Hello John and Doves,The Russia-Ukraine Conflict Isn't Unprovoked!The Biden administration, and it's controlled MSM, has manipulated the American people into thinking that Ukraine, the U.S., Europe are innocent of any provocations and it's all Russia's fault! They have repeatedly told the American people that this attack by Russia on Ukraine was 'unprovoked'. That Ukraine is a 'democracy' that the U.S. must protect from Russia. And that it is Russia's intention to take Ukraine and move across Europe. All lies.If people refuse to look at the history of the area; if they refuse to look at NATO expansion since the 1990s; if they refuse to look at the agreements between the West and Russia; if they refuse to take Russia's security concerns seriously - then they will keep the war drums banging, and blindly, like unfortunate lemmings, dash into the abyss, as the warmongers lead the world into WWIII.In this letter I included Jeffrey D. Sachs' article titled: "The War in Ukraine Was Provoked - and Why This Matters to Achieve Peace". Sachs is a University Professor at Columbia University and a specialist in global economy and sustainable development. He testified to the UN Security Council on November 20, 2023. He told TPTB that the Ukraine War could be ended with agreements within the UN Security Council - stop the external finances and armaments, and use diplomacy instead of weaponry - simply provide a security guarantee to Russia that NATO will not expand into Ukraine.The problem is, certain members of the U.N. Security Council WANT THE WAR WITH RUSSIA.Sachs puts the blame for the war squarely on the U.S. (and Victoria Nuland's name comes up again) - but I say that the there is plenty of blame to go around - the U.K., France, Germany, Poland - these four most notably. So these four all have fed off of each other - with their warmongers and manipulators.And now we have a peace maker as President - Donald Trump. And THEIR plans are being challenged. But will it be enough to stop WWIII? Many are accusing President Trump of 'siding' or 'joining' with Putin/Russia. Trump has suspended funding along with military aid to Ukraine. And Trump stopped military intelligence support for the Ukrainian military. Britain, Germany, France are going to have to step up if they want to continue with this war. And the EU wants a $840 billion defense investment to "rearm Europe", but this is 'over years'. European countries are trying to figure out how to fill the 'void' that Trump has created.The EU is holding an emergency summit in Brussels. "Leaders from all 27 European Union nations, plus Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, gathered in Brussels on Thursday for an emergency summit on how best to support embattled Ukraine and strengthen the continent's defense as the United States distances itself from its traditional allies."This summit could be the end of EU funding for Ukraine as certain member states are against military and financial support of Ukraine - like Hungary and Slovakia. Maybe a "coalition of the willing" will need to be set up with the UK, Norway, Canada, France, Poland. If Hungary veto's their plans the European Parliament said, "If they prefer to play Putin's game, we will go without them."The EU Member States want to "massively step up their support to Ukraine." They really think they can take on Russia?We've got Macron of France banging his drum:
Igor Sushko on X: "🚨 BREAKING: French President Macron addressed all Europeans to prepare for war with Russia. This was broadcast live across the continent. Europe will not accept capitulation of Ukraine to Russia under the guise of "peace negotiations." Americans must decide whose side we are on. https://t.co/5AYCayNTC7" / XMacron said Russia is a threat to Europe. Macron is worried that Putin/Russia will continue 'their expansion into Europe'. (Even thought Putin has denied this over and over.) He wants the EU to build up their military - massively! And France may extend their 'nuclear umbrella' over other EU countries.
Macron Declares France-Russia War By...: French Prez Says Ready To Counter Trump-Putin in Europe | WatchAnd we've got Baerbock of Germany banging her drum: She 'said the quiet part out loud': "we are fighting a war against Russia".
Igor Sushko on X: "🚨 BREAKING: German Foreign Minister Baerbock gave an impassioned speech to prepare Germans for war with Russia. Germany urges European nations to start mobilizing now and not wait for the formation of the incoming government in Germany under Chancellor Merz, expected in April. https://t.co/OuZIBlBbCq" / XAnd the Dutch Security Minister David van Weel said "citizens need to prepare to manage "without the central government" in case of a "real conflict." "Netherlands residents really need to prepare themselves for a calamity." "...get back to the preparedness levels of the Cold War."
Hal Turner Radio Show - Minister Urges Dutch Citizens to "Prepare for War" - Have Emergency Kits
Polish PM Donald Tusk is calling for Europe to "escalate its military buildup, claiming Russia will lose like the USSR". He's accusing Putin of starting an arms race.
EU must win arms race Poland
And then there is Putin/Russia - what do they want for a Peace Deal? It appears Russia doesn't want a temporary ceasefire. They want "firm agreements on a final settlement". And it's not likely Russia will return any territory to Ukraine. (Which is unacceptable to Ukraine and some European countries.)And I wonder about the gang of warmongers in the US - Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan, various people in Congress - are they secretly meeting with Zelensky? Is their CIA still providing military intelligence to Ukraine? Is money still getting to Ukraine? Are they making plans and arrangements? This is their war, after all.I also wrote about the history, the background, the agreements, etc. to bring better clarity to this regional war that could go global. Too many lies have been told by the Biden administration and some of the record needs to be set straight. I've attempted to do that in the brief write ups below. Sachs has a very good grasp on 'the situation'. And there is an article about Merkel (Germany) admitting the MINSK agreement was to buy time for Ukraine to rearm - not to make peace with Russia.NATO Enlargement and Jeffrey Sachs:In this article from May 23, 2023, Jeffrey D. Sachs explains the reality of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. NATO expansionism is at the center of this war. Diplomacy, not weapons, can end it."..the Biden administration has repeatedly and falsely claimed that the Ukraine War started with an unprovoked attack by Russia on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In fact, the war was provoked by the U.S. in ways that leading U.S. diplomats anticipated for decades in the lead-up to the war, meaning that the war could have been avoided and should now be stopped through negotiations.""Recognizing that the war was provoked helps us to understand how to stop it. It doesn't justify Russia's invasion."Two main U.S. provocations:The U.S. intention to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia "in order to surround Russia in the Black Sea region by NATO countries (Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia)."The U.S. role in installing a Russophobic regime in Ukraine by the violent overthrow of Ukraine's pro-Russian President, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014. The shooting war in Ukraine began with Yanukovych's overthrow nine years ago, not in February 2022, as the U.S. government, NATO and the G7 leaders would have us believe.""The archives show irrefutably that the U.S. and German governments repeatedly promised to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move "one inch eastward" when the Soviet Union disbanded the Warsaw Pact military alliance."U.S. plans to expand NATO began in the early 1990s. Everyone knew any expansion east by NATO would not sit well with Russia. The 2008 U.S. Ambassador to Russia, William Burns (who later became CIA Director) warned of "grave risks of NATO enlargement". In a cable to Washington, he wrote: "Ukraine and Georgia's NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serous concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement and efforts to undermine Russia's influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests.Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face."That was back in 2008!"Ukraine's leaders knew clearly that pressing for NATO enlargement to Ukraine would mean war. Former Zelensky advisor Oleksiy Arestovych declared in a 2019 interview: "that our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia."The U.S. government actively sought to overthrow Yanukovych - "as captured in the tape of then U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (see my other letter today about Nuland) and U.S. Ambassador (to Ukraine) Geoffrey Pyatt planning the post-Yanukovych government weeks before the violent overthrow of Yanukovych."Nuland makes it very clear the she, Vice President Biden, and his national security advisor Jake Sullivan were "now at the center of U.S. policy vis-a-vis Ukraine." The U.S. "armed and helped the Ukrainian army to make it interoperable with NATO. In 2021, NATO and the Biden administration strongly recommitted to Ukraine's future in NATO."After Yanukovych was overthrown, the war in Donbas broke out and Russia took Crimea.In December 17, 2021 Putin presented a draft for a US - Russia Treaty that "called for a halt to NATO enlargement. That same day, Putin addressed Russia and "declared NATO enlargement to be a central reason for the invasion.""In March 2022, Russia and Ukraine reported progress towards a quick negotiated end to the war based on Ukraine's neutrality. According to Naftali Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel, who was a mediator, an agreement was close to being reached before the U.S., U.K. and France blocked it.""While the Bide administration declares Russia's invasion to be unprovoked, Russia pursued diplomatic options in 2021 to avoid war, while Biden rejected diplomacy, insisting that Russia had no say whatsoever on the question of NATO enlargement. And Russia pushed diplomacy in March 2022, while the Biden team again blocked a diplomatic end to the war.""By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Russia will escalate as necessary to prevent NATO enlargement to Ukraine. The key to peace in Ukraine is through negotiations based on Ukraine's neutrality and NATO non-enlargement.""The Biden administration's insistence on NATO enlargement to Ukraine has made Ukraine a victim of misconceived and unachievable U.S. military aspirations. It's time for the provocations to stop, and for negotiations to restore peace to Ukraine."Sachs wrote that in May of 2023 - since then tens of thousands of people have died - on both sides. For a war brought about by the U.S. and European 'meddling'.It wasn't just Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, Nuland pushing for war with Russia...the U.K. under PMs Johnson and Stalmer and Macron have fanned the flames of war against Russia.The video in the link below is an excellent 'educational' talk by Jeffrey Sachs.(my notes for a quick summary)He asks, "What was Putin's intention in the war?" We were told he was going to take over Ukraine. This is false. Putin wanted to keep NATO, aka the U.S., off of Russia's border.He asked, "What is NATO?" "It's the United States."In 1991 an agreement was made that NATO would not move one inch eastward. However, the U.S. decided "there would be no end to eastward enlargement of NATO."Bill Clinton, in 1994, signed off on NATO enlargement to the east all the way to Ukraine and Georgia.In 1999, Hungary, Poland and Czechia (the Czech Republic) joined NATO.Russia protested.In 2004, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Slovakia joined NATO. Russia protested.In 2007, President Putin said "stop", '"enough."In 2008, the U.S. pushed for Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO. Russia protested.The U.S. wouldn't like Russia putting a military base across the Rio Grande in Mexico or across the Canadian border.In 2010, the U.S. put Aegis missile systems in Poland and Romania.In 2010, Yanukovych was elected - on the platform of neutrality. Russia was negotiating a 25 year lease for Sevastopol naval base. Russia wasn't trying to take the Donbas or Crimea. They wanted a port.In 2014, the US worked actively to overthrow Yanukovych. Victoria Nuland was in the middle of this.Then came MINSK and MINSK II - there should be autonomy for Russian speaking regions in eastern Ukraine. This was supported unanimously by the UN Security Council. "The U.S. and Ukraine decided this was not to be enforced." Blinken told Lavrov in January 2022 the U.S. reserves the right to put missile systems wherever it wants.Then the war started. Putin wanted to force Zelensky to negotiate neutrality. This happened within 7 days of the start of the war. Ukraine walked away from this agreement because the U.S. under Biden/Blinken told them to. The idea by the U.S. was to block Russia from access to the Black Sea with Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia - these would deprive Russia of any international status by blocking the Black Sea."And the American Senators who are as nasty and cynical and corrupt as imaginable, say this is wonderful expenditure of our money because no Americans are dying - it's a pure proxy war." The U.S has talked negotiators away from the table and about a million Ukrainians have died or been severely injured.Merkel Admits MINSK Agreement To Buy Time For Military Build Up in Ukraine:In December 2022, Angela Merkel admitted to the real reason for the MINSK agreement. She admitted that "the MINSK agreement served to buy time for Ukraine's rearmament." (I wrote about this back in 2022 in a Doves letter. A shocking admission!)Merkel (Germany), Holland (France), Pororshenko (Ukraine) and Putin (Russia) all signed the MINSK agreement in September 2014 - it had been "portrayed as an effort towards peace.."So how did that MINSK agreement come about?In February, 2014, the U.S. and Germany "organized a coup in Ukraine ...that used fascist militias to help pro-NATO regime come to power." These right-wing nationalists (NAZIs) "divided the country" especially in the majority Russian-speaking east, where the prospect of being ruled by Ukrainian ultranationalists was met with horror." (This reminded me of Obama et al creating ISIS in the Middle East to try and 'balance things out'. Another utter failure.)"Russia, fearing for its Black Sea fleet base in Sevastopol, annexed Crimea with the help of a referendum. Russian-backed separatists proclaimed independent republics in Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine."The Ukrainian military had mass desertions - soldiers unwilling to "sacrifice themselves for the new regime".Merkel (Germany) and Hollande (France) "organized the MINSK agreement - as Merkel now admits - to freeze the conflict and buy time. The agreement included a cease-fire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons and the establishment of a security zone." Among other things.Little of this was actually implemented. "The Ukrainian side boycotted all agreements. It didn't want a negotiated settlement. Poroshenko (Ukraine) latched on to the Azov battalion and other fascist militias - who moved against Donetsk and Luhansk - the pro-Russian areas of Ukraine.The backers of the new regime in Berlin and Washington, "were never interested in a peaceful solution. They were interested in buying time to escalate the war - even if it had disastrous consequences for the population of the affected areas." The plan all along was to isolate Russia "ruthlessly" sacrificing the fate of the Ukrainian population for this goal."Russia's decision to take military action against Ukraine was the predictable - and intended - reaction to this NATO offensive.""But the claim that the war was triggered by Russia breaking into the "Garden of Eden" of Western democracy is a lie. The main responsibility lied with the NATO powers, which wanted and deliberately provoked the war." "They stifled any attempt at a negotiated solution.""In reality, NATO has long been waging a war against the nuclear power Russia, risking the nuclear annihilation of mankind."In Conclusion:The European warmongers are bound and determined to get their war with Russia. In fact, they believe they are already at war with Russia. They don't have enough money, armaments, munitions, soldiers to take on Russia. And if the EU can't get a consensus, they'll find a "coalition of the willing ". Guess France could lob a few nukes over into Russia. Good luck with that.And a big part of the EU doesn't want war with Russia. Biden and his warmongers had promised a victory to Ukraine....guess no one considered God wouldn't put the American warmongers back in power.President Trump is putting pressure on Zelensky/Ukraine to come to peace terms with Putin. What will the concessions be for Zelensky? For Putin? And Zelensky keeps flip flopping. Are Germany, the U.K., France making him promises?And then I wonder if Victoria Nuland's gang are in contact with Zelensky? What do they have planned? What promises are they making Ukraine? After all, much of this war is their doing!God has His plan. And that's what is unfolding. Not man's plan. Maybe Europe will get their WWIII. Pete Hegseth told the Europeans that the U.S. will not get involved if European countries keep pushing for war with Russia. They are on their own. Will we hold firm to that...say, if Canada gets involved with a war with Russia? That's awfully close to U.S. soil.We know we are fast approaching the start of the Tribulation. Maybe that's where they will get their war. God is getting all the players in place and the countries lined up.Hopefully we won't see any of this war....Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance