David E (9 Mar 2025)
"2025 2028 1260"


2025-1924=101   (Barack born 1924 hours)
2025-1961=64     (Barack born in 1961)

101 + 64 = 165

Barack Hussein Obama II - 165

Barry Soetoro = 171

2028-1924 =104

104 + 67 = 171

1:71 = 2:11   (211 is the 47th prime and 4 7 is day 97.   The 97th prime is 509)  beast = 47
1:65= 2:05

211 + 205 = 416 41 6 is 6 14 backward, day 165

1:65 = 2:05 day 205 is 7 24, 7:24 pm Obama was born, 1924 hours.

2028 = 8:28 pm

828 = 216 + 216 backward, Obama was born on day 216

2025 = 8:25 pm

825 = 528 backward

328 minutes = 5:28

God + Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit = 328

Barack Hussein Obama  = 163

163 + 165 = 328

Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181

163 + 165 + 181 = 509

509-181 = 328

171 + 157 = 328

666-157 = 509

Between 1926 and 509 is 216

1926 hours is 726

G726 Strong's = Harpazo

726 - 99 = 726 backward

Rapture = 99

1926-1260 = 666

2025 - 99 = 1926

2025+109 = 2134 and 2028 + 274 = 2302   

2302-2134 = 168

168 = 7 * 24 and 7 24 pm is 1924 hours

168 + 42 * 7 = 462

4:62 = 5:02, 205 backward, day 205 is 7 24

168 hours is one week.  168 hours is the end of the week.

168th prime is 997

997-528 = 469

4*6*9 = 216

4:69 = 5:09

5:28 = 328 minutes

4:69 ?   9:64 = 2204 hours

The 328th prime is 2203

The 509th prime is 3637

3637 - 2203 = 1434

1434 hours is 2:34 pm

234 = 13*18

Rev 13:18 sums to 1924 in reverse

The Freemason HQ is 13 blocks North of the White House

The address number is 1733

The 17th block.

17*33 = 561 the 33rd triangle

Washington DC = 137 the 33rd prime

561 = 165 backward, and 165 = 33+33+33+33+33

The highest degree is 33

1733 - 1528 = 205, day 205 is 7 24, 7:24 pm is 1924 hours   (1528 hours is 3:28 pm)

1528 hours = 3:28 pm

328 - 165 = 163, Barack Hussein Obama = 163

1733 hours 5:33 pm

Verse 31102 is Rev 22:21 it sums to 528 and 328 minutes = 5:28

31102 is prime range 3350, 533 backward

5:33 pm is 1733 hours

The 3350th prime is the 2,161st prime backward

19013 is the 2,161st prime and the prime order sum of the Genesis 1:1 using Hebrew values.

31091 is the 3350th prime, leaving no doubt the Author of the Bible is not of this world

31102 - 31091 = 11 

The 11th prime is 31

31 + 11 = 42

The 42nd prime is 181

Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181

The 11th triangle = 66

11 + 181 = 247 24 minutes after 7 Obama was born

Between 66 and 216, the day he was born = Judas Iscariot, 149

6 6 is day 157

666-157 = 509 or 163+165+181

157 + Barry Soetoro = 328

Sixty-six = 149

Revelation = 149 in reverse

Rev 13:18 = 1924 in reverse

The 8th king

149 + 8 = 157

666-157 = 509


19 013 hours is 7 13 pm

7 13 was day 165 upside down in 2024

Trump was shot in the head. His birthday is 195 upside down.

Day 195, Barry Soetoro 171 remains

171 +195 = Washington DC + United States of America

Trump was shot 6 11 pm

6 11 was day 163 in 2024

Barack Hussein Obama = 163

31 091 hours = 1951 minutes

1951 is 7:51 pm, 157 backward


There are 1440 minutes in a day

1951 - 1440 (1 day) = 511 minutes 

511 minutes = 8 hours and 31 minutes

8:31 am

1440 - 511 = 929 minutes

Day 109 is the 29th prime

Between 929 and 831 = 97

509 is the 97th prime

What happens when we count 1440 to 511?

= 930

9 30 is day 274 

2025 day 109 to day 274 2028 = 1260

19013 + 31091 = 50,104

50,105 / Rapture (99)

= 509 whole numbers upside down

Divided by 38 = 1318 whole numbers

163 is the 38th prime

50,105 no zeroes = 515

Jesus = 515 (SG)

5+1+5 = 11 and 5*1*5 = 25

25 + 11 = 36

The 36th prime = 151

Jesus Christ = 151 when Holy Spirit = 151 and when God + Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit = 328

515 + 151 = 666

6:66 pm is 1906 hours

2028 - 1906 = 221 backward

2 21 is 1:81

Between 1906 and 2025 = 118

1:18 pm is 1318 hours

1+906 = 97 n0 0.   509 is the 97th prime

97+79 = 176 and 1:76 = 2:16

6091 and 6+091 = 97

Between 2203, the 328th prime and 97 is 2105

2105 hours is 9:05, 509 backward

Counting 1003 to 97 = 907

10:03 pm is 2203 hours the 328th prime

2+203 = 205 and day 205 is 7 24

Since 6*6*6 = 216, Obama's BD

6+6+6 + 216 = 13*18

Well then...

612 + 81 = 733

733-666 = 97 upside down

666-509 without the 0 = 97 upside down no 0.  (we can't flip 7)

666-95 = 175 backward

Rev 13:18 is verse 175 from the end

Genesis 25 7 is verse 666 and the subject is 175

17 5 is day 137

Washington DC = 137, day 137, and the United States of America remains, 228

7:33 pm is 1933 hours

2028 - 1933 = 509 backward no 0

Counting 1933 to 2008 election = 97 backward, upside down

1933 - 1776 = 157

666-157 = 509

1776 hours = 5:76 pm

576-509 = 97 upside down

5:76 is 6:16

616-328 = 288

2:88 = 3:28

6:16 pm is 1776 hours

Tik Tok

David E