Chance (9 Mar 2025)
"The Purim Blood Moon, The Jewish New Year Partial Solar Eclipse and a Possible 1290 Day Timeline"

Hello John and Doves,
In this letter I wrote about the upcoming eclipses for 2025:  March 13/14 is the blood moon total lunar eclipse visible over the U.S. - this happens on Shushan Purim and Purim; and March 29 is the partial solar eclipse visible over the NE of the U.S., this happens at the end of the Jewish religious year and the beginning of the new religious year, 1 Nisan.
These could have significance for the U.S. and for Israel.  Blood moons are bad omens - could be a bad sign for the U.S. Solar eclipses bring a 'dimming of the lights' which is a bad omen for the world per Jewish sages.
According to Rabbi Genuth (see link below):  "Two eclipses, a lunar eclipse followed by a solar eclipse, in the month of Adar and Nisan, are warnings that entire governments are shaky and can fall quickly and easily at this time."
I also wrote about the constellations the moons are in for each eclipse.  And I referred to Ken Fleming's book "God's Voice in the Stars" for more information.
At the end I looked at a possible timeline for the 1290 days of Daniel.
KS Rajan Letter Last Week - Total Lunar Eclipse:
Here's a link to the total lunar eclipse coming up March 13/14. KS Rajan sent this link in last week.
It will be the first "blood moon" eclipse since 2022.  And it will be visible over North America and South America. "The upcoming event is also known as a Blood Moon."

Total lunar eclipse will cause moon to turn red in March
The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse and Purim:
On the calendar, March 13 (13 Adar) is the Fast of Esther (Shushan Purim) and March 14 (14 Adar) is Purim.
This is the U.S. first total lunar eclipse in some 2.5 years.
"The festival of Purim will begin on Thursday evening, March 13 and last until Shabbat begins on the evening of March 14.  In Jerusalem, where Shushan Purim is celebrated, the festival takes place the following day, starting Saturday evening, March 14 and ending on Sunday evening March 15."
"Astronomers predict that a total lunar eclipse will coincide with the first day of Purim, lasting 65 minutes."
"This eclipse will be a "blood moon"...
"Rabbi Mordechai Genuth discussed the meaning of eclipses in Jewish tradition, explaining that lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for Israel under normal circumstances....If the lunar eclipse takes place in the eastern side of the heavens, then it is a bad omen for all the nations in the east, and similarly, it if occurs in the western hemisphere of the sky, it is a bad sign for all the nations in the west."
"A lunar eclipse in the month of Adar is a sign that there will be war among the Sons of Ishmael who are connected to the moon", Rabbi Ganuth said.  "It is also a sign of famine and drought in the West."
Partial Solar Eclipse and Start of Jewish New Year:
Also, there will be a solar eclipse on March 29, the first day of Nisan.
"That is the month of Pesach when the Jews go out to freedom," Rabbi Genuth said.  "This is a bad sign for the foreign leaders who will become like Pharaoh; examples of what happens to the nations that mistreat Israel.  This is centered on Jerusalem".
"Two eclipses, a lunar eclipse followed by a solar eclipse, in the month of Adar and Nisan, are warnings that entire governments are shaky and can fall quickly and easily at this time."
"But since both eclipses will only be seen in the West and not in Israel, it is a warning to them that they will be judged in how they treat Israel...The rabbi also noted a prophecy in the Book of Joel that indicates that a blood moon will precede the coming of the Messiah."   
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come."
"We are indeed close to the end of days, so these astronomical signs are taking on increased importance," Rabbi Genuth said."

Pre-Purim Lunar Eclipse: Warning to the West - Israel365 News
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse and the Heavens:
For the March 14 blood moon lunar eclipse, over one billion people will be able to see the full moon turn a shade of red - the total phase will last six hours and six minutes.  The moon will be in the constellation of Virgo (the Virgin), near its brightest star, Spica.  And it's referred to as the "Worm" moon.
Full Moon March 2025 Meaning | Worm Moon 2025 | Virgo Full Moon 2025 | Star Walk
In the book "God's Voice in the Stars" by Ken Fleming, we read that "The prophetic revelation in the heavens begins with the sign of Virgo.  The picture of Virgo is that of a woman with an ear of wheat in her left hand and a branch in her right hand....The name of the sign is from the Latin and has a double connotation.  Virgo means 'A Virgin' and Virga means 'A Branch'  The Latin Vulgate uses both words as referring to Christ, as the Branch in Isaiah 11;1 and as a virgin-born in Matthew 1:23."
"Spica, the bright star in her left hand, has the ancient meaning of 'The Branch' and marks the ear of wheat (the seed) which she holds."   Thus the personal identity of Him who was to be the Seed of the woman is connected with the prophecies of the Branch - none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was to be the Seed of the woman who would bruise the head of the serpent while Himself being bruised (Genesis 3:5)."  
"In Hebrew the name for the star Spica was Tsemech.  Of more than twenty Hebrew words for branch used in the Old Testament, this is the only one which refers exclusively to Messiah."
"As the Branch (Tsemech) Christ is revealed as King in Jeremiah 23:5,6  as Servant in Zechariah 3:8, as Man in Zechariah 6:12 and as God in Isaiah 4:2.  Is it not significant that the only four uses of this word in Scripture reveal Christ in the same fourfold character as do the four Gospels?  Matthew shows Christ as King: Mark shows Him as as Servant; Luke shows Him as Man; and John shows Him as God."
"In summary, the truth presented in the sign of Virgo is that the virgin was to have a Son (her Seed) who would be called the Branch of Jehovah.  God would appear in human form, the Child of a virgin mother.  We call this truth the Incarnation and note that the gospel in the stars begins at the same point as the gospel in the Scriptures."
Partial Solar Eclipse and the Heavens:
The March 29 partial solar eclipse occurs with the supermoon.  The moon will be in the constellation Aquarius. 94% of the Sun will be covered by the moon.  This eclipse will be visible from Europe and much of North America.
In the book "God's Voice in the Stars" by Ken Fleming, we read "The sign of Pisces is also connected with the coming of Messiah and the regathering of Israel.  The name of Pisces in the Dendereh zodiac is Pisces Hod which means The Fishes of Him Who Comes.  Even though the fish are bound (referring to the bound fish in Pisces that are tied to Cetus, the monster of the sea), the hope of Messiah's coming is before them.  Pisces is the seventh sign in the Zodiac.
Suggestions for the 1290 Day Count and the Blood Moon/Purim:
In a previous Doves letter I was looking at a possible thirty day count before the Spring Feasts of the Lord.  Passover, April 13, minus 30 days takes us to March 14.  That could be the start of the 1290 day count.  IF the 1290 day count starts 30 days before the 1260 day count.  And the 1260 day count begins sometime around the Spring Feasts of the Lord.  (Like 10 Nisan, 14 Nisan, through Passover Week).
Some form of judgment could come to America during the March 14/15 blood moon.  It could also be the timing for the taking away of the daily and the surrounding of Jerusalem by armies (And there's that prophecy:  "A lunar eclipse in the month of Adar is a sign that there will be war among the Sons of Ishmael ).  IF evil people were planning to hit America (Mystery Babylon), they might move on Jerusalem at the same time.  Neutralize the U.S., take Jerusalem.  Just a thought.
 "Two eclipses, a lunar eclipse followed by a solar eclipse, in the month of Adar and Nisan, are warnings that entire governments are shaky and can fall quickly and easily at this time."
March 14/15 is this coming Friday/Saturday.  
The hope of Messiah's coming is before us!  Maybe the signs in the Heavens are warning us.
Keep looking up!  Surely we are close to His return!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!