Neil Lipken (27 Mar 2022)
"Year 2000 "On the Beach" movie------ made by an Australian film company."

This movie is a remake of the 1959 American made movie, "On the Beach", with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner.   I saw the original movie when I was 9 years old, and it had a profound effect upon me, and I believe it had a huge influence on my being born again 20 years later in 1979.

This version is a more modern version of the 1959 movie, and I believe it too is well worth watching!   At some point in these End Times will there be some type of nuclear war?   Well, I will answer that question with Scripture.

Zechariah 14:12 New American Standard Bible states, "Now this will be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem (Armageddon at the end of the 7 year Tribulation Period); THEIR FLESH WILL ROT WHILE THEY STAND ON THEIR FEET, AND THEIR EYES WILL ROT IN THEIR SOCKETS, AND THEIR TONGUE WILL ROT IN THEIR MOUTH."
This is precisely what happens in a nuclear blast.   The flesh is seared off the skeleton before the skeleton can fall over!   God can cause this to happen without  nuclear detonations, but in my personal opinion I do believe that nuclear weapons will be used at Armageddon.

Well, enjoy the movie if there is any such thing as enjoying a nuclear war movie!   LOL!   Oh, by the way, the Rapture will occur before there is any type of nuclear war.   Whew!   Scripture (not going through it here) is quite clear about that!


P.S.   Perhaps a little popcorn & Coke to go with the movie!   The movie is divided up into many segments, but one will follow another automatically as you watch.