John (5 Mar 2023)
"1808 book predicts Israel 75 years in land"

1808 book predicts Israel 75 years in land

Hi John And Doves,

Skimming back through some old notes when I was looking at this book in 2015, it means a lot more
this year!!!

1808 book predicts Israel set up for 75 years
which would lead to 2023!
(1335 less 1260 = 75)

Rev George Stanley Faber
A general and connected view of prophecies
relative to the conversion, restoration, union and future glory of the
houses of
judah and israel

Written in 1808

Core predictions
1. Ottoman empire will fall, and then the Jewish state will rise.
2. Jewish state will run for 75 years before the end. 1260 years since abomination. Then 1290 and 1335
bring 30 years, and another 45 years to complete 75 years of Judahs first return, then Israel.
((So this would run from 1948 to 2023 noting this later))
3. The returned nation will not be able to sacrifice at a temple, and for the most part they will not know christ, but
gradually some of them will know christ.


The restoration and conversion of the Jews. Ezek. xi.

The restoration and conversion of Judah and Israel—the con
version of the Gentiles—Jerusalem the head of all churches,
though not by the Mosaical covenant. Ezek. xvi. 46—63.

The restoration of Israal—the long sufferings of the Jews in,
the course of their return. Ezek. xx. 33—44. P. 3.

The overthrow of the mystic Tyre and her prince preparatory
to the complete restoration and prosperity of Israel. Ezek,
xxvi. 7—21. xxvii. xxviii.

The dispersion of Israel through the tyranny of their shepherds
,God will require his people at their hands—the restora
tion of Judah partly in a converted and partly in an uncon
verted state—the opposition of the unconverted to the con
verted, a proof that the unconverted will be restored by
Antichrist—downfall of the mystic Edom—the political re
vival, restoration, and final union of Israel and Judah—
the overthrow of Gog and Magog at the end of the Mil
lennium. Ezekw xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. 1—S'<!. xxxvii. xxxviii.

Descriptive character of the powers that will compose the
Antichristian confederacy—the progress of Antichrist to*
Palestine—his overthrow there—the restoration of Judah
during a time of great trouble at the close of the 1260
years. Dan. ii. 40—45, 54, 35. vii. 7—27. Rev. xiii.
xvii. Dan. xi. 36—45. xii. Rev. xvi. 12—21. xviii.
P. 109.

The restoration of Israel—their instrumentality in converting
the Gentiles—the state of the Jews irr the days of their dis-"
persion. Hosea i. 2— 11. ii. 21—23. iii. P. 140.

Accordingly Daniel
teaches us, that the Jews will begin to be restored
at the close of the 1260 years, and during a period
of unexampled trouble : and, by computing that
a space of 75 years will intervene between the close
of the 1260 years and the commencement of the

One great branch of Mohammedism, the Turkish empire, will
be overthrown under the sixth apocalyptic vial, and therefore
previous to the destruction of the Antichristian confederacy, which
will take place under the seventh


So many'
curious coincidences serve to confirm my opinion, that Daniel's
tica little horns are the two apostasies of Popery and Mohamme
dism, and that the year 606 is the most probable date of the
1260 years.

(((So Israel could be set up by))))((1866)))

After the downfall of Turkey, the imperceptible
agency of three unclean spirits will begin to as
semble the Latin kings to the last war of Arma

The necessary
conclusion seems to be, if I be right in supposing the northern
king to be Russia, that the hail-storm of the seventh vial means
some dreadful invasion of the papal Roman empire by Russia and
her northern allies during the time that Antichrist is engaged in
prosecuting his conquests in Palestine and Egypt.

4For the Israelites will live many days
without king or prince, without sacrifice
or sacred stones, without ephod or idol.
5Afterward the Israelites will return and
seek the Lord their God and David their
king. They will come trembling to the
Lord and to his blessings in the last


wards, with reference to the second restoration, he
promises that the number of the children of Israel
shall be as the sand of the sea ; that the children of
Judah shall be collected, and that the children of
Israel shall be united with them ; and that they
shall appoint themselves one head, even Christ the