Steve Mullin (31 Mar 2024)
"Prophecy from Godshealer7 channel on Youtube"

I've followed her on YouTube for maybe the last 10 years. She's definitely devoted to Jesus and I believe, speaks what she hears. I'm guessing most of us on this site have been born again and understand that tangible physical confirmation from God that feels like chills, or some kind of spiritual overtaking when a significant message is given. 

The Holy Spirit speaks to me clearly on important issues. Godshealer7 will often say "I've already got the Holy Spirit on me", which I understand. When that happens, you can take it to the bank as truth because God cannot lie. 

I heard a different Christian prophecy a week or two ago about darkness coming and at least in the short term do not have your lights on or let others know where you are. She says the same thing so I'm simply passing it along in case things go dark. The next month could be very significant.

Steve M