Gerry Almond (5 Mar 2023)

March 3, 2023


It is very timely now to reconsider the final proof, as I see it, of the phenomenal “coincidence” that I wrote of back in 2022. If you read it, you may remember that I posted the fact that brother Edgar Whisenant invested his life and career in telling us that September 12/13 was to be the rapture time in 1988. He was so convinced of it that he wrote and published his booklet “88 Reasons why the Rapture will be in 1988”. Distributing his work to 435,000 pastors and ministers worldwide, free of charge, and to many others (I, among them) a copy at a mere $2 each, a charge only made to allow the printing of a new one with each one sold. He was scorned, ridiculed, mocked and physically beaten by his own son, but he never gave up. After Rosh Hoshana, September 12/13, 1988 came and went, he continued on for two more years, finally appearing on the Phil Donahue Show, on which program, he was publicly humiliated and destroiyed by Donahue.

In 2022, I discovered that the count from Rosh Hoshana, September 12/13, 1988 to Rosh Hoshana 26/27, 2022 was coincidently exactly and to the day the same count as the day of Jesus Christ from conception to death. That totaled 12,432 days.

Briefly, just as a reminder of how His lifespan is proved, the secret is in the gematria of His names given in Matthew 1:21. The angel said “You shall call His Name JESUS, for He will save (SAVIOR) His people from their sins”. In gematria, which is a number for each Greek or Hebrew alphabet letter, Jesus equals 888, and Savior equals 14. Multiplication of these numbers equals 12,432 days which runs from conception to death on the cross. Calculations based on the Passover date on which He died, April 3, 33, leads us back to March 20/21, 00. His birthdate was December 25, 00. The early Church was right on.

Now I believe I can put March 5/6 as the day we are looking for, using the above information. I knew that the Whisenant connection was there and was very disappointed that I had missed it somehow back in 2022. Now I can see how, I missed it or rather why I missed it, I believe.

Let's suppose that the delay of a full count of Jesus lifespan including His conception and gestation, which totals 12,432 days leads us to the conception and gestation period of something else? It ties into the great “X” swath brought on by two solar eclipses years apart. From Rosh Hoshana, 2022, it is 560 days to the “X”. So, what else could come 560 days before the great “X”, which I think will be the destruction of the U. S. on April 8, 2024? I will tell you; Rosh Hoshana, September 26/27, 2022, the 12,432nd day from Rosh Hoshana, September 12/13, 1988. And why 560 days? Because from March 5/6, 2023 to April 8, 2024 is exactly 400 days made of of 120 days and 280. And what are these days? The first is the soul harvest days of the left behind Laodica :Church, the time frame for which is found in John 4:35. “Say not ye, there are four months (120 days) and then cometh the harvest? I say, lift up your eyes to the fields for theiy are white already to harvest”. The Lord says the barley is white already. That is us. The 120 days is for the wheat harvest. The second is the gestation period from the rapture of the Laodicea Church on July 3, 2023 to the great destruction swath of the second solar eclipse.

What then is the tie-in proof that this count is perfect and true? The final proof to me is that the count of days from Rosh Hoshana, September 26/27, 2022 to March 5/6, the central day in this scenario is to the day 160 days. So what? If you add the harvest time of Laodicea to this, you get the gestation period once again. So both Church Ages are to end within and at the end of the gestation period. Ours 120 days before Laodicea's. How perfect are His ways and His truths past finding out.

God help us to understand this message. We have no time left.


Gerry Almond