‘He told them this Parable: Look at the Fig Tree and all the Trees. When they sprout Leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that Summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the Kingdom of God is near. Truly I tell you, this Generation will certainly not Pass Away until all these Things have happened’. -Luke 21:29-33
This study is about Modern Israel’s Present Population Trajectory and Future Tragedy, ‘As one sees the Day approaching’. Hebrews 10:25. And what Day is that? It is the Blessed Hope, the Rapture Event where Jesus promised to return for His Bride. If one studies the End Times or Eschatology, one cannot argue that one is seeing the Day Approaching, now more than ever. Many Followers of Jesus who have watched for a long Time can sense that Problems have gotten worse in the World, but Prophecy has gotten ‘Clearer’ with each passing Year, Month, Week and Days, etc.
A lot of Dates and Events continue to synchronize. One suspects that, as the Days and Weeks get closer to that ‘Day Approaching’, the Synchronization will be getting even tighter, hopefully. The Rapture, after all, is likened in the Bible to Birth Bangs. Of course not all Brethren are exactly seeing the same Dates and Events pertaining to the Timing of the Rapture, absolutely but the ‘Day’ that is ‘Approaching’ is coming into focus.And one is of the Opinion that at the Center of such Dates and Events is the Modern Nation of Israel. And 1 such Date, in terms of Numbers is 1948 when Israel was ‘Born’. That being the case, there are some Numerical Factor to consider, 77 and 84-Years. In a prior study, one wrote about the Number 77 and how that is linked to Caleb. And? Well, the Year 2025, as one knows, is the 77th Year for Israel since its ‘Rebirth’ in 1948. And? Caleb was 77 when he entered the Promised Land and took his Inheritance, etc. If one then adds that last Sabbath Week of Years, it will bring one to 2032.
CALEB CODE: 7777 Years Old + 7 Year Tribulation Period = 84th Year
2025 = 77th Year + 7 (Tribulation Period?) = 2032
Also, the 77 and 7 will make a Triple Factor to note (7-7-7). One has also presented the Timeline that incorporates, based on one’s Interpretation and extrapolation of Anna’s Life of 84 Years to correspond to Israel also. It has to do with how 84 Years from Israel’s Birth, as a Type of Jesus that she beheld in the Temple, along with Simeon, that would equate to the Year, 2032. And it states that she only had her Husband for 7 Years and thereafter was a Widow until her Death. So, if one subtracts that 7-Year Factor to correspond to Danile’s 70th Week of Years, then it corresponds to the Year, 2025.
In an Atom of Time
Then consider the prior studies one has presented in how Anna, who was at the Temple when Jesus was being presented on the 8th Day was 84 Years Old. The New Testament teaches that she was only married for 7 Years. Thus, if one factors the Typology of Anna being like an ‘Israel’, since 1948 would make 2032 the 84 Year. If one then subtracts the 7 Years of being Widowed, as Israel has been, then that Factor corresponds to the Year 2025.
ANNA CODE: 8484 Years Old + 1948 Israel Birth = 2032 = 84th Year
2032 - 7 Tribulation Period = 2025 = 77th
But just imagine if 2025 is the Rapture Year? My Goodness. We have finally ‘Arrived’. Perhaps. Although the Equations and Timelines would appear to be significant, they could not be correct. So, one is ‘Cautiously Optimistic’. It is like Moses only being allowed to see into the Promised Land, but only from afar. And if the Year 2025 is when the Rapture Event occurs, then the Window of Watching on this Side of the ‘Atomic’ Rapture, i.e., Greek ‘Atomos’ is fast approaching within one’s Lifetime.This is what is referred to, ‘In a Moment’ Transformation of the Bodies. That would be wild. One cannot wait for the ‘Lift-Off’. No Space-X Rocket Required. So, how is all that pertinent to Israel’s Present Population its Projected Trend and its coming Tragedy, according to the Book of Zechariah? Here is what is to come, prophetically, pertaining to Israel during the Tribulation Period.Specifically, it will have to do with Israel’s Population during the 2nd Half of Daniel’s Last Sabbath of Years. This Time-Frame is also called the ‘Time of Jacob’s Troubles’, etc. Consider that in 2025, the Total Israeli Population was estimated to be at 9,500,000 People. If 2/3 will perish during the 70th Week of Daniel, as interpreted in Zechariah, then that will leave approximately the following Population of Jews in Israel at that Time and Place, etc.
The Projected Population for Israel, all-inclusive, is to be 10 Million in 2029 and 10.5, approximately in 2032. However, based on Zechariah, in the Last Days, there will be another Holocaust 2.0. And in this case, the deliberated Genocide of the Jews will be initiated by the very Messiah the Religious Jews, via the Sanhedrin will anoint as their Messiah King.This Body of the reconstituted 70 Elders of Zion will really constitute the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus exposed. This occurred during His Ministry while on Earth during His 1st Advent. Nonetheless, this False Jewish Messiah will seek to annihilate the Jews. One surmises that it will be in retaliation for a Jew or Jews that successfully Assassinated the AntiChrist, but was Resurrected by Ritual and Magic, etc.
An Exodus 2.0
This will occur at the Half-Way Time Marker or the 1260th Day. This is when the Daily Sacrifices will be halted by the AntiChrist. Then the False Prophet, instead, will set-up that Golden Idol. This is the Abomination of Desolation Event that Jesus warned about and disclosed to the Prophet Daniel. As noted, one’s Theory is that just before this Event that will demand the Worship of the World through the Mark of the Beast Grid System, there was an Attempt on the AntiChrist’s Life. It will be successful as the Bible discloses that he will have received a ‘Mortal Headwound’.‘And in all the Land, declares the LORD, 2/3 will be cut-off and perish, but a 1/3 will be left in it. This 1/3 I will bring through the Fire; I will refine them like Silver and test them like Gold. They will call on My Name, and I will answer them. I will say, They are My People, and they will say, the LORD is our GOD’. -Zechariah 13:8-9
This means that the False Jewish Messiah will have died. But through the Lying Signs and Wonders and through the Power of Lucifer, i.e., the Dragon, the Beast will come back to Life. Lucifer will mimic the Resurrection of Jesus. But it is at this Point-and-Time that Lucifer unleashed what is called the ‘Wrath of Satan’ upon the Remnant Believing Jews and all other People having put their Faith in the Salvation of Jesus. Only about 3 Million Jews will remain alive at the Mid-Point of the 70th Week because of this Genocide. This is the coming Tragedy.It will serve as the impetus for when the False Prophet will set-up the Golden Idol in the Temple Area to be worshiped along with the AntiChrist False Messiah. And that is when the Believing Jewish Remnant will flee to Petra or Bosra. This is what is then linked and fulfilled in what Jesus forewarned in Matthew 24. This is what one has argued will be the Exodus ‘2.0’ as it is estimated that the Multitudes that came out of Egypt was about 3+ Million People. And where does one get this Prophetic Notion about a 2nd Exodus coming out of ‘Egypt’? Where does it say that?
And their Dead Bodies shall lie in the Street of the Great City, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our LORD was crucified’. -Revelation 11:8-9
This is in reference to the Death of the 2 Witnesses, Moses and Elijah, the ‘Law and the Prophets’, and who were with Jesus at Mount Hermon as one is convinced was where the Transfiguration of Jesus took place. This is also why one held and holds to the Interpretation that the Revelation 12 Sign will be fulfilled at this Place-and-Time also. It will reconfigure, starting in April of 2029. It will begin right in the Middle of the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline one has proposed.
And Revelation 12 Sign amazingly comes to its Astrological Alignment, as shared in a Chart Illustration, precisely on September 11, 2032. Coincidence? No. In tandem what occurs in the Heavenly Realm is what one calls the Revelation 12 War. This is when Michael expels Lucifer and his Fallen Angels to Earth. Why at this Time-and-Place? One surmises that this Mid-Point Marker correlates to when the Bride in Heaven is vindicated by Jesus, as at this Point, corresponds to when Lucifer, the Accuser of the Brethren is found Guilty, condemned, sentenced and expelled from Heaven, forevermore.
This is why Lucifer, the Dragon that is the same as Satan, then comes down to the Earth and in his Wrath seeks to genocide the Jews. This is when the Woman of Revelation 12 flees to the Wilderness for the remainder of the 2nd Half of the Tribulation Period. They will be provided for, as with the Mana in the same way, somehow that the Israelites were provided for. And coincidently, it is calculated that in its heyday, the area of Petra accommodated up to 3 Million People. Coincidence? No.‘And he told this Parable: A Man had a Fig Tree planted in his Vineyard, and he came seeking Fruit on it and found none. And he said to the Vinedresser, look, for 3 Years now I have come seeking Fruit on this Fig Tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the Ground? And he answered him, Sir, let it alone this Year also, until I dig around it and put on Manure. Then if it should bear Fruit next Year, well and Good; but if not, you can cut it down’. -Luke 13: 6-980 Years (Leviticus 19:23-25) + 4 Years Probation = 84th Year
If anyone has been to Petra, it is a City that is accessed through a Narrow Gorge, as a funnel. It can be likened to how Moses was placed in the Cleft in the Rock, and covered, protected by YHVH. This is how Israel will go to that Petra as the ‘Cleft’ in the Rock, and Israel, like a ‘Moses’ will be protected and Covered supernaturally by Jesus’ Hand. They will wait for the Return of Jesus at the 2nd Coming. In fact, Jesus, along with His Bride, the Redeemed during the Church Age, will come down from Heaven at this Place-and-Time. It is the Rescue of the Jewish Remnant of some ~3 Million that survived and approximates how many left Egypt for the Wilderness during the Exodus ‘1.0’. Selah.
Return of Jesus in 2032?
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