Sean A (26 Mar 2023)
"RE: Donna 3.19.23 GINO: What Are The Various Teachings About the 1290 & 1335 Days"

Based on the rabbinic commentaries of Rashi and the Ramban, Rabbi Isser Weisberg believes the ‘Dome of the Rock’ was the ‘abomination’ in Daniel 12:11 ‘set up’ on the Temple Mount completed in 692 AD to mark Daniel’s ‘End of Days’. If so, the 1335 ‘Passover’ Days of Daniel 12:12 brings us to 2027, when the rabbi speculates the Messiah may be revealed, though he stresses this is only an interpretation, a supposition.

After listening to the rabbi it occurred to me that Daniel 12:11 tells us when this abomination was to be ‘set up’; 1290 ‘Passovers’ or ‘Yom Kippurs’ after the ‘daily sacrifices are taken away’. Which, if counted back from 692 AD, just happens to be when Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem around 597 BC, literally ‘taking away’ all the Temple’s sacrificial furnishings to Babylon’s palace, and plowing under whatever remained. These of course were the same Temple implements Nebuchadnezzar’s political heir Belshazzar was mocking with friends, even while Daniel was warning him his days were numbered, literally so, as Cyrus’ army overran his palace in 539 BC.


Rabbi Weisberg also explains why this particular ‘abomination’ , the Dome of the Rock, was selected by the Rashi and the Ramban. It’s because the 4th Beast of Daniel is the Roman Empire, and the little horn rising out of the 4th beast is understood here as Islam. Daniel 7:25 characterizes this horn or kingdom as having human eyes and haughty words, changing the times and the seasons, and that this beast will persist for 2 ½ ‘times’ which Rashi says is 1335 (years). The rabbi (Weisberg) notes all of this as a good description of how Islam modified Judaism’s calendar and practices, symbolized in the Dome of the Rock (see below)

Rabbi Weisberg explains how the Roman destruction of the Temple, and Hadrian’s construction of a pagan Temple on the Mount were also candidates for the ‘Abomination’ but didn’t pan out into anything permanent across 1335 years. And they were not blasphemous to Judaism in the sense of the Dome of the Rock, covered with Arabic inscriptions that directly attacked Judaism (and Christianity), as false religions; replacing Jewish Holy Days with Islamic Holy Days by besting the Jewish ones.. Yom Kippur was replaced with the much longer Ramadan, Shabbos (Saturday) was moved to Friday, Praying 3 times a day was changed to 5, Moses was supplanted by Muhammad as the greatest prophet. Thus, what was written on the Dome was a denial of Judaism (and Christianity) as illegitimate, hence the Dome was blasphemous, where the Roman destruction was simply the consequence of war.

Note Rabbi Weisberg’s interpretation differs for the start of the 1290 years. However he explains there are other interpretations than his, and that any particular one is not to be considered firm prophecy but an attempt to understand Biblical messages deliberately obscured until the ‘latter days’. As the Rabbi points out, the history of interpretations is a trial and error process.