David E (31 Mar 2024)

I revisited Melencolia.

I hope you are well.

Today, I realized that the magic square was not your regular magic square. I noticed there are five more squares, or five more methods to sum to 34.

As a standard square, the square sums to 340, and 3:40 pm is 1540 hours.  The 55th triangle number is 1540.  Satan = 55 (EO)

I saw the date of the artwork encoded into the square: 1514.

1540 - 1514 = 26.  Well, God = 26 when Satan = 55

Then, the vertices on the stone.  13 showing,  5 hidden, 18 total.   13 18.

The artist wants to solve a riddle, perhaps?

So, 1540 is the sum of the square using the same method as the 36th triangle, 666.

But the artist adds a twist!  1540 + the five additional squares  (5 hidden)  

5*34 = 170.  1540 + 170 = 171 backward

Barry Soetoro = 171 when Barack Hussein Obama = 163.

Very Clever!

Reading from right to left, the 3rd and 4th squares are 3 61, read from the right to the left.  163 backward. Barack Hussein Obama = 163 (EO)

And each row, column, and diagonal sum to 34.   The "hidden sums" = 5*34

1710 - 361 = 1349

1349 hours is 1:49 pm

1710 hours is 5:10 pm

Counting 510 to 216 = 529, and 5 29 is day 149

510-137 = 373, and Washington DC = 137 when Barack Hussein Obama = 163

Between 118 and 510 = 163 backward upside down

1:18 pm is 1318 hours

The 163rd prime before 1710 is 175 backward.

Revelation 13:18 is verse 175 from the end.

The first mention of 175 is in verse 666, Genesis 25 7

Day 257 is 14 9, and Judas Iscariot = 149

Satan = 55, then Judas = 55

17 5 is day 137, and Washington DC = 137, 228 days remain after day 137

Day 22 8 is day 13*18 or 234, and 234+432 = 666

Born day 216, 6*6*6, Obama, then 6*6*6+6+6+6 = day 234

23 4 is day 113

1:13 pm is the 793rd minute

And when Barry Soetoro = 1458, Barack Hussein Obama = 793

Counting 793 to 1458 = 666

Counting day 113 to day 340 = 228


510-113 = 793 BACKWARD!

340 the sum of a standard square + the 5 hidden squares = 510, and 5:10 pm is 1710 hours

5 hidden squares and 5 hidden vertices.

1318 - 5 = 1313

1313 hours = the 793rd minute!

Don't stare into that stone for too long! 

David E