Jeremiah (5 Mar 2023)
"How old was Jesus Birth and Resurrection per Logical Conclusion(s) from Historical Information "

How old was Jesus  

Birth and Resurrection per

Logical Conclusion(s) from Historical Information



I have been befuddled and frustrated by the repeat of the various assumptions of when Jesus was born and when He was crucified.  The dates vary and the most popular seem to repeat without a verified basis.  The most popular dates appear frequently yet without a basis upon which I have comfort to rely upon.  I don’t like fuzzy math and thought there must be some solid basis upon which to rely.  In researching Jesus birth the range I have found extends from 6 B.C. to 1 A.D. with the most frequent being 3 B.C.


Jesus death and resurrection reported by the “experts” range from 28 A.D. to 33 A.D.


Current prophetic voices make their graphs, charts and pronouncements as if each has extracted with certainty what is “fact”!


This was what motivated to explore to find real information that would authenticate what has been written and see what conclusion may result.  There are scant Biblical date points upon which to base or extract creditable conclusions.


I have identified two:

1.    Herod the Great was the King when Jesus was born.  He entertained the entourage of the Kings that came from the East, perhaps Persia.  Matthew Chapter 2 says that Herod was the king, met the wise men, made the decree to slaughter the 2 year olds and younger.  Joseph was warned to fled to Egypt with Mary and Jesus until word came that those who sought to kill the child were dead.  Herod transferred rule to his son in 4 B.C.  Most sources report that Herod died in 4 B.C.


2.    The date of the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry as recorded in Luke 3:1 that in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilot being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee.


*Tiberius Caesar     Co-regent with Augustus, his grandfather, A.D. 11/12 and    began sole reign August 19, A.D.14 until his death in 37 A.D.


*Pontius Pilot  Governor of Judea    A.D. 26/27 to A.D. 36/37 during Jesus’ ministry, execution and resurrection.


            *Herod Antipas  or  Herod the Tetrarch (Ruler of ¼ of the kingdom) Called             

             himself King Herod but, was never a king.  Inherited one fourth of his father’s,

             King Herod the Great’s kingdom upon his death in 4 B.C.  - Ruler of Galilee.  Born

             before 20 B.C. and died  after 39 A.D. Ruled during Jesus’ life.

Summary of the Information discovered:

1      I do not see how Jesus could have been born in 3 B.C. based upon known historical information.

a.    Herod the Great, according to the majority of historians, reigned from 37 B.C. to 4 B.C. before passing the throne over to his son.  Most then record that he died in the spring of 4 B.C. Luke records “in the days of Herod the King” as he writes about the birth of Jesus.

b.    The Numerous Wise Men who came to Herod, probably from Persia, would have been very familiar with the Prophetic writings of Daniel.  These as a group with military protection, came to Herod asking where is the new King that was born for we have seen the sign that He has been born in Judea. 

c.    Herod asked the time when they saw the sign that a king was born. They told him that within the last 2 years. 

d.    Herod, threatened by a king that would challenge his rule, then planned and carried out the slaughter all the babies in the vicinity of Bethlehem 2 years of age and younger.

e.    Therefore, the babies slain after the arrival of the Wise men would have been those born at least 2 years prior to the Wise men’s arrival. 

f.     Conclusion: Thus Jesus would have been born at least 6 or even 7 B.C.  Let’s settle for the minimum, 6 B.C.

g.    Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled to Egypt long before Herod died for an angel had appeared to Joseph warning him to take his family and immediately flee to flee to Egypt.  They did not return to their home in Nazareth until an angel said that it was safe to return.  The angel told them that those that have sought to kill the child are gone.  Herod was dead and no longer ruling after 4 B.C.

h.    On the start of 1 A.D., Jesus would have been at least 5 years old.  There is no “0” year.


2      Jesus most likely would not have been born in the fall or the winter as Scripture said the shepherds were staying in the fields.  Lambing season” is in the spring.  The shepherds were there to protect the lambs and help in the birthing process.  They stayed to assure these newly born lambs would be safe from the many predators and thieves and to assure these new lambs were feed and healthy. They would also be anticipating and preparing that these lambs would need to be protected and be perfect.  They wanted them to bring top sale price when next year Passover came in one year.

a.    Shepherds stayed in the fields during the “lambing season” so that they could both protect and nourish these new lambs and it was their charge to increase the flock.

b.    These lambs born in the spring would have been the Passover sacrifices one year later.  The one year old lambs without spot or imperfection and perfect would garner a top price to those who would want to buy the best and be in accordance of the “law” for their offering.  Perfect one year old lambs would provide the best of income for the Shepherds and the owners of the fields. 

c.    It would be consistent and fit God’s pattern if Jesus would also have been born in the spring for He was the true Passover Lamb to be sacrificed for the sins of the whole world.


3.    Tiberius Caesar, the 2nd Caesar in Roman history and grandson of Augustus.

According to historical records Tiberius started his reign in August 19, A.D. 14.

a.    Fuzzy Point 1 – Luke 3:1 describes John the Baptist’s ministry started in the 15th year of Tiberius’s reign.  However, Tiberius was made co-regent with his grandfather in 11/12 B.C. to insure that there was a descendent to ascend to rule in Augustus’ place.  He became sole ruler in 14 A.D. Scripture does not designate what start date was referenced in Luke.  The final conclusion of this article reveals the answer and gives some insight.

b.    First option start date of A.D. 14, then adding 15 years yields 29 A.D. as the date that John the Baptist emerged as the “Baptizer” and began calling people to repent.

c.    Fuzzy Point 1– If the scripture actually counted Tiberius’s reign from when he was co-regent then the start date would have been as early as 26 A.D.

d.    These are the only real confirmations of any date options that the Scripture clearly provides.  So there is a range depending upon what start date of Tiberius’s reign was actually implied in Luke.

e.    If Jesus came immediately to be baptized by John at the beginning of his ministry, Jesus would be 29 years plus the 5 years from 6 B.C. to 1 B.C. or Jesus was would have been 34 years old.

f.     Fuzzy Point 1 - If the date for Tiberius reign was meant to be when he became co-regent, then the 15th year of his reign would begin 26 A.D.  Jesus would have been 31 years old or 3 years younger.

g.    The Bible does not seem to indicate how long John had been proclaiming the message of repentance before Jesus came to be baptized by him.  But, it does seem to indicate the John had gathered a following and had even been recognized and questioned by the Pharisees as to what his purpose was in baptizing. He told them it was for remission of sin.

h.    It would be reasonable to deduce that John had been in his ministry for a while before Jesus shows up.  John had a ministry, established a following including John and Andrew, who were to become Jesus’ Apostles.

i.      If John started baptizing in 29 A.D. then Jesus perhaps came to him in the spring of 30 A.D. The result of this meeting was the Holy Spirit lighting upon Jesus and God’s voice validating that this Jesus was His Son. Jesus would have been 35 years of age.

j.      Fuzzy Point 1 - If the Tiberius reign mentioned was to include the co-regent time, Jesus’ age would have been 32 years old and the year 27 A.D. when He was baptized.

k.    Conclusion: Jesus was either 35 years old or 32 years old when He was led by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness for 40 days of fasting and then testing by Satan.  This testing would most likely have occurred either  in 30 A.D. or as early as 27 A.D.


4.    According to scripture, Jesus celebrated at least 3 Passovers, the last being the Last Supper.

a.    Starting with His overcoming Satan’s temptation in the wilderness in 30 A.D. and adding 3 years of ministry, Jesus may have been 38 years when He redeemed mankind at the Cross and the Tomb in 33 A.D.

b.    Fuzzy Point 1 – If Tiberius reign was considered as the earlier date when he was  co-regent, the Crucifixion and Resurrection would have occurred in 30 A.D. when Jesus was 35 years of age.

c.    Fuzzy Point 2 - Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37 to A.D.100), the Jewish historian writes that he, Josephus, was born in Jerusalem four years  after the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.  37 A.D. minus 4 years is 33 A.D.  Thus he projects a resurrection of Jesus as 33 A.D.

d.    But, if Luke was reporting that John the Baptist started his ministry according to the beginning of Tiberius reign as of 11/12 B.C. , then Jesus would have been crucified in 30 A.D. at the age of 35.


e.    Conclusions – 2 options: Jesus was either crucified at 30 or 33 A.D.  He was 35 or 38 years old.




5.    The calendar for the year 33 A.D. does not match up to any of the dates and times that are recorded in the Bible narrative for Passover and Resurrection.  Nisan 1 is Saturday April 18.  Passover is Saturday May 9th.


6.    The calendar for 30 A.D. is the exact match for the Biblical narrative and is also a perfect match to the current year 2023.  Nisan 1 is March 22 and the Bible narrative fits for the Spring Feasts of the Lord. 


7.    Because of the 30 A.D. calendar alignment with the Biblical narrative it leads me to conclude that Jesus was crucified in 30 A.D.  Thus the reference in Luke to the start of John the Baptist’s ministry must have been a reference to Tiberius’s reign as starting from the time he was made co-regent in 11/12 B.C.


8.    There is no scripture for confirming a 3 ½ year ministry nor is there any reference to Jesus being 30 or 33 years old when He allowed Himself to be sacrificed for us. 

We are now seeing many signs that 30 A.D. plus 2,000 years, i.e. 2 days, is leading to Agenda 2030 A.D. And, UN, WEF, WHO etc. all who have an agenda for the nations and people of the earth.  Year 2030 appears to fit right into prophecy and it is on schedule.  Even more so as we see the time approaching.





But for me, it cleared up some of the fuzziness that always seemed to present itself as historians; presenters, etc. show charts, graphs and dates.  I wanted something concrete to hold unto. For me, I have found it!

