Kevin John (27 Mar 2022)
"Man Dies and God tells him about the rapture"

. Wayne Fowler died of a massive heart attack when he was 27 years old, just 7 days after he was born again. In heaven, he asked Jesus every question he could think of. He was not allowed to come back with all of what Jesus told him, but he did retain some things— one of them being that Jesus told him he is coming for His bride before the tribulation. The rapture is addressed at the 1:26 to 1:34 mark.
         While in heaven, He was also jallowed to see the crucifixion as it occurred. This is at the 1:14 to 1:21 mark on the video. It is worth listening to if you go to the YouTube link:    

The interview was on the “Deep Believer” YouTube channel that has a lot of great video interviews.

Kevin John