Donna Danna (26 Mar 2023)

This is in reply to your 3/19/2023 post THE ANSWERS TO WHERE, WHO, AND WHY ( in which you stated the following: 

( Matthew 24:28 ) describes the aftermath at the end of the  GOG-MAGOG WAR  of tribulation exclusively upon the Nation of Israel which occurs  IMMEDIATELY  BEFORE the resurrection & rapture of His Elect Body of Christ Church as described IMMEDIATELY AFTER the end of the Gog-Magog War in ( Matthew 24:29-31 ). 

My question is what is the point of you still watching Nisan 10, April 1, 2023 as a resurrection & rapture date when the Gog-Magog War and invasion of Israel hasn't taken place yet & their warhorse riders haven't been seen anywhere in the TV, internet, or newspaper media riding toward Jerusalem which leaves only about a week for them to ride to Jerusalem from Russia, who is involved in the war with the Ukraine, from Turkey, Iran, Libya & Ethiopia because it will take awhile on horseback for them to get to Jerusalem.

The pony express riders in the U.S. were able to travel 1,900 in 10 days, but they had fresh horses to ride every 10 miles.   It is 2,323 miles from Moscow, Russia to Jerusalem, 1,151 miles from Tehran, Iran to Jerusalem, 846 miles from Ankara, Turkey to Jerusalem, 1,629 miles from Tripoli, Libya to Jerusalem, and 2,027 miles from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to Jerusalem.  An average horse can run at a speed of 20 to 30 miles per hour with a rider, but they would need to rest after so many miles.  Racehorses can run much faster, but still I don't think any horse with rider that starts out now from the countries listed above who are involved in the Gog-Magog war with Israel are going to be able to make it to the land of Israel by the end of this week before 4/01/2023 if they started out on Sunday 3/26/2023.  Even if a horse with rider could travel 40 mph going the shortest distance of 846 miles from Ankara, Turkey to Jerusalem, it would take at least 21 days to get there. So I don't think that the resurrection- rapture will happen on Sat. 4/01/2023 if you believe that the Gog-Magog war is going to take place before the resurrection-rapture.

As for myself, I don't believe the Gog-Magog war takes place before the resurrection-rapture so I am still looking at 4/01/2023 as a possible date for it.

Ezekiel 38:15 says, "And thou shall come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army."