Chance (9 Mar 2025)
"Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano - Bombshell Revelations, Pope Francis and "Prophecy of the Popes""

Hello John and Doves,
Archbishop Carlo Vigano has been a strong critic of this Vatican and the present pope, Pope Francis.  In this statement he wrote, "After years of lies, dissimulations, and silence, it is necessary to acknowledge Jorge Mario Bergoglio's fraud and put him on trial, restoring the truth and justice demanded by the victims of his reprisals, his intimidating acts, and his connivance in the crimes of his instigators and his proteges."  He believes that Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was "fraudulently imposed upon the Catholic Church as "pope"."  And there is the possibility that Pope Francis is dead and there are some aligned with evil forces in the Vatican that are trying to keep control and consolidate their power before announcing this to the world.
Does any of this have anything to do with St. Malachy's "Prophecy of the Popes"?  There is an article linked below that brings up some interesting connections between Pope Francis and the false prophet.  And could the Jesuits inside the Vatican be "be planning to destroy the Vatican and, from its ashes, create an ecumenical one-world religious system?"
Archbishop Vigano has a unique perspective of the Vatican - he has personal experience with the Vatican and Pope Francis and Francis' powerful 'followers' in the Vatican and in world governments.  Vigano sees evil and a usurper/coup that has taken over the Vatican. 
Could the false prophet come from the Vatican?  I certainly see this as a strong possibility.  And Pope Francis has a lot of 'dirt on his hands'.
As of March 4, it's being reported that Pope Francis is in "stable condition" and is on "high flows of supplemental oxygen delivered by a nasal tube."  He has chronic lung disease, so any respiratory illness can easily be life threatening.  
Pope Francis no longer requires mechanical ventilation | AP News
So, the pope, could still be alive....
Archbishop Vigano's Statement:
Here are listed some of the things he brings up in this statement:
There are some who believe the Pope is dead - this is being hidden from the public so that the Vatican and 'Bergoglian Deep Church' can gather a consensus of Cardinal "to continue the Bergoglian revolution."
Bergoglia and his followers "usurped" the Catholic Church "by a corrupt and treacherous hierarchy, whose sole aim is to destroy her from within."
The US Bishop's Conference in the U.S. has been receiving money from USAID - the Trump Administration has brought this scandal to light:  "the complicity of the Catholic Church in the lucrative business of immigration."
Theodore McCarrick (former cardinal, defrocked for 'sexual misconduct') was Bergoglio's "liaison to the Chinese Communist regime in order to obtain the signing of the Secret Agreement with the Holy See."  McCarrick obtained episcopal appointments to key positions in the US and the Vatican - "who are all homosexual and corrupt".
Bergoglio covered up the scandals of "notorious abusers and perverts."  Including the cover up of the death of his own son.
Bergoglio played a "role in the crime perpetrated against humanity with the "Covid pandemic" and the imposition of vaccines".
Bergoglio had an agenda to exploit illegal immigration "in order to destroy the social fabric of the West."
The Bergoglian church "is not only an accomplice in the subversive plan of the World Economic Forum but a leading protagonist."
Vigano wants authorities in the US and Argentina to "provide documents and evidence of these facts.  This will prove that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has never been pope of the Catholic Church."  All of his appointments should be null and void.  All of his acts should be null and void.

Lapides clamabunt - Fondazione EXSURGE DOMINE Ets

Some of us here on Doves have written about St. Malachy's "Prophecy of the Popes".  And with the current pope so very ill....we wonder about the 'divinity' of these prophecies?  Pope Francis is the last on the list.
"The Prophecy of the Popes is a list of Latin phrases describing each pontiff from Pope Celestine II (1143-1144) to a final pope, Peter the Roman."
"According to the prophecy, the 112th and final pope would be "Peter the Roman".  Pope Francis is indeed the 112th pope on Malachy's list."  There are those who believe that Pope Francis "is preparing the way for a one-world religion, an idea closely tied to the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-18."
St. Malachy's final pope prophecy states:  "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End."
Could the Prophecy of the Last Pope Be Unfolding Before Our Eyes?
Is Pope Francis The Last Pope?:
"One of the most controversial claims among prophecy analysts is that Pope Francis could be the false prophet described in Revelation, who will promote the Antichrist's agenda.  Francis's consistent advocacy for religious unity, environmental sustainability under global governance, and economic redistribution mirror key aspects of the prophesied Beast's system."
"Furthermore, his decision to open the Five Doors - a series of symbolic spiritual actions - has coincided with increasing global unrest.  Could these acts have an unseen spiritual significance?  Jesus warned that deception would be rampant in the last days.  As believers, how should we interpret these events with discernment?"
(Several letters have been written to Doves about these Five Doors:  here's three from December, 2024:
Jubilee of Hope - Pope Francis Will Open Five Holy Doors or Demonic Portals?

VATICAN JUBILEE DOOR - Remember the Palmyra Arch of Triumph?
(Is there something more to 'opening these five doors' than 'symbolism'?  Were these 'demonic doors or portals'?  These were called "the Holy Doors of the 2025 Jubilee in Rome"  Interesting timing with all that's going on and they were opened for this year, 2025.  Jesuits, like Pope Francis, are known for their mysticism.)
"However, is it possible that these events are being intentionally manipulated by the Vatican, by the Jesuits, because they have a plan in mind?...Could they even be planning to destroy the Vatican and, from its ashes, create an ecumenical one-world religious system?"
"The destruction of the Roman Catholic institution will unfold as described in Revelation:  Chapter 17 identifies the false religion of the Antichrist, likely emerging from the merger of many religions - a path Pope Francis appears to be pursuing.  Could he be leading this institution that the Bible calls "the mother of all prostitutes"?  Whoever the leader is, both his institution and its supporting political system will face destruction, as prophesied in chapter 18."
"Pope Francis, as the first Jesuit pope, holds a unique position within the Catholic Church. The Jesuit order, known for its deep ties to secret societies and the Illuminati, has long been suspected of orchestrating global events behind the scenes....Jesuits have historically played a crucial role in global politics, education, and religious movements.  Some researchers believe Pope Francis was selected by secret societies to fulfill acritical role in inaugurating the Antichrist's reign.  This aligns with the idea that a false religious leader will pave the way for the Antichrist, deceiving even the elect.  Could it be that Francis was strategically places as pope to dismantle traditional Christianity and prepare the world for a one-world religion?"
"Regardless of one's stance on the Prophecy of the Popes, we cannot ignore the fact that world events are aligning with biblical prophecy in ways never seen before."
"As Pope Francis's health declines and speculation about his successor grows, we must ask ourselves:  Is the world about to witness the rise of Petrus Romanus?  Could this transition mark the final chapter before the return of Jesus Christ?"
"Even if some predictions about Pope Francis or a potential successor may come true, we must remember that fulfilled predictions alone don't validate their divine origin.  Even occult practices and false prophets can occasionally make accurate predictions, as Scripture warns in Deuteronomy 13:1-3 and Matthew 24:24."
"Christ has promised to protect His church and remove His people before God's wrath is poured out on earth."  Believers are to remain watchful and ready, stay in the Scripture and discern the truth amidst deception.
Could the Prophecy of the Last Pope Be Unfolding Before Our Eyes?
The above author asks:  "Could this transition mark the final chapter before the return of Jesus Christ?" 
Is the Lord getting the man who becomes the false prophet prepared and in place for his upcoming position of power?  Is 'he' one of the last pieces to be put in place before the start of the Tribulation?
I sure hope so!!  Everything else is lining up.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!