Nathan's vision is extremely interesting given he was a non-religious Jewish child. What he said confirms what people who have studied scripture and the end times for their entire lives. He said that "Gog" will start the great war. He was asked if he knew who Gog is and he didn't hesitate saying it was Obama.
So one of the most mind blowing things he said is that the Moshiach will set his foot on the Mt of Olives and it will split in two. That perfectly aligns with the Second Coming of Jesus in Zechariah.
This video is very informative. I highly recommend watching or re-watching it. The pastor does a nice job of paraphrasing the whole vision
Nathan's vision is extremely interesting given he was a non-religious Jewish child. What he said confirms what people who have studied scripture and the end times for their entire lives. He said that "Gog" will start the great war. He was asked if he knew who Gog is and he didn't hesitate saying it was Obama.
So one of the most mind blowing things he said is that the Moshiach will set his foot on the Mt of Olives and it will split in two. That perfectly aligns with the Second Coming of Jesus in Zechariah.
This video is very informative. I highly recommend watching or re-watching it. The pastor does a nice job of paraphrasing the whole vision
A few additional points I want to make. The vision happened in 2015. Scripture has multiple stories about 2 7 year periods including Joseph's dream of 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine. Another is Jacob's working for Laban for 7 years to marry the one he loved Rachel, but was given Leah instead. Then worked another 7 years to marry Rachel. Nathan says it all began on September 11th of 2015. That would mean the first 7 years end very soon and the 2nd 7 years would begin in 6 months, but could be any day including the Spring feasts.
Passover this year begins on April 15th and ends on April 22nd. Second Passover which is 30 days later, there is a total lunar eclipse--that's May 22nd. Given that the sun will be turned to darkness, the moon to blood, and the stars falling from the heavens before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord begins, this could be very important.
Steve M