Hello John and Doves,Trump's second term is very much different from his first. There seems to be a 'power' behind it that the first term didn't have. And a lot of muscle flexing in multiple hot spots in the world. Money is power and pulling funding is obviously bringing a lot of hurting to the enemies of this administration. Trump and his administration are like a steam roller - 'join us or get buried.'Maybe this 'power' is setting us up for a great fall. IF NYC is Mystery Babylon, like John wrote (that's my top candidate), America will burn. And he mentions Duduman's prophecy for America - "America will burn".IF the U.S. is the woman that rides the scarlet beast - she controls the beast and tells it what to do - Trump's reign could be creating a 'monster' in the eyes of many world leaders who are angry and frustrated with the sudden power that Trump has. He seems to just snap his fingers and it happens. They have been use to and approving of the evil policies of Biden and have gotten "drunk with the wine of her formication." They have shared in her immorality and abominations.The U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Poland, etc are not happy with Trump pulling the U.S. out of the 'promised' takeover of Russia by the U.S. military and the dethroning of Putin. Trump suspending funding, military aid, and military intelligence, has left Europe/Ukraine's side of the war in a precarious and questionable position with no leadership. Their war against Russia may not happen. And this is unacceptable to them. And those four countries are doing a lot of squawking now, along with their having a third? emergency summit meeting of all EU members this last week - trying to piece Humpty Dumpty back together again. They are even talking about making a "coalition of the willing" - a group of countries willing to take on Ukraine's war against Russia themselves. That's how rabid they are against Putin/Russia.There is a lot of 'Trump 'high' talking' going on. I am certainly ok with restoring America's values, justice, military, health care, etc. But as John wrote in his letter - there are some "outrageous proposals". Taking control of Gaza and turning it into the Riviera of the Middle East - don't know if that was just to get the Arabs to do something about Gaza or what... I thought changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America was a bit over the top. Who cares? And what about making Greenland another state? This seems like expansionism that may worry countries not as strong as the U.S. Again, I ask, is this setting us up for a great fall? Will there be something Trump does that is 'the last straw'?There are ten future kings who hate the woman and want to push her off the beast - and take charge for themselves. Then they hand over their power to another - the Antichrist. These ten kings destroy the woman and the great city with fire. These ten kings (even though they don't have kingdoms yet) are alive now - they are probably already plotting and planning their takeover. In the wings waiting....In his letter, John wrote about New York City as the Mystery Babylon - NYC is at the top of my list of possibilities. And he wrote about Duduman's prophecy: Duduman prophesied that America would burn.
Trade War 2.0I'm wondering, with all this 'winning', will the old enemies try to take this Trump Empire down? Retaliation, revenge, jealousy? IF NYC is Mystery Babylon - I think that her destruction will begin the swift downfall of the U.S.No one is liking the power Trump is wielding over the Ukraine-Russia war. (Or over Gaza/the Middle East) Putin may even be wondering, how far will Trump's 'winning' go? He wants Greenland, Gaza, the Panama Canal...this can look like expansionism. Looks like Trump is 'enlarging the U.S.' and Putin certainly doesn't like NATO 'enlarging' in Eastern Europe. As John wrote, "Given the rate that the Eagle is poking in the eye of the Bear and Dragon, the pushback is bound to come."It sure looks like the pieces are coming together for the start of the Tribulation period.America's 'winning' may be short lived.God's Will will be done. We may not have all of the 'story' correct, but I think we are close.There is much more in John's letter. He is wrote about the "twists and turns" of trade and war - Trump has really stirred the pot!I look forward to seeing John with his cappuccino and calculator, sitting under the Tree of Life!C.S. Lewis wrote, "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."Amen! We were made for Heaven.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance
Thanks, Chance! If I recall correctly, that quote from C.S. Lewis is a powerful proof that we are eternal beings!