John (13 Mar 2022)
"revelation logic seals bowls"

Hi John and doves,

I stumbled across this interesting site written in 2013 by a converted atheist trying to figure out revelation.

Very good bible based logic.
Sadly, for one like myself who hopes for a pre trib rapture,  this guy places the rapture about 80% into the 7 years.

Good bible logic though. 

The best part so far is his part about what to do during the tribulation when the antichrist is persecuting all the saints that are still here. Ie do what daniel did and try to follow Gods ways while you are stuck in babylon.

Links are to site map

The main overview which is that the seals cover the full 7 years 
The trumpets overlap and cover the last 3.5 years.
The bowls overlap a littlee bit but are basically the last 30 days.

Where is the rapture? 
Sadly he puts it near the end but very interesting research.

How to live within the tribulation