LadyWarrior (20 Mar 2022)
"Could It Be Said That The Majority Of The World Is Now United Behind One Man...?"


Peace and Blessings, John and Doves!


Without a doubt, we can literally see the Biblical prophetic puzzle pieces falling into place. Those of us who are WATCHING AND LOOKING for Jesus’ return see it all coming together. We know the birthpangs that the Bible lays out are playing out before our very eyes.

During a conversation this week my husband suddenly had a thought. As we prayerfully explored this thought he had, some very interesting details have come to light about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It’s quite interesting that the world is uniting behind this one man. Now, PLEASE understand- BY NO MEANS do I believe that Putin is in the right here! That’s not what ANY of this is about! War is NEVER good! And yet, we know that there will be wars and rumors of wars. But by and large, with a very few exceptions, most of the world is united behind Ukraine. When does this happen?! More specifically, when has the majority of the world been united about a specific person? And even more specifically, when has the world been united about a specific LEADER?


After my husband’s sudden thought, I started doing some digging, and what I came up with is quite astounding! I will send separate emails- puzzle pieces, if you will, with what I found.


Just a thought that we’ve been exploring the last couple of days…

Could it possibly be said….? that the majority of the world is now united behind one man- one leader: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

And it actually goes much further than that, as you will see in my next emails.


Lord Jesus, we are watching, and we are waiting. We are SO ANXIOUS for your return! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Please come quickly!!


At The Feet Of Jesus,

Lady Warrior