Gerry Almond (9 Mar 2025)

March 8, 2025


My preference right now is April 3, 2025 to Septaember 13, 2028.

Matthew 1:21 tells us, using gematria, the birthdate of Jesus Christ. This is important because it also tells us His death date, His conception date, and His resurrection date. Matthew 1:21 reads thus in the true English Bible, the KJV.

Thou shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins”. Jesus came to earth to save Israel from their sins. He came as their Savior. He pleaded with them. The leadership refused Him. On Pentecost, He turned to the gentiles. And He “shelved” the Jews (Romans 11) for a very long time now.

JESUS = 888 in gematria of both Hebrew and Greek.

Savior = 14 in both languages.

888 x 14 = 12,432 days of His life from conception to death.

Conception to fertilization = 14 days. Nisan 1 to Passover = 14 days as well.

Fertilization to birth = 266 days. Passover to Tabernacles day 7 = 266 days.

God placed the Sacred Feasts of Israel, spacing them according to the human cycle of conception to birth.

Jesus died on Passover. He was 33 years and 100 days of age and in 33, the Passover fell on a Thursday, April 3, according to the universal Hebrew calendar. So, 12,432 days minus 280 for conception to birth leaves 12,152 days of life from birth to death. Counting back from April 3, 33 the total of 12,432 days, one arrives at the Spring equinox, March 20/21 in the year 00. Counting ahead 280 days comes to December 25, 00. Just 3 days after April 3 is April 6, resurection day. Matthew 12:40 says that as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the fish's belly, so was the Son of man 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth. Jesus died at 3 p. m. He was in the tomb before sunset, thus Thursday was day 1. Friday was day 2 and Saturday was day 3. He arose just at sunset of day 3/4 showing Himself alive in the garden of Joseph of Arimethea near the tomb.

Why is this so important. There is a prinicple that says, to understand now, look back. And this what I am doing here. The look back involves the spectacular happening of 1988. God used a nuclear scientist, Edgar Whisenant, a man responsible for helping to put a man on the moon, to declare that Jesus would come on the Feast of Trumpets in 1988. He exhausted his estate printing booklets and disbributing them world wide in that year. The Feast of Trumpets was to be on September 11, 12, and 13, in 1988. The christian world waited and hoped, but alas, Jesus did not appear. Edgar Whisenant's declaration was that “He said He would come and I believed Him. Whether we are aware or not, he said, He came, but we must have not been ready”. I heard of this in April 1988 and I believed it to be a true message, bacause God “told” me that it was to be. So what happened? Why was the Church not raptured in 1988?

I have tried to get people to understand that the Song of Solomon is a very, very prophetic message. It foresaw the Church and Jesus Christ 900 years before He came and 933 years before the Holy Spirit birthed the Church on Pentecost 33. In the Song of Solomon, I believe that chapter 5 details for us what happened in 1988. It declares that Jesus Christ came for His Bride. He went so far as to lift the latch of bhe bedroom where she SLEPT. (The warning to the ten virgins in Matthew 25 was to be awake so as not to miss His coming for them). In the Song of Solomon, she stirred AFTER He had gone back home, leaving her asleep. In panic, she went out into the city (the world) calling to Him. The watchmen (scoffers, unbelievers/) attacked her and even rudely tore away her veil. This is a very accurate description of what happened to us who were sure that He would appear in 1988. My own family was deeply affected to the point that I can't even talk about it to this day. I “know” in my heart that He came in 1988. Most do not and will not believe it. But, think of this.

On September 13, 1988, the last day of the Feast of Trumpets that year, there began a calendar count to a future Feast of Trumpets, September 27, 2022 between which is the exact number of days of the lifespan from concerption to death of our Lord Jesus Christ. That count was 12, 432 days (see above). Combined with His first day count of life, there is 88.8 cycles of 280 days gestation periods. There were 44.4 in the first lifespan and 44.4 in the second count giving us 88.8 cycles. And the gematria of His name, the name JESUS is 888. Think of that.

The human cycle of 280 days is of supreme importance to God the Father. As said above, He placed the sacred Feasts on that count of days. So, here is a tidbit as food for thought. From the Feast of Trumpets, September 27, 2022, 280 days more was July3/4, 2023, Independence Day in God's tabernacle, America. And from there, 280 days more was April 8/9, the final solar eclipse swath over America forming a great X over God's tabernacle, America, and from there, 280 days more was January 13/14, 2025, just 7 days (our alert as was given Noah?) to President Donald J. Trump's (God's trump?) first day in his second term as President of the United States, Incorporated. He became number 47.

Two scenatios come to mind because of all of the above. I see that:

>> From January 13/14, 2025 to January 20/21 is 7 days, our alert.

>> From January 20/21, 2025 to July 3/4, 2028 is 1,260 days, the time of antichrist.

>> Using April 2/3, 2025 (the anniversary of the death of Jesus) to September 13/14, 2028 (the anniversary of Jesus' coming in 1988 and exactly 40 years) is 1,260 days, the time of antichrist.

I look for patterns and here are 2. I think they spell out the time of antichrist. They have nothing to do with the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy.


Gerry Almond.