Luis Vega (5 Mar 2023)
"TETRAGRAMMATON - Hebrew Word Study"


Behold the Nail Behold the Hand

by Luis B. Vega    

‘Behold, I AM coming soon, and My Reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their Robes, so that they may have the Right to the Tree of Life and may Enter the City by its Gates’. – Revelation 22:12-14

The following is a Link to 1 of my Online Store Collections on, where one can find an Array of Merchandise related to the Amazing Topic of the Hebrew Alefbet or ‘Alphabet’ and Word Studies. The Stores, mainly deal with Political, Current Events, Issues, Topics or Biblically Themes and/or Titles like said mentioned. 

The Free Online Link, specifically to Hebrew Alef-Bet Poster is as the following Address.

Poster PDF Format

One can Download this Poster and Print any or have for Personal Reference and/or Study. One can take the PDF on a Thumb Drive, and if so desires, go to one’s local Printing Shop to print out a Copy based on desired Size, etc.

However, the Request to have them Ordered for Purchased Online, like with Zazzle, out of Convenience, was also Requested. The Online Link to the Store, specific to this Tetragrammaton Hebrew Word Study is as follows.  

Many of the Stores have a Poster made concerning the Topic at hand, where one can download that for Free from one’s Main Website under the ‘Posters’ Tab:   

Your Support and Patronage is Greatly Appreciated, as you Help such an Independent Researcher, Citizen Journalist, Author, Writer and Graphic Artist as myself.
