   And when the news media interviewed people about the fact it was a cry wolf, the interviewees mocked it.  

So I say the same will be for those that mocked that the rapture did not happen in 2010.   If the rapture happens this year, then it is a parallel to what happened in New Orleans....a year warning.....a year for the Jewish Bride to wear her engagement veil out in public and be tested to see if she "flirts" with any other man and her bridesmaids to bring word back to the bridegroom.    Maybe 2010 was the year of us wearing our veil. 


Nicole (18 March 2011)
"To BG Ellis re: 4/4/2011"

Funny how I found your website before finding the 5Doves!   I wonder if the earthquake in Los Angeles on 3/16/2011 at 4:04 a.m., then we had the ripple effect here from the Baja Quake on 4/4/2010 was a year warning to Los Angeles?

I remember how Weatherbill, see his website said the Lord was sending the mega quake and tsunami to the west coast on 9/3/2010.   He has another warning for 2012 but since he did not predict the location correctly, I am sticking to Dr. David Owour's prophecies.  I prayed against LA getting the quake last year and then it hit Christchurch.   Weatherbill says that the LA quake was delayed for a period of time, but was it really or were we always given about a year warning?   I think Weatherbill just had his location wrong for 9/3/2010.  

My son keeps seeing a huge earthquake in California.   And he sees the gays singing "red, white and gay."   And then the Lord takes a huge rainbow flag and rips it in half.   And then my son sees the foot of the Lord step on California and it is like a 10.0 earthquake with a wall of water so high he said it seemed like a couple thousand feet.    My son sees San Francisco totally gone and downtown Los Angeles totally gone.   He sees the very wealthy people of Los Angeles and Hollywood's homes destroyed from this quake and their money has flown away, whatever that means.  

My son says that the rapture is coming for him and I in this megaquake.   LOL!





Elliot Hong (10 March 2011)
"Re: Nicole, 4.4 LA Earthquake on Nisan 1, 2010 & the Coming Purim"

Dear Nicole and Doves:
I woke up about 10 minutes before the 4.4 LA quake occurred at 4:04AM of 3/16, then learned
it was Nisan 1 and knew it was the Lord who woke me up to stress the importance of it.
Later, I found out that the Churva synagogue in Jerusalem was rededicated on 3/15 and the
prophecy of Rabbi Vilna(1720-1797) was fulfilled that the the beginning of the redemptive process
would commence upon the completion of the rebuilding of the Churva synagogue.
Thus, there is no question that Nisan 1, 2010 was the important day, and I agree with you that
from Nisan 1, 2010 to Nisan 1, 2011 is a year warning.  And it's a year of preparation for Israel
before the Daniel's 70th week begins.
The way things are developing now in the Middle East certainly makes us to think that the coming Purim
could be a very important time, and it happens to be the Supermoon day as well as the Spring Equinox,
since the feast of Purim is observed for two days.

I remember Todd's post last year about his precious testimony that he heard from the Lord three times
to read the Book of Esther, fasted for 3 days just like Esther seeking the understanding, and watched
closely the feast of Purim for 7 years.  This coming Purim is the 8th year since he heard from the Lord.
Last year, the feast of Purim was observed at the same time when the 8.8 Concepcion earthquake occurred.
We all know that the Concepcion quake and the number 8 represent "New Birth" or "New Beginning," so
it's definitely connected to the 8th year of Todd's testimony.
According to Calvin, when the 8.8 Concepcion earthquake occurred, the full moon was located at the Sickle
of Leo(Harvest), and the coming full moon will be at the same location as well.
After all, "in the top of it's phase" of the prophetic word John Lawler received could mean "the full moon."
I watched a video clip "Plans To Invade Israel Are Being Prepared! Here Comes Hezbollah," and it seems
that the story of Esther is repeating.
Puzzles fit together.
Let's pray the Blessed Hope will come true this time.

See you soon,

Elliot Hong (26 March 2011)
"Purim, USA, 888 and the Departure"

Dear Doves:
As it's previously mentioned, it was the feast of Purim when US began to attack Iraq on March 19 in 2003,
and exactly 8 years later, US and the Allies began to attack Libya on March 19 in 2011, the feast of Purim.
What is the message God tells us through this pattern?
We all know that Purim is the feast celebrating the victory from the Haman's plot to eliminate the Chosen
people.  And since the story of Esther happened in Persia, it's a common understanding that the mad leader
of Iran, Ahmadinejad is the modern Haman.  But in a broad picture, the ultimate force attempting to eliminate
the Chosen people is the New World Order system and A/C, and US will play a leading role to form the system.
I believe this is the lesson God tries to teach us through the pattern, and why the Lord told Todd to read "Esther
chapter 3" 8 years ago.
As the situation of the Japan nuclear plant is getting worse, there is no question that the Japan quake was the
final turning point, and 8 days from it, US and the Allies began to attack Libya on the feast of Purim.  I have no
doubt in my mind that this incident will lead to the WW III eventually, since Russia, China and some Arab countries
are furious about this attack.
Thus it's logical to assume that 8 days from the Purim, the Catastrophe will occur in the States, and another 8 days
from it, the Blessed Hope will come true, as the principle of 888 is applied.  I'm not sure whether there will be another
Destruction at the same time of the Departure, but it's very possible something might happen with the 44th Presidency.
Like I mentioned in the previous post, the 4.4 LA quake at 4:04AM of Nisan 1 and the Resuurection(Firstfruits) day  
on 4/4 last year are the significant signs, and perhaps the indication from the Almighty that the Resurrection and
the Transformation would happen on this coming Adar II 29/Nisan 1, 4/4.  As we know, it's the principle of God to
wait until the last moment.
Again, I have no intention to set a date, only presenting the evidences and a possibility.
See you soon,





Nicole (25 March 2011)
"To BG Ellis & Elliot Hong:  Additional info on 4/4/2011"


From the Concepcion, Chile earthquake on 2/27/2011 to Christmas Day is EXACTLY 301 days or 43 weeks which in medical terms the time when the baby would be at its peak for being due.   A day later and it is overdue.

Well Christmas came and went and I was bummed out, so I began to ponder about this and upon hearing the sermons of Pastor Sandy Armstrong I kept his ideas in the back of my mind.   I kept seeing him holding open the rapture door for me and my son and I kept seeing huge earthquake and the rapture.    Well Pastor Sandy states that the Lord told him the year 2010 was the year and it ends based on the calendar on 4/4/2011.   I hope his dates are right this time because the Illuminati is meeting to discuss the new world monetary system on 4/8/2011.

Well, this date of 4/4/2011 is 100 days from Christmas.
   Why does this 100 days make me excited?

A couple of days ago I watched a movie about Vincent Van Gogh and what if he had the chance to come back to earth 100+ years after his death to right all the wrongs in his life?   To make up for things, get the money he so deserved and do charitable things with it, and free himself of the torment he had in his life.   Well in this movie, he was given an extra 100 days "to get his life in order."

Truly, I watched this movie on 3/22/2011 and then later that night I had a vision and met the Holy Spirit. 

On the night of 3/22/2011 I saw the Holy Spirit face to face.   I was wanting to know a personal question in my life which had nothing to do with the rapture but it was a burden for me.   All of a sudden I was in the garage with my RIGHT hand laid flat out in the air.   The Holy Spirit was in my hand.   He was in this vision about 2 feet tall and He had white hair, white beard and dazzling, sparkling eyes.   I only saw His face and upper body, and the rest of Him was almost like a cloud.    He was smiling very big and He was whispering.  I could not hear Him so then I said, I cannot hear You.   Mr. can you please repeat what you were saying, and then I moved my hand closer to my ear so that He could speak in my ear and He whispered gently into my ear.  He answered my question and I was so happy!   It was a good answer!   After the vision I felt very dumb.  I kept beating myself up wanting to know why would I call the Lord, Mr.?   Well last night I was watching a movie about a King and His wife, the Queen who loved him very, very much and knew him very well always called him "Mr. King."   So now I know why I called Him, Mr. 

I have never, ever met the Holy Spirit.  I have never seen Him.   This was the very first time.   I have met Jesus several times in my life.   I have only had one encounter with the Father and I was caught up underneath His whirlwind yet I knew of His presence, but I was not allowed to see His throne above me.   But I saw the face of the Holy Spirit in my vision, yet it is hazy now.   But I do remember the white hair, white beard and dazzling eyes.   And He was speaking so gently it was like He was mouthing the words, until He came up to my ear I realized He whispers. 

I believe this is a sign of our soon departure!

Well I have been speculating rapture dates for the last 2 years.  I have used them as my time marker or my "stopping" point to take a break to get a glass of Gatorade on this marathon in the desert.    Sometimes I think I want to give up at each stopping point when the sands start blowing in my face and I am sunburned.   But then an encouraging Christian tells me, its not that much further and I put the scarf around my mouth and somehow get the adrenaline going and run through the blazing heat to the next stopping point.

But one of these days the marathon marker stopping point will be that finish line of the rapture.

I am on board yet again for the 4/4/2011 date.   And I pray that this is the last marker.   Now that my son has been transferred to a new school, in which he believes is protection from an earthquake....isn't it strange that this weeks videos from Pastor Sandy Armstrong are about HAARP's ability to create earthquakes as a weapon, and the dead birds and fishes are a sign of the use of HAARP right before the earthquake hits?    Maybe an earthquake hits in Los Angeles before or with the rapture, or maybe we are seeing the sudden destruction after the rapture?  I don't know but the puzzle pieces are there I just cannot seem to figure them out very well.   

Watch Pastor Sandy's explanation of HAARP.

Concepcion Chile earthquake in 2/27/2010!   not 2011.  301 days from that date is 12/25/2010....and then an extra 100 days is 4/4/2011.



DOVES, that is all the reasons for Part Five, there will be more reasons to come in part 6.  You will see in part four that there are several ways to the same date of: midnight, April 4th (Our departure date)!