John G (20 Mar 2022)
"White Horse of the Apocalypse and Bow."


Hi my friend in Christ.  I camed across this video that got me thinking and asking a lot of questions about those things taught to me!!!  This video is the absolute best explanation I have heard about the White horseman and his bow!!!  In fact, I found the entire video to be the most intresting teaching I have ever heard!!!  Makes a lot of sense to me.

I have heard wy whole life I was created in the image of God, and I always had questions about that whole sceneario.  One  - If I were created in the image of the  Eternal exixting Jehovah God, why would I be in need of a a redeemer, in order to be reconcilled back to the Father?  If I were created in God's image would I not be perfect?  Second question - Why would the Eternal Existing Jehova God create a host body system that would  cause His only begotten Son to have to be born into His host body system, die a horrific death by crucifixion for something His Father created???  Doesn"t the bible teach us God hates images and Idols?  And isn't God an Energy?  How is it exactly that anyone can create and image of an Energy?  Christ said He and the Father are one, and the Holy Spirit is a Spirit, does he also have an image?  So who are they that said "Let us create man in our Image"  Something interesting in the Genesis one creation;

Genesie 1: 27  Notice how the language changed from let us create man in our own image, to
 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created "he him;" male and female created "he them."
Notice in this creation the little h in he and him. and who is the him in; created he him;

So we see that first, created he him; simi colon, created he them male and female!!  this creation states "them" as male and female created he them, at the same time!
In Genesis two, The Lord God said He FORMED man (ADAM) out of the dust of the earth and  breathed the breath of life into him, and the man (Adam)  became a living soul!!  Then later God said it wasn't good for the man to be alone, so he placed Adam in a deep sleep and removed a bone from his side and formed the woman (Hava) as his helpmeet,  Nothing said about forming man in His own image.  Of course!  God hates images and idols!!  This man was even given a name, is that because God wanted us to know what He formed is not the same as those created in Genesis one!!  My thoughts are God only ever formed one man (Adam).  Perhaps the very reason He came and was born into this system of a host body and was known as The Second Adam, to redeem us from what was created in Genesis one, because the first Adam failed.  One other thing to question.  If Adam and EVE were the only two this all  started with, what should that tell us???  Would tell me if they were the only two having children then those children would eventually have to be having sex with one another to populate this earth, or were they able to just go out into the world and mingle/marry into the populaton of the earth from Genesis one???   So The Wheat and The Tares grew together. 

God bless you Fay.  Wish I could write and state my ideas as you.  Nice job, I enjoy every writting.

John G.