Steve Coerper (31 Mar 2024)
"Coming Soon: A World Without Shame"

Dear John and Dove Community:
In the escalating conflict between religion, biblical Christianity in particular, and the ever-evolving tides of Secularism, the distinction has never been more profound or more critical. Biblical Christianity, which is anchored in the sovereignty and lordship of Jesus Christ, commands us to surrender our lives to His will, promising peace and eternal salvation. Secularism, conversely, entices us into believing that this temporal world is our ultimate reality and that our desires and achievements within it are all that matter.

Secularism, in its essence, worships the temporal, the material, and the immediate. It venerates human achievements not as gifts from God but as the pinnacle of human effort, devoid of divine purpose. This worldview is not merely an alternative philosophy; it is a direct affront to the Christian doctrine, which teaches us to seek first the kingdom of God.

Complete article here: 
The Invasion of Secularism and the Loss of Shame in Society - a world without shame is in the very near future.
NOTE:  Biblical Christianity, which is anchored in the sovereignty and lordship of Jesus Christ, commands us to surrender our lives to His will.

I bring this up because there seems to be a HUGE number of folks among us, who self-identify as Christians, and who we would expect to have a positive impact for Christianity in the culture ... but this is not happening.  One immediate example:  Walgreens and CVS pharmacies recently announced that they will be carrying the drug Mifepristone - "one of the two drugs used for medication abortions."  One could properly EXPECT that every Christian employee at Walgreens or CVS would promptly quit."  Just like if the store converted the back room to an abortion clinic, or started offering the "service" of medically assisted suicide.  No protest, no noise - just leave.

And every Christian customer would boycott.  Will it happen?
CVS said it is “working with manufacturers and suppliers to secure the medication and are not yet dispensing it” in any of their pharmacies.  The statement added that pharmacies will begin to fill prescriptions in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the “weeks ahead,” then “will expand to additional states, where allowed by law, on a rolling basis.

Medication abortion made up more than half of all U.S. abortions in 2020, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that advocates for abortion access.

I've long wondered which straw will be God's last one, and He will finally decide that this last-days "Sodom and Gomorrah" must be destroyed.  This may be it.

See you soon,
