Leon (9 Mar 2025)
"If the 1st of Revelation is Christ, John would not weep so bad"


Dear Doves,

Apostle John taken to heaven and saw the scroll with 7 Seals, John wept because nobody could open the seal and reveal the secret.

Now the question is,  if the 1st seal is Jesus it doesn't have any secret value at all because apostle John knew already who and what has Jesus done during His ministry on earth.

Therefore John would not weep so bad just to find out that the 1st seal is Jesus, which is no secret of end times at all.

Further, Jesus has conquered death with His resurrection and has finished His job of Salvation as He said on the cross "Its done".
He doesn't need to be launched anymore to win crown as He is now sitteth at the right hand of God.

The 1st seal of horse rider shall be launched to win the world with peace,  as king charles said he Will be backed up with unlimited money to satisfy all nations in conflicts.

The crown this horse rider wear is the crown of the world king, not the crown of life.

Jesus and His horse is seen in heaven in Revelation 19, while the white horse rider of 1st seal is launched on earth to make fake peace and people of the world will yell "peace and safety" and after the short peace  then come the 2nd seal opening, sudden destruction and terrors come to the world.
