Hello John and Doves,In this letter I wrote about Tucker Carlson's 'revelations' on rich Ukrainians and where half the money to Ukraine's military actually went. and I wrote about General Flynn's 'revelations' on Ukraine and Victoria Nuland.I also included some information on the warmonger Nuland - she's been front and center, instigating the Ukraine war with Russia, the funding of Ukraine with U.S. dollars, with perpetuating Russophobia, and quite possibly, she may have been involved in the two attempted assassinations of President Trump. She had a lot to loose if he became president.We've been told for a long time that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world - huge amounts of money laundering goes on there. This revelation is no surprise. But info about the U.S. funds coming back to U.S. politicians is a surprise (bet we can say it's mostly to Democrat politicians!) - even if it's a small surprise for some. Most Americans aren't aware of this. We want the names of the politicians/etc that are getting kickbacks from supporting/funding the Ukraine war.Hopefully, Elon Musk and DOGE are able to track the funds and pinpoint exactly who was on the actual receiving end.I also wrote about the Minot Incident of 2007. Six nuclear warheads were "accidentally" loaded onto a B-52 bomber wing and flown half way across the country. Was this really an 'oversight'? Maybe. I've suspected Cheney and Nuland.President Trump is very much aware of Victoria Nuland and her shenanigans.Wonder if Kash Patel is going to look into the FBI's investigation of the two attempted assassinations. What big political figures were behind these attempts? Why is the FBI covering this up?Tucker Carlson and Ukrainians:In this very short clip, Tucker Carlson reported he had a meeting in a ski resort in the Alps - 'probably the most expensive town in the world' - 'the town is full of Ukrainians, the visitors are Ukrainians'. 'All through Europe you see this. The richest people are the Ukrainians'. That money is ours. That's where a lot of our money has been going.He said it's a fact that the Ukrainian military is selling half of our arms that we send them. He said he knows this for a fact.He believes our CIA is profiting from the drugs on our border too.
Badlands News Brief - by Ashe in America - Badlands Mediarun time 1:02General Flynn, Ukraine and Victoria Nuland:Add Tucker Carlson's Ukrainian revelations to General Flynn's - Ukraine is "One giant money laundering operation."And he said that Victoria Nuland is "one of the key players behind the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump." (This was a surprise to me, I knew she had 'retired' but I didn't know where she went. She was huge on funding Ukraine and going to war with Russia - so, it's not surprising she'd have a vested interest in Trump not becoming president...ever again. See comments below.)Victor Nuland:Victoria Nuland was a U.S. embassy employee in Moscow during the 1990s (she was there during the "attempted coup against former Russian President Boris Yeltsin"); she was the primary deputy national security advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney; she was the U.S. ambassador to NATO under Obama; she was the third highest ranking U.S. diplomat serving as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe under Obama and as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under Biden - where she ran six regional bureaus and the counter-terrorism bureau.) She is a staunch strong supporter of Ukraine and is very anti-Russia, very anti-Putin - even calling for the "tightening of the noose" on Putin. She played a major role in the color revolution in Ukraine in 2014 under Obama. Russia said that the U.S. was "crudely interfering in Ukraine's internal political affairs." In 2014 a phone call from Nuland to the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine "caught her saying "Fuck the EU." She wanted Washington to call the shots in Ukraine.(For some perspective, at that time - "Washington and Brussels have not been completely in step during the Ukraine crisis. The EU is divided and some extent hesitant about picking a fight with Moscow. It certainly cannot win a short-term battle for Ukraine's affections with Moscow - it just does not have the cash inducements available. The EU has sought to play a longer game; banking on its attraction over time. But the US clearly is determined to take a much more activist role." And Nuland had the backing of Biden - Biden was to "get the details (of their plans for Ukraine) to stick".
Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call - BBC News
"Former Secretary of State John Kerry has recalled on numerous times that when Nuland left the spokeswoman's job during his tenure to become the top diplomat for Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov congratulated him for "getting rid of that woman". Kerry said he replied to Lavrov that he didn't get rid of her, "I promoted her." (The Russian Foreign Minister today is still Lavrov. This is who SOS Rubio met with recently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Lavrov is probably still concerned about Nuland and her influence in Europe/U.S.)With the announcement of Nuland's 'retirement', SOS Blinken praised Nuland's work as "indispensable to confronting Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marshaling a global coalition to ensure his strategic failure, and helping Ukraine work toward the day when it will be able to stand strongly on its own feet - democratically, economically and militarily. The Russian foreign ministry immediately seized on the announcement, calling it an admission of failed U.S. policy toward Russia."The Russians said: "Russophobia, proposed by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, is dragging the Democrats to the bottom like a stone."
Victoria Nuland, third-highest ranking US diplomat and critic of Russia's war in Ukraine, retiring | AP News
Russia has known from the get-go that it's the Democrats in the US that are the problem.The Minot Incident:And I remember during the Bush/Cheney reign that a B-52 was 'accidentally and surprisingly' found to have SIX nuclear weapons on its wing.. This became known as the 'Minot Incident'...they flew from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana...with the AF not knowing the bombs were there. It was written up as "an unauthorized movement of nuclear weapons in 2007". The final report said that "munitions loaders accidentally attached (6) nuclear-armed missiles to the pylons...instead of (12) unarmed air-launched cruise missiles". (The unarmed missiles were to be "mothballed" as part of a treaty.) The weapons sat on the tarmac, unguarded, for 30 hours "before anyone realized what had happened." (When the airmen removed the weapons from the wing, that's when they realized 6 had nuclear warheads.)
You can call 2007 nuke mishandling an embarrassment, but don’t call it the ‘Minot incident’
It seems a bit of a stretch for SIX nuclear weapons to be loaded on a bomber's wing when all serial numbers, sign-off sheets, and multiple eyes on the weapons must take place before nukes are removed from storage and loaded on a bomber wing. But...big mistakes have happened.I've always wondered if Cheney (another big warmonger) - with Victoria Nuland as his chief national security advisor - had decided to steal 6 nukes and use them 'somewhere' - maybe blame Russia. Cheney could have signed off on the weapons and the warmongers in the Pentagon covered for him. The Secretary and Chief of Staff were fired the following year. I remember the news really down-played this story - reporting that a few AF military officers were fired and others demoted (I didn't hear about the Sect and COS in the initial press releases - they were fired in 2008).. Did 'someone' order these six nuclear warheads to be included with the missiles that were being 'mothballed'? Hoping no one would notice? This was BIG news. And a big goof by the AF IF it was 'just a mistake'. I always suspected Cheney and Nuland.Nuland was always calling for more U.S. money for Ukraine!! Supposedly she retired last March 2024.No doubt, Nuland will be in the woodwork like a cockroach...waiting for any opportunity to sabotage President Trump's Ukraine policy.In fact, this may be more true than I know! After Nuland left the State Department she took a "senior advisor role in the global public policy practice of Covington & Burlington" in November 2024. "Nuland will advise the firm's clients on matters ranging from reputation management to adversarial trade relationships under a second Trump administration. She said her work may include advocating for client interests to lawmakers and executive branch agencies." She said, "I landed at Covington because they have a global footprint and that will allow me to do what I like to do in this nexus of policy, law and global business."The co-chair of the firm's public policy group said, "We're looking at uncharted waters in the months and years ahead (Trump's term) with some very dynamic and evolving political issues with geopolitical tensions in China and clients who have global footprints in the Middle East."
Covington Nabs Diplomat Nuland to Advise Clients in New Trump Term
Victoria Nuland is one of the biggest warmongers in the world. She was one of the top people that got the U.S. into the center of Ukraine's squabble with Russia. Did she want President Trump to win the election? Absolutely not! How desperate was she to try to prevent that from happening? Maybe VERY desperate. Because she knew Trump wanted to end the war in Ukraine and make peace with Putin.General Flynn - Nuland Privy to Assassination Attempts:General Flynn believes that Nuland is "one of the main individuals involved in the assassination plot against President Donald Trump." Flynn was on One America News "American Sunrise" where he said that Nuland "was privy to the two assassination attempts against Trump...Victoria Nuland has so much at stake here." Flynn said that Elon Musk and DOGE have yet to discover how the US money that has gone to Ukraine "flows back into the pockets of people here in the United States of America." He also said that the American people are going to be very upset when they "learn the truth about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's role in the Ukraine war grift." He said money given to Ukraine by the US has been flowing right back into the US, "right there in Washington, D.C. And it's going to be ugly." It isn't going into the troops fighting the Russians.
Bombshell: Gen. Flynn Names VICTORIA NULAND In Trump Assassination Plot, Says ‘Big Money Laundering Operation’ in Ukraine Will Be EXPOSED
President Trump - Nuland Warmonger:"Former US President Donald Trump has accused the 'globalists' in the US State Department of aiding the 2014 Ukraine coup...he promised to remove "warmongers" from Washington. Referring to Victoria Nuland, who was the US Secretary of State (of Eurasian Affairs) in 2014, Trump said, "World War III has never been closer than it is right now" and blamed "all the warmongers and 'America Last' globalists in the "Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department and the national security industrial complex."Nuland showed up in Kyiv in 2014 and promised a "billion dollar loan guarantee program and military assistance." It was at this time that Nuland discussed who should replace Yakunovish - and this call was leaked. The 2014 Ukraine Coup or "Maidan revolution, "led to the ousting of the then President Viktor Yakonovich. This is when the Ukraine-Russia conflict originally started." The US helped remove pro-Russia Yakonovich and replace him with pro-US Poroshenko. After this the military attacks on Russian speaking Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine began.
Trump accuses 'war mongers' in US State Department for 2014 Ukraine coup – Firstpost
Will we see Victoria Nuland, Obama, Biden, Blinken, other powerful Democrats exposed for money laundering? The way DOGE is moving, this is certainly a possibility. Flynn would definitely be right then: 'It's going to be ugly.'And exactly what clients with 'global footprints in the Middle East' will Nuland be 'advising'? Nuland is a pawn (more like the queen on a chess board) of satan. She would be an excellent right-hand man for the Antichrist...if there was a 'false prophetess'.Sure hope Patel gets to the bottom of these assassination attempts. We've heard zip from the FBI about these two attempts, about these two men. Why is that?? The Butler, PA shooter was killed. Why hasn't there been anything since on him and what happened? This, like the LV shooting, 9/11, etc. is yet another coverup by the FBI. Who are they protecting????
FBI Director Kash Patel to pursue Trump assassination investigation | WatchThere is a lot of evil going on behind the scenes. Evil forces fighting against good.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance.