Dear Doves,
The NAZI orchestrated 3 false flag attacks to deceive the world and started WW2 in 1939.
WTC 9/11 was also orchestrated by the deep state synagogues of Luciferian lodges to provoke religious conflict around the globe and to promote jihadist terrorism around the world which ever since developed so massively. Named Al Qaida, ISIS, etc etc. and the latest is Al Jolani of HTS in Syria.
Muslim immigrants from ME have been despatched in large numbers systematically to Europe since WTC 9/11. Some famous celebrities were shown wearing hijab and muslims were choosen for government positions here and there in the West.
What are they up to ?
You see what happened around the globe after WTC 9/11 ? Arab religion crazily yell, Osama pictures printed everywhere, in t-shirts, posters, photos etc.
The 2nd Seal of Revelation is the same provocator so bloody which will make the WTC 9/12 looked like a child's play. The scale of destruction and victims that Will be affected Will make the world scream in terror, it doesn't use suicide bomber but it can be the use of nuke to destroy a city i don't know, and will be claimed as victory from "God". It Will provoke all Arab religion to destroy other religions in the name of their "God"
What are they up to with this 2nd seal provocation ? They might be preparing for the next appearance of the 2nd Beast of Revelation from Arab religion in Jerusalem temple.
Arab religion prophesied their end Times Mahdi to rule the world and establish Sharia Law. We know the 2nd Beast of Revelation Will call down fire from the sky in front of people (probably at the 3rd Temple), he pretends to be Elijah which the Jews are still waiting to return at the end Times. He will claim Arab religion to replace Bible and those who refuse shall be beheaded globally as shown in the 5th Seal of Revelation
So the 1st Seal = Antichrist from Roman
2nd Seal = the 2nd Beast from Arab religion.
The world Will be shocked and fear this 2nd Beast because after what he did with the 2nd Seal he Will appear to call down fire at the 3rd temple. He spake as dragon and blood will shed at any resistance, there'll be terror terror and terror on earth.
Just my 2 cents.