Chance,Thank you very much for your letter.Shortly after I was saved, I was told about the armies surrounding Jerusalem, as the abomination of desolation.I do not remember if the person only considered the 70 AD Roman army as the only fulfillment.Or whether the person also considered dual fulfillment, i.e. 70 AD and also the tribulation.However, I believe that you are the first person that I have read, where in context to those armies, that Jerusalem is considered the holy place.Most of the time that I have been saved, I usually heard, or read, about the term holy place in relation to the tabernacle and the temple.Some of them applied it to where the ark was placed.Most applied it to the area where the table of shewbread, the golden candlestick, and the altar of incense were.Then, again, some have applied it as some kind of reference to the ministry of the Holy Ghost in regard to the church or the individual believer.
But you have made an interesting point.So, by only reading Matthew and Mark, the abomination of desolation would seem to be similar to what Antiochus Epiphanies had done, but in the future by the antichrist.But if you are correct, then by tying it to what Luke says, then instead of fleeing when they see an image setup in the temple, they should rather flee when they see the armies around Jerusalem.This is very different than what I have thought, for years, and I'll need to pray about what you wrote.Again, thank you