Gino (13 Mar 2022)
"RE: John B: 03.06.22: khazars"

The subject of the khazars has been a highly charged subject for some time.
First, please let me refer to what you had at the end of your first line: The truth will set you free.

Although Pilate asked, “What is truth?”, the scriptures give two answers, which are completely related:

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

The Word of God is truth, and the word of God is truth.
Jesus is the truth, and the Bible is the truth - the only truth to make us free.

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
  32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
  36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

The scriptures say “make" you free, rather then “set” you free.
Slaves that were “set” free, were free until someone took them again, but those that were “made” free, were freemen, with proof of their freedom.
Jesus and his word makes us free, which is far better than "set free", as "made free" has a sense of permanence to it.

However, to the subject of the Khazars, I had written something to Five Doves in late 2020, about the term synagogue of Satan:

Over the years, people have mentioned the Khazars, in relation to this.
However, when Jesus said this to the churches in Smyrna and Philadelphia, there was no kingdom of Khazars.
Jesus was not speaking of an entire kingdom, or ethnic group of people.
He was speaking about people who came from one place, not a country, but a single synagogue.
However, Jesus said this single synagogue was the synagogue of Satan.
Also, that the people of that single synagogue were not even Jews anyway, but lied about it.
So, to try to say that Jesus was only "prophetically speaking", about a yet future kingdom of Khazars,
that Jesus was trying to warn, that in the future, Holocaust survivors would not be Jews, but Khazars,
is such wickedness, straight from the heart of the dragon, that would even shock mediaeval inquisitors.
I would challenge anyone who believes this Khazar doctrine, to fast and pray, water only, for a week,
set apart from the world, with only their Bible to read,
and ask Jesus to show them solely from the scriptures, whether this is so.
No one ever got this Khazar doctrine from the scriptures, but rather, first heard it from an outside source.
In Genesis 3, Eve heard an outside source, that she chose to believe.

This is because I had heard and read some people trying to show that the synagogue of Satan referred to the people currently living in Israel.
They claimed that modern Israelites were not even Jews, but were Khazars, false Jews from Russia and Ukraine.
They, of course, like holocaust deniers, had some writings that they said proved all this.
They tied this to world bankers because the Rothchilds were Jewish, and also somehow included freemasons, and satanic societies.
It was as bizarre as reading The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, which is was one of the most horrific things written against the Jews.
I was sent that many years ago, when the John Birch Society used to send material to me, which I asked them to stop.
There were some podcasts that I used to listen to all the time, but they suddenly started saying all these terrible things about the Jews.
I was unable to bear listening to them anymore, and stopped subscribing, though I don’t know if they still say those things, now, a couple years later.
The saddest thing, is that Christians get caught up in these kinds of things.
This is after they hear or read things from extra-biblical sources.
If all one would read is the scriptures, they wouldn’t come to the conclusion that modern Israelites are fake Jews from Ukraine and Russia.

For centuries, people, nations, and even churches, have persecuted Jews, blaming them for all kinds of things, seizing their goods, and even killing them.
It even seems that Matthew 25 possibly describes Jesus judging nations based on hoe they treat the Jews, particularly during the tribulation.
Nations that will act like Germany did, 80 years ago, will be in big trouble, after Jesus returns.