The largest of the Biblical Gog-Magog coalition of armies , ie, Russia and Iran , are preparing for the soon to come Gog-Magog War against Israel. The thing that caused the defeat of both Germany and Japan in the Second World War was a shortage of both oil and food to fuel and feed their respective armies. The turning point for both Germany and Japan from aggression to retreat was a shortage of both fuel and food in the European theater and the Pacific theater of war. There is no such shortage of oil and fuel for either Russia or Iran ; they are both oil exporters to the world.
The Ukraine is the "breadbasket" of the European Continent. With control of Ukraine the Gog-Magog Armies will then be in possession and control of all the food and fuel they need for war with Israel without the danger of either of them being cut-off by any other country. In addition to their self-sufficient supplies of both food and fuel, Russia also has the largest supply of nuclear weapons of any country on earth. By the taking of Ukraine the stage is now set for the next war to be the Biblical Gog-Magog War against Israel. Watch for it because it will be coming soon, but don't take my word for it because you can read all about it in
( Ezekiel 38:15-23 ).
Guess what Scripture says follows "immediately after" those days of the Gog-Magog War of tribulation upon Israel ? ( Matthew 24:29-31 )
According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !