Fay (26 Mar 2023)
"To Each their own Estate."


Hi John and Doves,

I have been through a 'wow' journey since reading Lisa Taylor's post from last week, "Prophecy in the Mercy Seat". I will get to that in another post - but to tickle your interest - it all leads up to the Rapture being at this time of year. Lisa's post changed my perceptions. Deepened them. I cannot tell you how much depth I have gained in my understanding and perception. I am so very grateful. And excited.

It all revolves around the Transfiguration and then, the Ascension. The two prophecy related happenings that speak volumes about the end times. This study has opened my eyes as to each creation's 'Estate'. To simplify it - we were born into human, flesh and blood bodies. Destined for earth. Or, more accurately, for this dimension. We were created to inhabit a physical world rather than an angelic world. We eat and drink (as per our LORD Jesus after His resurrection) and, yet, we will have immortality in the future. But in our (enhanced) physical bodies. We will live, for eternity, in the New Jerusalem. As flesh and blood - yet immortal. Exactly as Jesus personified. Jesus showed us how it's all going to pan out. Spoiler alert:- We will be able to access heaven AND the New Jerusalem (which is our new dwelling) via our transformed bodies. We will eat and drink and also be able to walk through walls. The BEST of both worlds, so to speak. This is not simply wishful thinking.

When our LORD Jesus went through the Transfiguration, He was showing us how we will be. To amplify this, He had Moses and Elijah as witnesses. Quoting loosely from the article below:- " Moses and Elijah's presence on the Mount of Transfiguration has enormous theological importance - which explains why they were selected to accompany Jesus on His journey to the summit of the mountain. Elijah represents those who will get to heaven without having to go through the experience of physical death. Moses represents those who die a physical death but will be resurrected to everlasting life - and have access to heaven.

Moses and Elijah are thought to be the two witnesses at the Ascension. Which strongly indicates that they will be the two witnesses at the end of the age, in the book of Revelation. Elijah was taken up - body and all. Satan didn't even get a look-in. In Jude 9 we are told that the Archangel Michael entered into confrontation with satan over the body of Moses. Hmmm. This tells us several things. Physical beings (such as thee and me) are kind of trapped here until death. Currently, only physical death can set our souls free ( until the rapture). B) It tells us that satan has temporary power over our physical world AND our physical bodies. Why else would the archangel Michael have to contend with the devil over Moses' body? How come it wasn't a done deal that Michael could just take Moses' body? Michael did not dare to rebuke satan, himself. Instead Michael said, "May the LORD rebuke you". Michael did not do this to butter satan up. He did it because he knows that Almighty God has given satan dominion over our world (Adam and Eve debacle) for a limited period of time. Michael knew it was above his pay grade to do otherwise.

Which brings us to the question why archangel Michael argued for Moses' body. Why was Moses' physical body SO important to both Michael and satan? Because Moses will be one of the two witnesses in the end times. He will need his physical body. Angelic beings are not appointed to be the two witnesses on earth. This is illustrative of the resurrection of our physical bodies in the end times. Because of Moses' vital role as a witness in the end times. Both witnesses HAVE to be of this physical world. Of THIS estate. Which also explains why our LORD Jesus had to resurrect in His physical body. Immortalised ,of course. Just as we will be. PLUS - the two witnesses are given special powers to prophesy for 1,260 days with no hindrance. Until the end when they are murdered - where their bodies will lie on the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days before they are, once again, called up to heaven.

To cement the point - in Acts1: 10-11 (re the Ascension), we are told :- " As they (the apostles) strained to see Him rising to heaven, two white-robed men (not angels) suddenly stood among them. "Men of Galilee", they said, why are you standing here, staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday, He will return from heaven in the same way you saw Him go".

The 2nd link shows a statement at the end of the article. "As far as to when Jesus' transfiguration occurred, most timeline sources place it in the late Spring/early Summer of His 2nd full year of Ministry". The article then surmises this as 30AD. Be that as it may - the transfiguration is a sure example and picture of the rapture.

PLEASE come, LORD Jesus.

Why Did Moses And Elijah Appear To Jesus? - Proven Way

Why Was The Transfiguration of Jesus So Important? (biblestudytools.com)