More articles at > <We've documented GOD is using MANY MANY Prophetic events and dates down thru history toconfirm we are counting down to Jesus Second Coming 2028. This article focuses on theAssassination of Julius Caesar 3/15/44 b.c as one more such Prophetic Sign event date,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^So from the Assassination of Julius CaesarJulius Caesar anniversary date3/15/44 b.c Ides of March!..................its exactly 9+30+2028 years to 3/15/2024 Ides of March!.........................its exactly 2068 years to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3/15/2025^^^^^1 Samuel, Amos, Proverbs, Hosea ^^^^^Are Bible Book numbers > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 >>>^^^^^ >>>>>>>> 9/30/2028Total vs's in each Book > 810+146+915+197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ides of Start Date End DateMarch Great Tribulation Great Tribulation
3/15/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028^^^^ !.................400 days.............!...................1260 Days...........!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In math > 3.15 X 400 = = = = = = 1260 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^3/15/2024 4/19/2025!........1 yr 1 month 4 days..........! In Genesis 15:13-14 GOD tells AbrahamProphetic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ his descendants would be slaves to a foreignParallel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ nation (EGYPT) for 400 years. And at the ENDGOD parts the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ of those 400 years GOD would deliver them outStart of Red Sea ^^^^^^^^^^ >>><<< ^^^^^^^ of that Bondage. This Prophecy was fulfilled in theBible Exodus 14:21 ^^^^^^^^^ >>><<< ^^^^^^^ EXODUS story at the parting of the Red Sea .!.......1911 vs.......! ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ In prophetic typology from when COVID-19 and the^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ CLOTSHOT struck as the Plagues of EGYPT mankind1911 + 114 = 2025 has begun to play out the EXODUS story start to finish.^^^^^^^^^^^^ So the next BIG EVENT in the EXODUS story comingup is GOD parting the Red Sea, and all the Bible evidence, confirmed now by MANY Prophetic Signs ispointing to the prophetic date > 4/19/2025, as start date of the Great Tribulation.Since GOD destroyed the Egyptian Army in the Red Sea, this means in typology we expect to see aMAJOR DEATH EVENT in the Spring of 2025 , like 911 or worse that captures world attention, as the confirming Prophetic Sign the Great Tribulation has begun. Much more details about this in prior articles............................................................................................................................................................................In addition the Assassination of Julius Caesar has remarkable prophetic connections with ALL FOURof the Assassinated Presidents of the USA in confirming the above prophetic scenario in the following ways.![]()
Assassination of Assassination of Assassination ofJULIUS CEASAR JAMES GARFIELD WILLIAM MCKINLEYIdes of 20th President >>>><<<< 25th PresidentMarch of USA of USA
3/15/1881 9/19/1881 9/14/1901!..................6 months 4 days...........!...............7299 Days............!^^^^^^^^^^ JAMES GARFIELD died on his 199th day in office, and onEXODUS 14 is the 64th chapter the Jewish calendar the 199th day of yearof the Bible where GOD will be NISAN 21 same as 4/19/2025 in this the Red Sea >>>><<<< And NISAN 21 is the date GOD parted the Red Sea in history !!............................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^......................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Seventh Angel sounds theProphetic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7th and Last TrumpetParallel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Parallel for Second ComingStart Book of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ides of March of Jesus Christ hereRevelation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 3:15 < Revelation 11:15!.......................64 vs .......................!...............126 vs................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 12:6 has 1260 Day Great Tribulation timeline in text.Simple math reveals > 4X19+20X2.5=126 >><< Revelation 12:6 is vs 200 of Revelation.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 126 X 200 = 25200^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 10 X 5X7X8X9 = 25200^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jewish Calendar the 10th day of 5789 Jewish Year^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ will be Day of Atonement the date 9/30/2028 in this yr.^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Date ^^^^^^^^ END DATE^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^^^^ !..........................................1260 Days...............................!Prophetic Prophetic Parallel ^^^^^^^^ Prophetic ParallelParallel GOD parts the >>>>>>>>>>>> 126 chapters to >> ISRAEL after being in theStart of ^^^^^^^ Red Sea wilderness 40 yrs is allowed to enter the Promise Land.Bible ^^^^^^ Exodus 14:21 ^^^^ Joshua 3:17!..............64 chapters.......!.....................................exactly 4000 verses to.....................!Book 40 of the Bible is Matthew.Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+ vs 1071 = 2028.So from beginning to end Matthew reveals 9/30/2028."Lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age".Matthew 28:20.........................................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JULIUS CAESAR 3/15/44 B.C. prophetic connections with JOHN KENNEDY Assassination^^are in the following ways^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using a B.C. to A.D. calendar calculator^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BC & AD Date Calculator | Difference between, How many years ago?, How old is? | BCE / CE^^Assassination^^ Ides of Start Date END DATEIdes of March March Great Tribulation Great Tribulationfrom 3/15/44 b.c. 3/15/2025 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...its exactly 2068 years to.....!..........35 days.......!.................1260 Days...........!^^^^^ 3.5 X 360 = 1260 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 360 days in a Bible prophetic year.In the Bible these Book names ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 Samuel, Amos, Proverbs, Hosea ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Are Book numbers > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 >>>>>>^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028Total vs's in each Book > 810+146+915+197 = = = 2068^^^JOHN KENNEDY was the 35th and last President of USAIn standard gematria > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to be Assassinated 11/22/1963.> JULIUS CAESAR + JOHN KENNEDY = 1911 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^EXODUS 14:21 is verse number 1911 of the ^^^^^^^^^^^^Bible where GOD parts the Red Sea, which is the ^^^^^^^^^^^^prophetic typology event synced to the ^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date of the Great Tribulation coming 4/19/2025The # 2068 is on the feature photo of URANIUM wiki link.
Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Remember in the JOHN KENNEDY 2068
Presidency the world almost went O God, the nations have Stage 3to Nuclear War in the come into Your inheritance; Fall of Babylon ProphecyCUBAN MISSILE CRISIS of Your holy temple they have defiled; to be executed hereOCTOBER 1962 They have laid Jerusalem in heaps." Sept/2028!...........................................exactly 791 months to..............................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^We've documented in great detail PSALM 79:1 is where all 3 Stages of the Fall of BabylonProphecy converge together with mind boggling precision by the one word in the Bible "Sword"See our "Sword" article > "SWORD" reveals 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy New Bible Revelations <Then we followed up that article with the Rachel Baxter Visions article confirming many more waysNuclear War is coming in Sept/2028 to fulfill Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy.See article > <
......................................................................................................................And the last place in the Bible this number 2068 is seen is EZEKIEL 48:24 perfectlysynchronizing with the Great Tribulation laid out in this Bible chapter in the following way...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is the 6th and last time a Bible Book has a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^verse # 1260 here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 Ezekiel 48:22 Ezekiel 48:24!................4 vs...........!..........2 vs...........!Great Tribulation timeline 42 months as in Revelation 11:2, Revelation 13:5.^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 is the last place in the Bible with ^^^^ Ezekiel 48:24 is the last place in the Biblethis chapter vs config, 4818 being a Bible number ^^^^ a vs has a 2068 gematria count revealingrevealing the the date 4/19/2025 as seen below. ^^^^ the date 9/30/2028 as seen below.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !...............1260 days or 42 months.......................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^^^^^^^^ Massive evidence aligning^^^^^^ here for Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^^^ <<<<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ <<<<<< 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<< ++++ <<<<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In math the 158th palindrome # is 6886 This date is theA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has not^^^^^ been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^ Matthew 24:21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!...............158 vs to....................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^There are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo ^^^^^^ 274th day is 9/30 of 2028!!and the total verse count between those points for all 13 books is exactly 6886 !! ^^^^^^^^^^ 6x338=20286886 - 274 - 274=6338See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article prophetic syncs between theAssassinations of JULIUS CAESAR and JOHN KENNEDY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Dateanniversary date^^^^^^^^ JOHN KENNEDY GreatIdes of March Assassination date Tribulation3/15/1963 11/22/1963 4/19/2025!...........................252 days.............!..............22429 Days...............!^^^^^^ Verse # 22429 of Bible is JOEL 2:28.From the founding year ^^^^^^ JOEL 1 has 20 verses.of America in 1776 its 252 years to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028 <<<^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The first five verses of ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^REVELATION 15 > 250+251+252+253+254=1260=Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Timeline. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^REVELATION 15 is the only chapter of the Bible where the total verse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^numbers of the Book > 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257 = = = = = = = 2028 <<<REVELATION 15:1,15:2,15:3,15:4,15:5,15:6,15:7,15:8, The date 9/30/2028 will be^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Day of Atonement in this yr.^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"They sing the Song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying:Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!Revelation 15:3^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Song of Moses is recorded in Exodus 15 where the Israelites are celebrating God, havingjust parted the Red Sea and destroyed the Egyptian army. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is the prophetic typology event in the Bible synced to the start of the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 >>>>> 1260Days >>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028..............................................................................................................................................................![]()
Finally the prophetic connections between the Assassination of JULIUS CAESAR 3/15/44 B.C.and ABRAHAM LINCOLN dying from Assassination on the morning of 4/15/1865 may be themost AMAZING of all....On the night of 4/14/1865 ABRAHAM LINCOLN was watching a play called "OUR AMERICAN COUSIN".
A=1,B=2 etc > "OUR AMERICAN COUSIN" = 199 < The next USA President Assassinatedwas the 20th President JAMES GARIFIELD died on his 199th day in office from Assassination.^^^25th President William Mckinley was the next President to die from Assassination.4/19/2025 is going to be on the Jewish Calendar day 199 of this Jewish year !!Start Date <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NISAN 21 in historyGreat Tribulation <<<<<<<<<<<<<< GOD parted the Red Sea GreatOnly chapter 4 with 19 verses in New Testament. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation1st Peter 4:19 is chapter of Bible 1155+1156+1157+1158+1159=5785 in text of the vs^^^^^^^^^^^ End of this chapter is End of book of 2nd Peter 3:18 then 199 vs to Revelation 2:22.4/19/2025 is in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jewish Year 5785 , the 199th ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Day of Year on the Jewish Calendar in this year = Start Date of the Great Tribulation.
A=1,B=2 etc > 122x2 = Red Sea+Great Tribulation ^^ END DATE^^^^^On the night of 4/14/1865 John Wilkes Booth SHOT ABRAHAM LINCOLN in the back of the headat FORD's THEATER while "OUR AMERICAN COUSIN" was playing, then Wilkes jumped onto theTHEATER floor and yelled out "Sic Semper Tyannis". < This is a Latin phrase that means"Death to Tyrants", and originates to MARCUS BRUTUS who led the conspiracy, and took part in theAssassination of Julius Caesar 3/15/44 B.C. !!!WOW!!!A=1,B=2 etc > MARCUS BRUTUS+Julius Caesar = 315 !!
Lo and Behold.... BC & AD Date Calculator | Difference between, How many years ago?, How old is? | BCE / CEProphetic Sign Prophetic SignAssassination of Assassination ofJulius Caesar Abraham LincolnIdes of DIED fromMarch Assassination on
3/15/44 B.C. 4/15/1865!..............exactly 22897 months...........!^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ It shall be in that Day that I^^^^^^^ " I raised my eyes and looked ^^^^^ will seek to destroy all the nations ^^^^^^^ and there were four horns." ^^^^^ that come against Jerusalem."Verse number 22897 of the Bible is Zechariah 1:18 >>> 158 vs >>> Zechariah 12:9.These are the last two places places in the Bibleverses have identical gematria counts of 2152 and 2152.^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^PSALMS 122:2 is the only Bible book with a verse number 2152.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And PSALMS 122:2 is the last place in the Bible a vs has a 2028 gematria ct.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From PSALM 65:9 verse number 930 of PSALMSits exactly 1222 verses to And 9/30/2028 is the Day of AtonementPSALMS 122:2. A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement^^^^^ List of palindromesIn math 6886 is the 158th Palindrome number.The Divine Prophetic layout of the Bible ^^^^^^^reveals the following... ^^^^^^^End of OLD TESTAMENT ^^^^^^^End of Book of End of Book of ^^^^^^^JOEL MALACHI ^^^^^^^!!!! End of !!!! End of ^^^^^^^Start of !!! Book of !!! Book of ^^^^^^^ THE ENDBible !! ZEPHANIAH !! Matthew ^^^^^^^ of Bible!.......879......!.....30......!......20.....!.....28......!...........6886 verses to..............!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^These are chapter counts of the Bible. 6886 is the total number of verses from87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 4:19> to <20:25 in the 13 Bible Books thatreveals the prophetic date have this chapter verse combo configuration.9/30/2028 Start Date 4/19/2025 Great Tribulation.!.......................... 1260Days...................!...............................................................................................................................................................1st Chronicles 18:16 is the only other verse in the Bible that has a 2152 gematria ct.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reverse of this number is 2512 and it reveals...1st Chronicles 18:16 is vs # 10907 of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^ 7 books of Bible have a chapter and verse combo of 9:30 and 20:28.^^^^^ ^^^^ revealing date 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^ Judges 9:30 > its 298 vs to >>>>> Judges 20:28^^^^^ 2nd Chronicles 9:30 > its 221 vs to 2nd Chronicles 20:28^^^^^ Job 9:30 > its 273 vs to >>>>>>>> Job 20:28^^^^^ Matthew 9:30 > its 411 vs to >>>> Matthew 20:28^^^^^ Luke 9:30 > its 476 vs to >>>>>>> Luke 20:28^^^^^ John 9:30 > its 425 vs to >>>>>>> John 20:28^^^^^ Acts 9:30 > its 408 vs to >>>>>>> Acts 20:28Day of Year 109 is the date total > 2512 <4/19/2025 in this year. 9/30/2028!.......................................... 1260Days...................!...................................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome > wilkste@aol.comRachel Baxter Visions+Terry Bennet Prophetic dates Seals 1 and 2 of Revelationopened reveal astonishing Bible syncs to World War III + JESUS 2nd Coming 2028Specific Warning goes out to MIAMI , CHICAGO , SAN FRANCISCO >
Jonah+NINEVEH Indiana Prophecy + 4/8/2024 Total Solar Eclipse reveal astonishing
Bible prophetic syncs to coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028
"Dark Night Rises"+ Final Super Bowl 58 stats reveal astonishingprophetic syncs to coming Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 .
"The LEAH Prophecy" 6 Sons+1 Daughter+many Bible syncs to Jesus 2nd Coming 2028
John Tng "Escaping the Snare"+RED SEA CRISIS+Super Bowl 58 reveal manyBible syncs to Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028
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1/13/2024 TX Stadium"HASHMONAH"+TRUMP Iowa Vote+Prophetic Signs to Jesus 2nd Coming 2028.
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Decoding "Leave the Word Behind" syncs "Day of the Lord"+"Finger of God"to 20284232 4232 > Genesis 41:32+"The RING"+Superbowl 51+John 3:16 game sync to 2028 <
1/5/2015 "40 Eclipses"+REVELATION 12:1 Sign sync with Jesus 2nd Coming 2028
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6/30/1908 Tunguska Blast+1945 Trinity Test/Hiroshima Bomb+ Henry GruverProphetic Vision of coming WWIII experienced at Caernarfon Castle 1986
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