TH (13 Mar 2022)
"M U R D E R  Inc.   U.S.A."

                               M U R D E R  Inc.   U.S.A.

     Once again I am compelled to address the horrific practice of abortion that
continues unabated in America and around the World still. The REAL question
is "why does GOD allow this to continue"?  Years ago when the statistics of the
number of abortions in our Country was calculated and published, I was shocked,
for lack of a stronger term, at the numbers. Horrified more accurately. I had been,
at that time, talking with GOD for quite awhile and asked HIM why HE permitted
this. Now, I'm going to paraphrase HIS answer yet maintain the context in today's
vernacular. (If I had to depend on man to take ME up on my plan of Salvation, I
wouldn't get the numbers I'm looking for. I will NOT be DENIED! )  So there, I had
my answer.  In thinking about what HE told me, I wondered about the likelihood
of a child growing up with someone, as their parent, who was pro-choice in their
moral code, and if that child, so raised, would be likely to come to Salvation though
JESUS CHRIST?  Now of course, there would be some.  But, apparently not enough for GOD'S desire.  Through the slaughter of abortion, HE GETS THEM ALL !
GOD NEVER LOSES !  Man's wickedness will NOT DENY WHAT GOD WANTS !
And HE also told me what was in store for those who committed this grievous act.
I will not reveal that. Suffice to say I flinched when I heard it. Woe, Woe, Woe to them. The lifelong guilt many of them feel is nothing compared to what awaits them.
Now then, can they be forgiven?  Yes !  That's how MERCIFUL is our GOD. But can
they have it in their hearts to TRULY REPENT ?  Does a heart that can murder it's
own child have within it the ability to reach the necessary level of repentance that
GOD requires?  I don't know.  Only GOD knows that.  And HE is Merciful. As we
think about those folks, are we merciful in our thoughts of them? Do we Pray for
them?  We should you know.  JESUS wants us to.  I know HE does !  HE told me.

             MARANATHA !

                   T H