David E (9 Mar 2025)
"Addendum to Keeping it Simple"



The 12th prime is 37, the 21st is 73

37+73+12+21 = 143

14 3 is day 73

143 minutes = 2:23

2203 is the 328th prime 

2023 hours is 8:23 pm , 328 backward 

328 = God + Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit 


Hell = 37 and Paradise = 73

Day 143 is 5 23

523 + 143 = 666

2203 - 2028 = 175

The last mention of 666 is verse 175 from the end.

12×21 = 252

1776+252 = 2028

17 5 is day 137

Washington DC = 137,

Day 137 and United States of America remains 


22 8 is day 13×18

Revelation 13 18 is verse 175 from the end 

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