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This article documents compelling evidence the MASS MURDER TERRORIST Attack atMoscow CROCUS CITY HALL is a genuine Prophetic Sign synced with the comingGreat Tribulation time frame 4/19/2025 >>1260 days >> 9/30/2028encoded in the Bible.
Hat tip to brother David Eibeck for first discovering this Vegas prophetic connection.Crocus Vegas Mall is adjacent to the Crocus City Hall Mass Murder event.The Las Vegas Mass shooting worst in USA history happened at theRoute 91 Harvest festival... profound prophetic date^^^^ encoded in Bible synced to^^^^ 2nd worst Stage 3Worst Terrorist Attack Las Vegas Worst Terrorist Attack Fall of Babylonin Russian History Mass Shooting in Russian History Prophecy andBeslan School Seige in USA history Crocus City Hall END DATEoccurred on occurred on occurred on Great Tribulation9/1/2004 10/1/2017 3/22/2024 9/30/2028!.............4778 days.........!..........2364 days........!.............1653 days...........!^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^4778 divide by 2364 divide by 1653 = .0012227166^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^The equation reveals a perfect prophetic sync with PSALM 122:2,^^ ^^^^which is the last place in the Bible a verse has a 2028 gematria count. ^^ ^^^^And from PSALM 65:9 vs 930 of PSALMS its exactly 1222 ^^ ^^^^verses to PSALM 122:2. ^^ ^^^^See our full article about PSALM 122:2. ^^ ^^^^This equation also reveals a perfect sync with verse number 166of the Bible, which is Genesis 7:6. And thisverse tells us NOAH was age 600 at the time of the Great Flood.And in perfect sync chapter 600 of the Bible is where PSALM 122:2 is located !!And the Great Flood is aprophetic typology event of the Great Judgment comingon the world at Jesus Second Coming 2028 .
After Genesis 7 there are 1182 chapters to the end of the Bible.REVELATION 15:1, 15:2, 15:3, 15:4, 15:5, 15:6, 15:7,15:8 ^^^^^^^^Revelation15 chapter 1182 of the Bible is the only chapter of the Bible wherethe verse numbers > 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257=2028A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement = 158 ^^^^^^^^On the Jewish calendar the Day of Atonement will be 9/30/2028
Jesus Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight
........................................................................................................................................Here are the WORD to NUMBER syncs in Strong's Greek Concordance.^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Jesus = 2424 < As seen in Matthew 1:1 < = 1208 < As seen in Revelation 11:14 < = 2064 < As seen in Matthew 24:30 < Thousand = 1367 < As seen in Mark 5:13 < = 1501 < As seen in Revelation 4:4 < = 3638 < As seen in 1st Peter 3:20 < > 12202 <The Total reveals ^^^^^^^ a sync with PSALM 122:2 which is the last vs in the Bible with a 2028 gematria ct !!Lo and Behold...
prophetic dateProphetic Sign Prophetic Sign encoded in Bible for
Stage 1 2nd worst Stage 3Fall of Babylon Terrorist Attack Fall of Babylon
Prophecy in Russian History Prophecy andTwin II Towers .. Crocus City Hall END DATEDestroyed on occurred on Great Tribulation9/11/2001 3/22/2024 9/30/2028!.........................8228 days.................!...........................1653 days...........!In math 8228 is the 172nd ^^^^^^^palindrome number. Verse number 172 of the Bible is where # 1653 in Strong's concordance^^^^^^ is for the word Rain appearing first time in the Bible.^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "And the Rain was upon the earth^^^^^^ Forty days and Forty nights."^^^^^^ GENESIS 7:12In the New Testament the prophetic phrase <<<<<<< The "Forty Years" ISRAEL"Forty Years" is seen 1 time in the Book of JOHN. << was in the wilderness after"Forty Years" is seen 7 times in the Book of ACTS. << GOD parted the Red Sea is"Forty Years" is seen 2 times in the Book of HEBREWS. << the typology time frame of^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ << the Great Tribulation timeMatthew is Book Forty of the Bible. << we will go thru. See below.Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+ vs 1071 = 2028.So from beginning to end Matthew reveals 9/30/2028."Lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age".Matthew 28:20.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In math^^^^^^^ 6886 is the158th Palindrome#The Divine Prophetic layout of the Bible ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^reveals the following... ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^End of OLD TESTAMENT ^^^^^^^End of Book of End of Book of ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^JOEL MALACHI ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^!!!! End of !!!! End of ^^^^^^^Start of !!! Book of !!! Book of ^^^^^^^ THE ENDBible !! ZEPHANIAH !! Matthew 28:20 ^^^^^^^ of Bible!.......879......!.....30......!......20.....!.....28......!........... 6886 verses to..........!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^These are chapter counts of the Bible. 6886 is the total number of vs's from87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 4:19> to <20:25 in the 13 Bible Booksreveals the prophetic date that have this chapter verse combo configuration.9/30/2028 Start Date 4/19/2025 Great Tribulation!....................1260Days................!......................................................................................................................................................
!.................30 days..........!..............42 days............!................1581 days..............!Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign profound prophetic date2nd worst Devil COMET Devil COMET Stage 3Terrorist Attack PONS/BROOKS PONS/BROOKS Fall of Babylonin Russian History will make its will make its Prophecy andCrocus City Hall closest pass closest pass END DATEoccurred on by the SUN on by the Earth on Great Tribulation3/22/2024 4/21/2024 6/2/2024 9/30/2028^^^ ^^^^^ !.............................1623 days.........................................!Exodus 4:21 is verse number 1623 of the Bible. !^^^ ^^^ !30 X 42 = 1260 !Revelation 2:22 is vs # 42 ^^^^^^ !with Great Tribulation in text of verse. ^^^^^^ !Revelation 13:5 Great Tribulation is 42 prophetic months !^^^^^^ !Start Date ^^^^^^ END DATEGreat Tribulation ^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!...........................1260Days......................................!See many more details in our Devil COMET PONS/BROOKS article. !................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.............................................................9/30/2028.From 4/21/2024 its..............1623 days to........!Exodus 4:21 is verse number 1623 of the Bible. !HEBREWS 6:14 is the only other vs in the Bible synced to 9/30/2028like this > HEBREWS 6:14 = 6914 vs of New Testament. !also a number anagram 1946. !HEBREWS 6:14 verse number 30059 of Bible. !From 6/14 /1946 its 30059 days to >>>>>> 9/30/2028Donald Trump was born 6/14 /1946.
Location of the MASS MURDER TERRORIST Attack 3/22/2024, This date is theDonald Trump was at MOSCOW CROCUS CITY HALL DAY OF ATONEMENTattending the final of the MISS UNIVERSE Pageant and a SABBATH DAYon 11/9/2013 9/30/2028!...............its exactly 7 X 777 days to................!^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^7 Bible Books have a 9:30><20:28Gabriela Isler of Venezuela won the Pageant, the 7th ^^^^^^ chapter verse configuration.time Venezuela has won the Miss Universe Pageant. ^^^^^^^^^^^^Genesis 28:3 is verse number 777 of the Bible."And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee,that thou mayest be a multitude of people;"HEBREWS 6:14 where Donald Trump's birthday is encoded has almost identical wording."Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee."^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In standard gematria 7X7X7X7 = SABBATH DAY+DAY OF ATONEMENT^^^^^^^^^^^^
In standard gematria > ^^^^^^^^^^^^> Gabriela Isler+Donald Trump' = 1228 ^^^^^^^^^^^^Both together at Crocus City Hall ^^^^^^ prophetic date^^^^11/9/2013^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ encoded in Bible forProphetic Sign ^^^^^^^ Stage 32nd worst ^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonTerrorist Attack ^^^^^^^^ Prophecy and
in Russian History ^^^^^^^^ START DATE END DATECrocus City Hall ^^^^^^^^ Great Greatoccurred on ^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation3/22/2024 ^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!............exactly 12 months 28 days.............!..........1260 days..........!...................................................................................................................... ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Lo and Behold... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From ^^^^^^^^^^^^6/14 /1946 Donald Trump will be 108 Days and 82 Years age on 9/30/2028.
^^^^^ ^^^^ 7th Angel sounds the^^^^^ ^^^^ 7th Last Trumpet for^^^^^ 6th Seal ^^^^ Second Coming of^^^^^ is Opened here ^^^^ Jesus Christ hereStart Book of Revelation ^^^^^ Revelation 6:12 ^^^^ Revelation 11:15!..............108 vs..............!..................82 vs...............!^^^^^ ^^^^108 X 82 = 8856In math the number 25200 is the sum of divisors of 8856^^^^^^^^25200 = 10 x 5x7x8x9On the Jewish Calendar the 10th day of year is theDay of Atonement. And in Jewish Year 5789 theDay of Atonement will be the date 9/30/2028.................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome > wilkste@aol.comPEARL HARBOR Attack 12/7/1941+1st Peter 4:2+reveals many Bible prophetic syncs with the coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025>to<9/30/2028
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