Chance (26 Mar 2023)
"Amir Tsarfati - Israel is in a Dangerous Situation"

Hello John and Doves,
On March 22, 2023 Amir made a 'breaking news' video on Israel's situation...."Israel right now is in the most dangerous and difficult situation since 1973's Yom Kippur War."  He also talks about the protests going on in Israel.
run time 15:34
Now add this to Monte Judah's last week's update - 
On March 17, 2023 Monte Judah had his weekly Messianic World Update.  He shared "some things that are very ominous sounding."  At about 18 minutes he speaks to the "judicial overhaul" going on in Israel with the accompanying national protests.  Hertzog is warning of Israel on the brink of civil war.  Netanyahu stated that The United States is funding all of the protests in Israel and stirring up other nations and bodies to not pass that reform bill.  Presidents Clinton and Obama both interfered in Israel's government/elections. And now Biden is doing harm to the people of Israel and getting them to believe lies.  The reform law is to balance the government of Israel - the judicial branch has too much control.  Netanyahu is trying to change this balance of power that allows foreign actors (the U.S.) to interfere in Israel's government.
Monte tells the story from the 90s when Shimon Perez lost the PM election to Netanyahu - the day Perez turned over the keys to the Prime Minister's office he said to Netanyahu 'now you can deal with the United States of America.'  Out of all of Israel's problems - the biggest was the interference from the U.S.
run time 28:37
And today, Biden and his administration and his DOD are anti-Israel.  Still interfering with Israel's government and people.  Just like the evil people in powerful positions in the U.S. government sent BLM and ANTIFA out into American cities and into the Capitol Building on Jan 6 - they are doing the same thing to Israel!  They've had plenty of practice at manipulating the people and causing violence.
God sees all of this.
Amir's breaking news update came the day before the sighting of the new moon for the first day of the Biblical month of Nisan. 
Ominous start to the New Year!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!