1817 hours
WhenNew York = 373Nuclear Bomb = 326373 - 326 = 74 backward74 = 37+37When New York = 37+37+37Lucifer = 37+37
Lucifer + New York City = Donald John Trump373 is the 74th prime326th prime is 21612161 + 2161 backward = 3773Barack was born on day 6*6*6, 216216 + 37 + 73 = day 326JFK was shot in the head on day 326He was born day 149, 216 days remained14 9 is day 257, the 55th primeSatan = 55When Judas Iscariot = 1497 4 is day 185Donald John Trump = 185When Barack Hussein Obama = 163163 + 163 backward = 157 + 367The 37th and 73rd primes326 + 373 = 6996:99 = 7:33733-666 = 97 upside downThe 97th prime is 509509 = 163+165+181Barack Hussein Obama = 163Barack Hussein Obama II = 165Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181WhenNew York = Hell + Hell+ Hell.911 911 911 WARNINGDAY 254 911, HELL + HELL + HELL DAYS REMAINED IN THE YEARTik Tok = 509New York = 14251:85 pm is 1425 hoursDay 185 = 7 4Donald John Trump = 185When New York = Hell + Hell + Hell.Tik Tok