Leon (9 Mar 2025)
"WHO global treaty : Refusing vaccine Will be fined thirty thousand dollars or jailed"


Dear Doves,

I heard the former police general who previously served in Intelligence of this nation said that the new WHO global treaty Will force refusing people to pay US$ 30 thousand or Will be jailed for disobedience against vaccinations. They also rule which vaccine allowed and what procedures of treatment for infected patience, quarantine, lock down, ventilators etc.
Its the other way of robbing sovereignity of nations. So greedy and Wicked.
They don't appreciate people's right on their bodies.

In the last covid plandemic the hospitals infused covid patients with Tocilizumab which cost 1000x the price of dexamethasone to stop cytokine storm in the lung and they deliberately wait until patients put into costly ventilator instead of giving cheap dexamethasone as prevention for early symptoms.
