Steve Coerper (31 Mar 2024)
"The Second Great
John and Doves -
We see in Rev. 7:4-8 that
144,000 Jews are sealed, and right after that we see "a
great multitude which no one could number"
standing before the throne and before the Lamb in
heaven. This group, we are told in verse 14 "are
the ones who come out of the great tribulation."
There is an assumption that these are people who were
saved after the rapture, when the 144,000 Jews preached
the gospel to them.
My question is: where is the church?
We see the post-rapture saints in heaven, but WE also
"washed [our] robes and made them white in
the blood of the Lamb." Don't we get palm
branches? Don't we stand before the throne and
before the Lamb? After all, we are in His presence
too. How come we're apparently not invited to this
Is it possible that this "great tribulation" (one
of three mentioned in the New Testament) is what we call
the "church age"?
I should mention that this scenario was not new with
John, but that John was essentially quoting 2 Esdras
2:42-48 where Ezra wrote:
I, Ezra, saw on
Mount Zion a great multitude, which I could not
number, and they all were praising the Lord with
43 In their midst was a young man of
great stature, taller than any of the others, and on
the head of each of them he placed a crown, but he
was more exalted than they. And I was held
44 Then I asked an angel, “Who are
these, my lord?”
45 He answered and said to me, “These
are they who have put off mortal clothing and have
put on the immortal, and they have confessed the
name of God; now they are being crowned, and receive
46 Then I said to the angel, “Who is
that young man who places crowns on them and puts
palms in their hands?”
47 He answered and said to me, “He is
the Son of God, whom they confessed in the world.”
So I began to praise those who had stood valiantly
for the name of the Lord.
48 Then
the angel said to me, “Go, tell my people how great
and many are the wonders of the Lord God which you
have seen.”
This book was quoted by Jesus and was found
with the Dead Sea scrolls, so was NOT written by some
faux "Ezra" in the second century. Ezra identifies
them as those who stood valiently for the name of the
Stand valiantly!