Steve Coerper (9 Mar 2025)
"When Justice Awakens"

Dear John and Five Doves Community:

I did not listen to the entire State of the Union address on March 4th but I caught the first half and then reviewed the transcript of the entire presentation:

There was not one word on abortion.  I have seen nothing to suggest that the DOGE effort has cut funding for abortion or "family planning" from the budget, though that may have happened.  Title X was not mentioned.  I have heard no complaints from Planned Parenthood, which I would expect if their funding was cut.

Over 65 million lives have been deliberately ended by abortion, and many more from birth control pills, morning-after pills and so forth.  The ground is soaked in innocent blood, crying out to the just Judge of all the earth.

President Jefferson famously said, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."
  God hears, even if Trump, his cabinet, and most Americans do not.  God is long-suffering, but His patience is not infinite.

President Trump said, "My fellow Americans, get ready for an incredible future, because the golden age of America has only just begun. It will be like nothing that has ever been seen before."   I suspect Trump spoke a partial truth in that what's coming will be incredible.  Hardly "golden" but when judgment arrives - and it WILL arrive - it will truly be "like nothing that has ever been seen before."  As it was in the days of Sodom.

Hope to see you soon.
