Steve Coerper (31 Mar 2024)
"Another "Last Straw""
Biden has declared this coming Sunday, on which we celebrate
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as "Transgender
Day of Visibility" to lift up the lives and
voices of transgender people and end discrimination and
violence; you know, the same rhetoric and word play to justify
evil, perversion and voluntary mental illness.
There is one algorithm that the western church, led by the
Catholics, uses to determine the date of "Easter" and a
different one used by the Jews (and written in scripture) to
determine First Fruits. Often, these lead to the
celebration of Easter on one day, and First Fruits on a
different day. But interestingly, both land on the SAME
DAY this year, which is TODAY - March 31 on the Gregorian
calendar and Nisan 20 on God's calendar (HebCal got it wrong -
Passover was March 25).
So if the rainbow-draped sinners among us are particularly
conspicuous today (here in the U.S. anyway), now you know
why. And if God decides to judge America in the very
near future, NO ONE should be surprised.
What a disgrace!