Gino (31 Mar 2024)
"RE: Eero L: 03.24.24: timing of the rapture"

Wow, you put together a lot of pertinent end times prophetic information, and in particular about the blessed hope.
in particular, you mentioned:

"If the Hour of Temptation mentioned by Jesus in Revelation 3:10 "which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" is the same as the Great Tribulation, then the True Believers in Christ might be on earth just to see an attack of fierce force unfolding on Israel, possibly with nuclear arms, but not much longer."

Since we live some 19½ centuries after the book of Revelation was written, I mostly focus on the prophetic history picture of the seven churches.
However, I tend to not spend as much time considering that there were also several actual churches in John's day, that had chapters 2 and 3 written to them.
So, the church in Philadelphia, at that time, was similarly kept from an hour of temptation, in their day, that tried the people in other nations.
Which would be a picture to us, toward the end of the church age, of the hour of temptation coming.
I have wondered, that if I could find out more about that hour, and how it went for the church in Ephesus, then, but also for the other churches,
that I could maybe better understand how the hour of temptation in our day, will unfold upon the earth.
