Esther and the Purim Eclipse: Heralding 2025?
The number seven is used six important times in the Book of Esther. So I thought that I would highlight seven interesting aspects in the Book of Esther, that may mirror events in our time!! This is quite a long letter, but I feel it is very important for us, with the Purim blood Moon eclipse of 13/14 March 2025 just days away!!
1. Two Blood Moon Eclipses in 2025
There are three successive blood moon eclipses on Purim: 2024 (25 March), 2025 (14 March) and 2026 (3 March). This must be significant and many have highlighted this as prophetically important. So, why is 2025 different: there is a second blood moon eclipse in September and it will be visible from Jerusalem/Israel.
Lunar eclipses may foreshadow difficult times for Israel. The gap between the two eclipses is around 180 days (178), or half a time. In Esther King Ahaseurus held an unusually long festival (banquet): 180 days followed by another 7 days. This raises the question, will we be called to an heavenly banquet soon?
Perhaps more importantly, there is a total solar eclipse on 12 August 2025, followed by the total lunar eclipse on 7/8 September 2025. These two signs may herald that the Day of the Lord is imminent, as prophesied in Joel 2 31: the Sun will be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and awesome Day of the Lord!!
2. Mordecai the Jew's Refusal to Bow to Haman!
The world today is being challenged to appease Hamas (almost the same word as Haman) and support a two state solution, even though the catch cry (from the River to the Sea Palestine will be free) says No Israel! Psalm 83 (v4) speaks to the goal: They have said, Come and let us wipe them out as a nation, let the name of Israel be remembered no more!!! 7 October 2023 reflected this intent!!
This refusal led to Haman's strategy to deceive the King into issuing an edict to destroy all the Jews! Initially, Mordecai may have been seen as a troublemaker (the source of the edict), by the Jews. Today, there is pressure to divide the Land of Israel - in Joel, God says that He will judge nations who have divided His Land!
3. Mordecai's Prevention of the King's Assassination
Mordecai the Jew was in the right place and right time to hear the threat (from those in the King's inner circle) to assassinate the King! Through Esther he warned the King and the Assassination attempt was thwarted (and Mordecai's warning was recorded).
Assassinations have played an important role in American political history. There have already been two Assassination attempts on Trump, and it is clear that his life may be in danger. Like Mordecai, we need to be in the right place - intercession in secret, that any attempts on Trump’s life (or of other other key leaders such as Netanyahu) are thwarted!! There is a reward in the open for those who pray in secret.
By the way, there was a second day for fighting in Sushan. This year that second day is 15 March 2025 (the Ides of March), the famous day on which Julius Caesar was assassinated - by his friends - in 44 BC.
4. The Edict to Kill All the Jews
Throughout history there are those who have sought to destroy or expel the Jews. While Adolf Hitler stands out, he is not alone! There have been many others, and the Beast/Antichrist will also seek to destroy the Jews.
7 October 2023 changed so much (for most countries). Ironically, although Israel was the nation attacked (with hostages taken, and many still held captive), anti-Semitism has risen sharply in many countries! In Australia, this is true! Apart from many graffiti attacks on cars and buildings, a synagogue in Melbourne was burnt with people inside!
The Australian government has taken (at least) two steps back in its support for Israel: no longer recognising West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and agreeing with a UN resolution for an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza (that is, not insisting on release of hostages).
5. Esther Risking Her Life for Her People
The Church of Jesus Christ is called to pray for, bless and support Israel! Sadly, replacement theology (that the Church has replaced Israel in God's end-time purposes) has spread widely throughout the Church and support for Israel has waned. This undermines the Church's ability to understand what in the World is going on - as Israel is at the very centre of prophecy!!
But praise the God of Israel! There are many churches and individuals who strongly support Israel in many ways. Like Mordecai, those who support Israel will be richly blessed (in this world and the world to come).
Esther is an example to us all - risking her very life in approaching (without being summoned) the King on behalf of her people the Jews! She had already replaced Vashti as Queen, but importantly was humble before the King. This was in stark contrast to Vashti's refusal to come to the King's celebration.
6. The Right for Israel/the Jews to Defend Themselves
The King's edict for the Jews to be killed could not be redacted!! Much like today, anti-Semitism is deeply embedded in the world. Many wanting the name of Israel to cease!!
In Esther's time the Jews (like today), were outnumbered in the 127 provinces in the kingdom of King Ahaseurus! Esther's request was that the Jews have the right to fight!! Even though outnumbered, the Jews were victorious! And people, both Jews and others, recognised that the Jews were blessed as a people!!
7. The Promotion of Mordecai the Jew!!
The aftermath of this victory for the Jews were widespread - a complete turnaround! The edict to kill the Jews was defeated. Grief became joy, and some people even became Jews. Haman and his ten sons were hanged (on the gallows prepared for Mordecai).
Most notably, Mordecai was promoted to second in the Kingdom of Ahaseurus! Just like Joseph. The Book of Esther ends by declaring the goodness of Mordecai, not just the Jews but all the people! Our nations have been founded on Judeo/Christian nations - the shift away from these values has eroded our righteousness and welfare!
Mordecai the Jew rose from obscurity to prominence - following a pattern evident for Moses, Joseph, Elijah, John the Baptist - and Jesus (and His disciples!). The Jewish Messiah is also likely to rise from obscurity. This may be the end-time Elijah the Prophet (although he is likely to come as a servant rather than military conqueror). Two relevant prophetic Scriptures are below.
(Isaiah 58:10) And if you pour out that with which you sustain your own life for the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in darkness, and your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday.
(Isaiah 60:1-3) “Arise, shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, and the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you.
“For in fact, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness will cover the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you [Jerusalem], and His glory and brilliance will be seen on you. “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.The Feast of Purim and the Rapture!
I have not focused on Purim and links to the Rapture, but others have highlighted this. Links to three You Tubes on this are below.
Trump's Nebuchadnezzar Judgment and the Purim Rapture"
The Secret of a Purim Rapture Hidden in the Heavens
We are living in amazing and prophetic times, including signs on Earth. This weekend a tropical cyclone has moved into and over South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales. As a witness to how rare this is, the last time a cyclone approached Brisbane was in 1974 (51 years ago)!!!
Maranatha!! Denis in Canberra