Leon (9 Mar 2025)
"The foolish virgins shall demand the 2nd Rapture"

Dear Doves,

The Bible told us that the foolish virgins do not have lasting oil so they try to buy some. This means they have been "drunken by the wine" of this world and lost their Faith in Jesus. Seeking Fortune, Fame and all pleasure and entertainment in the secular greedy world.

Their effort of buying oil and return to the house means all the left behind christians Will regret not being worthy to be taken by the rapture and will try to repent and return to God.

Their begging the Bridegroom to open the door means after the left behind christians declare that they regret and repent then they shall be begging and praying for the 2nd Rapture for them. "Lord Lord open to us".

But the Bridegroom says "I know you not"
Means although they have repented and beg to be taken, it is not that easy because the field has been harvested already and there's no 2nd Harvest/ Rapture time (as some says there will be).

Its not that easy to expect the 2nd Rapture  because the left behind shall face "the hour of temptation that will test the whole world" and what shall befall is the great tribulation that never happen and will never happen again in the sinful history of mankind.

If there is a second rapture than the unbelieving families of foolish virgins will also repent and pray for the 3rd Rapture.

If there's a 3rd Rapture than the unbelieving world will demand for the 4th rapture either.

The foolish say "give us your oil", what does it mean ? We know that Oil / Annointment cant be passed on to others can it ?

"Give us your oil" means the foolish virgins gather with the wise because they think their existence on Sunday church service and connections to the church people and christian friends can give them the salvation from God.

Many christians in christian forums, in YT videos etc. say there will be no rapture, they say christians must be tested to proof their Faith ! Exactly true for the left behind who have never been tested right now.

Rev 3:10 "Because you have kept the Words of my patience I shall also keep you from the hour of temptation that shall befall the whole world"

PATIENCE = Wise virgins endure trial with patience right now. Many were even martyred. They have received the tests now.

Foolish virgins will be tested LATER with the rest of the world.

This present world with all wars, crimes, disease, famine, calamity, hostility, robbing, slandering, bullying, raping, killing, ...Will look like a picnic in the great tribulation where the devil and its angels rule with the 2 beasts.

There's no turning back in ME and Israel after such long war now ! Gaza has been destroyed and they need 7 years Covenant for the rebuilding of Gaza with 2 states solution fulfilled by 1st seal of antichrist.
