RAPTURE HIGH WATCH DATES: 2025THE RAPTURE ZONEWaiting for the Blessed Hopeby Captain Bob, Judi, Lyn, Carole, Stephan, Minister Washington, Lu, + other Rev 12 Family Members.Revelation 12 Daily BlogAs agreed upon by the Revelation 12 Daily Council, here's the "Official" list of Acronyms used to abbreviate the various "High Watch Rapture Periods" starting from the beginning of the year (Gregorian Calendar): 2025.___________________________1. PBM (Purim Blood Moon) - Thursday, March 13, 2025For 2025, Purim begins on Thursday night, March 13 and continues through Friday, March 14 (extending over Shabbat and beyond in Jerusalem). Purim is the celebration of the Jews' salvation from slaughter by the Persian empire thanks to the bravery of Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai. Purim is one of the most fun celebrations of the Jewish year, complete with masquerades, noisemakers, feasts and plenty of wine. What's unique about Purim this year and in 2026 is the celebration will be accompanied by a Blood Moon. Furthermore, there will be another Blood Moon on September 7, 2025 just before Ros HaShanah (9/22-24) completing a 2025-26 Purim Blood Moon Triad. Astronomically, this could signify a prelude or start of Daniel's 70th Week or "Jacob's Trouble". It should also be noted that Blood Moons historically are bad omens for the Jews.2. PPP (Pink Passover Promise) - Saturday, April 12, 2025For 2025, Passover begins before sundown on Saturday, April 12, 2025, and ends after nightfall on April 20, 2025. The dates of the Jewish holiday of Passover are also based on a lunar calendar and shift year to year, sometimes overlapping with Easter. Passover, or "Pesach" in Hebrew, is an eight-day celebration that commemorates the Jewish people's escape from slavery in ancient Egypt. Included in this "High Watch" period is Nisan 10 (April 9, 2025) which commemorates Jesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), preparation for Passover, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the day when Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan River into the Promised Land, etc. Also, recent calculations reveal that from May 14, 2018 (Israel 's 70th birthday) + 7 prophetic years (2520 days) = April 7, 2025 (start of Nisan 10 in Jerusalem).3. S153 (Shavuot/153rd day of the year) – Sunday, June 1, 2025For 2025, Shavuot begins at sundown on Sunday, June 1st and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, June 3rd. Shavuot or Feast of Weeks is a two-day Jewish holiday that commemorates the date when God gave the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai over 3,000 years ago. It's celebrated seven weeks after Passover, which is celebrated in the midspring. The seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot is known as the Counting of the Omer. Shavuot is celebrated through desisting from work, candle-lit dinners, staying up all night to study Torah, listening to the reading of the Ten Commandments in synagogue, enjoying dairy foods and other festivities. Interestingly, June 2nd is the 153rd day of the year which hints of the Harpazo (John 21:11).4. WWW (White Wheat Wedding) – Wednesday, July 23, 2025For 2025, this "high watch period" occurs in Summer when Pentecost has "fully come" and typically occurs on July 23rd of each year. The July 23 date is derived from an alternative interpretation of Leviticus 23, being a Double Count. It also suggests that the Acts 2 Pentecost corresponded to the Feast of New Wine. It also follows the Prophetic Picture of Ruth, a Gentile marrying Boaz, the type of Jesus at the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest. It is a Prophetic Pattern of when the Bride of Christ is to conclude the Church Age and be called by Jesus from her Commission.5. FFF (Final Fall Flight) - Monday, September 22, 2025For 2025 and other years, this very broad "High Watch Period" occurs during the time of the Jewish Fall Feasts. There are 3 Fall Feasts. The first is Rosh Hashanah (aka Feast of Trumpets) that marks the Jewish New Year and the start of what is often called the "High Holy Days," or "Days of Awe." In 2025, it begins at sundown on Monday, September 22nd and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, September 24th. It should be noted that September 23, 2025 will be the 8th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign. The Number 8 signifies ‘New Beginnings’ after having completed its 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture, possibly. The second is Yom Kippur (aka Day of Atonement) which begins at sundown on Wednesday, Oct 1, 2025 and ends at nightfall on Thursday, Oct 2, 2025. The third is Sukkot (aka Feast of Tabernacles) which begins at sundown on Monday, Oct 6, 2025 and ends at nightfall on Monday, Oct 13, 2025.6. HHH (Heavenly Hanukkah Hope) - Sunday, December 14, 2025For 2025, Hanukkah or Festival of Lights begins at sundown on Sunday, December 14th and ends at nightfall on Monday, Dec 22nd. This 8-day celebration is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. It's celebrated by lighting a menorah, eating traditional foods, and exchanging gifts.7. UNK (Abbreviation for "Unknown") – ?For every year, this acronym refers to a "High Watch Day or Period" that is unknown to any watchman or watchwoman. According to Matthew 24:36 no one can know the Day or Hour, yet there are many passages that instruct us to watch--an apparent contradiction or paradox. Habakkuk 2:3, Luke 12:35-48 for example. These Christians are still watching while holding both truths in tension. They join the Brethren in eager anticipation as we see the Day approaching, not setting their hearts on a particular day. But do not despair or be in a (F)UNK, as we approach the "End of Days" as the "Spirit of the Lord" will reveal to His Bride the nearness of the Rapture or our Blessed Hope (Acts 2:17).✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟P.S. Thank you Rev12 Family. This "Acronym List" has been years in the making and wouldn't have been possible without everyone's contribution. Looking forward to seeing y'all at the Fun Table very soon!J. D. Farag...hope this list helps you remember all these very "Confusing + Annoying" Acronyms!
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