Neil Lipken (13 Mar 2022)
"Former US Ambassador Says Putin Is Becoming 'Increasingly Unhinged'"

I believe the longer this war goes on, the more dangerous it becomes.   Should NATO intervene to a greater degree (weapons are already being sent to Ukraine from NATO), the war could spiral out of control.   Could this go to "sudden destruction" / Rapture?   Well, we don't know so we wait and watch.   The hour is late in these End Times.   Israel will turn 74 years old on May 14th, and we are the "generation" to see all end time events fulfilled!   At least 7 more years (the Tribulation Period after the Rapture leading to the Second Coming) are needed for "this generation".   Eventually Russia will move against Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39), but that is another story, too much to go into here.


P.S.   By the way, are all the churches these days delving heavily into a study of end time Bible prophecy?   Nope!   Why?  Go read Matthew 24:39!   That's why!   The Bible has an answer for every question!   It is the Word of God!