This article documents the Attack on PEARL HARBOR 12/7/1941, is a prophetic typology event syncedwith the Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 >>> 1260 days >>> 9/30/2028 encoded in the Bible.
Since GOD destroyed the Egyptian army at the Red Sea, as the typology event synced in the Bible withthe start of the Great Tribulation, then the PEARL HARBOR Attack fits as a type of Major Death eventwe expect to see in the Spring of 2025, as the confirming Prophetic Sign the Great Tribulationhas officially begun. > See prior articles > <USS West Virginia under Attack
.................................................................................................................................................................Prophetic Start Date The Attack on PEARL HARBORsync date Great Tribulation that triggered USA into World WAR II9/30/1941 4/19/2025 occurred on 12/7/1941, Prophetic parallel!..................4+19 + 20+25 Days to.................! ^^^^^^ typology! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Daniel 12:7 has the Great Tribulation! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ timeline of 1260 Days in text of the verse.! Book of Revelation vs # 127 is Revelation 7:14, where the! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ prophetic phrase Great Tribulation! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ is in the text of the verse.9/30/1941 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..Exactly 87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 Years to..................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ END DATE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Great TribulationThe Divine Prophetic layout of the Revelation12:7 "And there was WAR in heaven:Bible reveals the following... Michael and his Angels foughtEnd of OLD TESTAMENT against the Dragon; and theEnd of Book of End of Book of Dragon fought and his Angels,JOEL MALACHI And prevailed not; neither was!!!! End of !!!! End of their place found any more in heaven."Start of !!! Book of !!! Book of THE ENDBible !! ZEPHANIAH !! Matthew of Bible!.......879......!.....30......!......20.....!.....28......!...........6886 verses to..............!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^These are chapter counts of the Bible. 6886 is the total number of verses from87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 4:19> to <20:25 in the 13 Bible Books thatreveals the prophetic date have this chapter verse combo configuration.9/30/2028 Start Date 4/19/2025 Great Tribulation.!.......................... 1260Days...................!See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article
"Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind,for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should livethe rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God."1st Peter 4:2^^^^^^^^^^^^^Verse number 30449 of the Bible is 1st Peter 4:2 <^^^^^^^^ !.....same as 42 prophetic months...........!The Attack on ^^^^^^^^ Start Date End DatePEARL HARBOR ^^^^^^^^ Great Greatoccurred on ^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation12/7/1941 ^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..................30449 days................!.......................1260 days........................!^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^>>>> 1st Peter 4 with 19 verses is the onlychapter 4 with 19 total verses in the entire New Testament.Hosea 4 with 19 verses is the only ^^^^^^^chapter 4 with 19 total verses in the Old Testament. Last chapter Book of 2nd Peter
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1st Peter 4:19 Last verse Book of 2nd PeterThis is chapter This is chapter of Bible 2nd Peter 3:18866 of Bible. 1155 + 1156 + 1157 + 1158 + 1159 = 5785^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^866 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1159 = 2025^^^^^^^The Bible perfectly syncs together the prophetic date 4/19/2025from the Old Testament to the New Testament, which is in Jewish Year 5785 !!...........................................................................Lo and Behold..."Great" "Great""Tribulation" "Tribulation"in text of vs in text of vsRevelation 2:22 Revelation 7:14These are verse #'s 42 and 127 Book of Revelation.PEARL HARBOR Attack syncs 30449 vs # to 1st Peter 4:2 >>>>>>> 12/7/1941. This isclear evidence PEARL HARBOR Attack syncs to the Great Tribulation in the Bible+ much more^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ evidence below.Lo and behold what the Bible reveals next ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^is even more astounding... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2nd Peter 3:18 Revelation 2:22 Revelation 7:14!....................199 vs to...................................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^On the Jewish Calendar the 199th Day of Year in the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^! Jewish Year 5785 will be the date 4/19/2025 !!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^! ^^^^^^^ "Great" "Great"From the last vs of ^^^^^^^ prophetic "Tribulation" "Tribulation"this chapter 1159 ^^^^^^^ sync vs in text of vs in text of vs The END2nd Peter 3:18 ^^^^^^^ Jude 1:10 Revelation 2:22 Revelation 7:14 of Bible!.......its exactly 57+85 vs......!...........57 vs....!......85 vs..............! Revelation 22:21^^^^^^^^ !...........419 vs...................................................!Jewish Year 5785 is in calendar year 2025 on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^this date revealing 4/19/2025 as the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start date of the "Great Tribulation" !!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1st Peter 4:19 is chapter 1155 of the Bible. Hosea 4 with 19 verses only other book1st Peter 5 is chapter 1156 of the Bible. with a chapter 4 and 19 verses in the Bible.2nd Peter 1 is chapter 1157 of the Bible. Hosea 4:19 is in2nd Peter 2 is chapter 1158 of the Bible. chapter # 866 of the Bible2nd Peter 3 is chapter 1159 of the Bible. >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1159^^^^^^^ Total > 5785 < Total > 2025 <This reveals Jewish Year 5785 = 2025 Calendar yr. ^^^^^^^^^^^Synced together reveals > 4/19/2025 < Synced together reveals > 4/19/2025 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^19X61 = 1159From 1961 its 64 years to 2025. Also prophetically synchronizingwith EXODUS 14 chapter 64 of the Bible, where GOD parts the Red Sea, which is theprophetic typology event synced to the start of the Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 <.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...\
PSALM 41:11 is another remarkable Bible verse where the PEARL HARBOR ATTACK12/7/1941 is encoded in the Bible synced with the Great Tribulation.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PSALM 66:6 is where 4/19/2025 is^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ encoded as also the Golden Ratio vs # of PSALMS.See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article turned the (Red) Sea"By this I know that You are well pleased with me, into dry land: they went through
Because my enemy does not triumph over me." the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him."PSALM 41:11 PSALM 66:6!..............................200+126 vs to.................!^^^^^^^ Vs # 200 Book of Revelation is^^^^^^^ Revelation 12:6 where the 1260 Day^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation timeline is in text.4X19+20X2.5 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 126^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 200 X 126 = = = 25200^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 451 = 41 X 11 10 X 5X7X8X9= 25200^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 10th day 5789 Jewish Year isA=1,B=2 etc > April Nineteen ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ the date 9/30/2028Two Thousand Twenty Five = 451 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End DateGreat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GreatTribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.........................41 months 11 days............................!!................................. 1260 Days.....................................!^^^^^ ^^^^^PSALMS is Book 19,41st chapter verse #11 has a gematria count of 2008.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^In the 1941 PEARL HARBOR ATTACK official count of 2008 Navy Sailorswere killed.PSALM 41:11 is vs number 14554 of the Bible.^^^^^^In math the 14554th Prime # is 158419 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ In math the 158th palindrome # is 6886 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Massive evidence aligning^^^^^^ here for Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^^^ <<<<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ <<<<<< 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<< ++++ <<<<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has not^^^^^ been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^ Matthew 24:21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!..............158 vs to....................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^There are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo ^^^^^^ 274th day is 9/30 of 2028!!and the total verse count between those points for all 13 books is exactly 6886 !! ^^^^^^^^^^ 6x338=20286886 - 274 - 274=6338See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article !!! Golden Ratio X "7"+Fibonacci Sequence reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!^^^^^^^The Divine Prophetic layout of the Bible ^^^^^^^reveals the following... ^^^^^^^End of OLD TESTAMENT ^^^^^^^End of Book of End of Book of ^^^^^^^JOEL MALACHI ^^^^^^^!!!! End of !!!! End of ^^^^^^^Start of !!! Book of !!! Book of ^^^^^^^ THE ENDBible !! ZEPHANIAH !! Matthew ^^^^^^^ of Bible!.......879......!.....30......!......20.....!.....28......!...............6886 verses to..............!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^These are chapter counts of the Bible. 6886 is the total number of verses from87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 4:19> to <20:25 in the 13 Bible Books thatreveals the prophetic date have this chapter verse combo configuration.9/30/2028 Start Date 4/19/2025 Great Tribulation.!.......................... 1260Days...................!See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The JAPANESE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Attack on USA Official END to World War TwoPEARL HARBOR JAPAN surrenders tooccurred on USA and Allied Forces on12/7/1941 9/2/1945!...........................exactly 15 X 13 X 7 days to....................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ "And when the 1000 years are expired,In prophetic sync with the Bible ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ "Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,"from the end of REVELATION 15 its 13 X 7 verses to REVELATION 20:7,^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In the Bible there are 13 Books that have ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a chapter vs config of 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a chapter vs config of 9:30><20:28^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..................................1260 Days.............................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6 verses in a row where 1000 yrs is seen in each verseis prophetic for GOD's 6000 yr MASTER PLAN from ADAM to 2028/5789to complete the End of this Age.A=1,B=2 etc > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> 158 = Day of Atonement Revelation 20:2 where 1000 yrs is in text of the verse. 1.The Seventh Angel sounds Revelation 20:3 where 1000 yrs is in text of the verse. 2.7th and Last Trumpet Revelation 20:4 where 1000 yrs is in text of the verse. 3.for Second Coming Revelation 20:5 where 1000 yrs is in text of the verse. 4.of Jesus Christ here Revelation 20:6 where 1000 yrs is in text of the verse. 5.Revelation 11:15 Revelation 20:7where 1000 yrs is in text of the verse. 6.!..................................158 vs to......!! ^^^^Revelation 11:15 ^^^^ Revelation 15:8!.................................................67 verses to.............................!Reveals a perfect sync REVELATION 15:8 which is the last vs of Revelation 15. It also revealsa perfect sync with PSALM 116:18 vs 15867 of the Bible. Last vs with 1000 gematria in Bible !!And Revelation 15 is the only chapter of the Bible when the verses added equal 2028
REV 15:1 , REV 15:2, REV 15:3, REV 15:4, REV 15:5, REV 15:6, REV 15:7, REV 15:8,Vs # of Book >> 250 + 251 + 251 + 253 + 254 + 255 + 256 + 257 = 2028 !!and using A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement = 158 ^^^^^And in the year 2028 the Day of Atonement will be 9/30/2028 !!From ADAM Mankind switches from 6th to 7th millennium in the year 2028.................................................................................................................................................
Brother David Eibeck noted the PEARL HARBOR Attack was on day 341 of the year.^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^In the Bible Deuteronomy 32:30 has a 2293 gematria count.And Deuteronomy 32:30 is verse # 5789 of Bible.Jewish Year 5789 begins Sept/2028which of course is our target time frame year for Jesus 2nd COMING !!Also ISAIAH 66:16 is last vs in Bible with a 2293 gematria count. ^^^^^^^^^^^^and ISAIAH 66:16 is in chapter 745 of Bible + vs 1284 of Book = 2029 !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Look at how ISAIAH 66:15-16 >2028/2029 perfectly describe the details of Jesus 2nd COMING !!^^^^^"For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind,to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fireand by his Sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many."ISAIAH 66:15-16 ^^^^^^^^^^Even Revelation 19:21 verse number 341 of the Book of Revelation, hasvery similar language talking about Jesus 2nd COMING.
"And the remnant were slain with the Sword of him that sat upon the horse(Jesus)which Sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."Revelation 19:21And Revelation 19:21 has a 15848gematria count, the only vs in Biblewith this gematria count. 48 =20+28A=1,B=2 > Day of Atonement = 158 ^^^^^^^^^And in this year the Day of Atonement will be 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^^^..........................................................................................................................................................
15848 + 122x2 = 16092.PSALM 122:2 is vs 16092 of Bible,and its the last vs in the Bible with a 2028 gematria count. ^^^And from PSALM 65:9 vs 930 book of PSALMS, its 1222 versesto PSALM 122:2.GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome > wilkste@aol.comFahrenheit 451+Mahalalel+"830"+Bible syncs to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028
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