Amanda (3 March 2011)
"To:  Dave Molina, Rene, Tyra and Gordon"


You made me laugh and smile this morning when I read your post to me, so thank you!   I hate to dust and its probably one of those chores I put off and well now forget it, ha!

Rene and Gordon,

Thank you too for your post to me, it uplifted my spirits.


Thank you for your sweet words and everything you said.  I believe with my whole heart that this year 2011 is "the" year.  I think each day as we grow even closer He is going to be revealing some big stuff.  

Just in general I was thinking of how the world has their eyes and so wrapped up in this William and Kate royal wedding, while we are all waiting for the real Groom to sweep us all away!  Their wedding is set sometime in April.  Hopefully, ours is not that far from there.

Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend and yes I can't wait to meet all you guys too!
